Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

Quest 20- Golden Hind

Running on the rooftop, Cirrus's first stop was the guards around the residential area.

‘First, I need to get rid of their leverage on the people.’

Arriving near the area, Cirrus used the speed he was running to leap and land on the wall, where several of the guards patrolled the area.

He took out the shield and smiles a bit.

“Time to learn how to shield bash.”

Holding the shield in his right arm, he rushed along the wall using his speed.

‘Found two!’

Running at full speed, he throws the shield bashing one guard to the ground, the other quickly turns around and was about to yell before Cirrus got to him and punched him in the throat.


And knocking him out with a strong kick to the balls, his eyes turned white as he fell to the floor.

“Sorry dude.”

He then picks up his shield and quickly runs to the other guards.

Within 30 minutes, Cirrus took them all out and went on to the next target of the barracks.

“Hahaha! So then I punched her, and she fell on her own damn sword! you should have seen her face!!” shouted one of the Familia members.

‘Geezus, that’s horrible… welp time to poison them.’

Having lived with Lenoa all his life, he naturally picked up a few of her brewing books and, with some of her help, he could make odorless gas.

“Hope none of them have a high immunity rank.”

Cirrus waited 20 minutes since that was how long the poison takes to take effect. Covering his mouth, he opens the door to find all of them out cold.

“Heh… lucky me.”

He disengages his armor and takes out another of his inventions.

“I really hope to Christ what they did in Okami is how fireworks actually work. (Exousía, Adorn: Stymphalian).”

A white feathered mantle came and equipped itself to Cirrus with an avian head covering his own. As it does, it turns rustic as if it was left outside in the rain for years, gaining rust.

Click! Click!

His eyes could see a star far off in the distance.

“Ugh… it's still a pain in the ass.”

With all of his strength, he throws it high into the air and picks up a torch, and throws it like a spear at the firework, causing it to explode in a fire typical of a gunpowder-based explosion.

“Ah, man… I could do better.” He disengages the armor and puts back on his previous one, running towards the Familia’s home.


High in the air many could see a loud explosion in the air, Lugh and the others quickly told them it was time, they armed themselves and fought back, and the guards were heavily outnumbered by level 1’s and 2’s. it didn’t help that a fire started at the home.

“Fire! Fire!” shouted one of the Familia members shouting in their Familia home.

“Shit! How did this fire start!!” said another.

“Where the hell are those idiots in the barracks!!” shouted another.

Walking nonchalantly through the Familia’s home was Cirrus, with his sword drawn as well as his shield, in a corridor next to the open garden.

“Have to hurry and find— “As Cirrus was walking, he found 3 people running across the garden. “Look at that… it's my lucky day.” He throws his shield, bashing one of them to the ground as Cirrus quickly rushed the other.


The other man quickly found Cirrus and drew his sword and clashed with Cirrus.



“Who the fuck are you?” he shouted. “Lord Chernobog, go on ahead! Hey asshole!” he shouted at the man laying on the floor with a shield next to him but to no response. “Tch! What luck!”

Cirrus turns his head to see Chernobog, a god with blood-red divinity with hair and eyes to match.

“So you must be the captain Rolf, yes? This is my first time seeing you. You lot don’t go out very much, do you?”

“Shut up, you deer!!” he then pushed Cirrus off a bit to go for another swing.

Cirrus easily parries the strike and cuts Rolf’s hand clean off.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” he screamed out. “YOU FUCKING DEEEEEEER!!!!!!!!!!!” he shouted.

“Mm…” Cirrus turns to Chernobog, now a bit scared and intrigued.

“M-my, what impressive sword skills do you have? Tell me who sent you? It must have been Freya, right? Or was it Loki?”

“Neither.” He picks up his shield and walks toward Chernobog.

“Come now, child you can at least tell me your name? So I can KIL— !!”

Before he can even finish, Cirrus was simply a shield bashed up with an uppercut, knocking him out.

Haaa… I suggest you remain here unless you really wanna die.” Cirrus said to Rolf before picking up Chernobog and leaving quickly.

“T-that damn fucking deer! I-ill kills him… and save you…” he then passed out from blood loss.


Up in the skies of Solingen, through the smoke, one could see a white deer with golden antlers with a trail of flowing red behind it lit up by the full moon.

"Oooh..." This sight amazed many.

Cirrus lands back on the ground where Lugh came up to him.

"It's done," Cirrus said.

"I can see." Lugh looks at Chernobog knocked out.

"Do you have a barrel or something? I need to get going."

"So early? I thought you would wish to stay and celebrate this great day!"

"There are more people out there, like Solingen."

"You are a very responsible person. It's very unlike a child your age should be." Lugh makes a slight, glum expression.

"Tough times Lord Lugh. Do you have a barrel?"

"I do."

Soon after he got his barrel and put Chernobog inside it, Cirrus took his leave while the city celebrates.

"To freedom!!!"


After this night many who visit began to see gilded antlers in the city and from it, they found it as a sign of great fortune and prosperity, when asked the reason the locals simply say a Golden Hind was spotted in the city which brought good fortune.

Only a handful of gods knew who the Golden Hind was.

As per Cirrus’s request, he asked them not to speak of his identity, but Lugh wished that one day when he returns, they would welcome him for ridding the city of trouble. Cirrus agreed with that and soon took Chernobog to Melen while the city of Solingen dealt with the leftovers, giving information to pass on to Hermes in Melen.

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