Daqin started with offering immortal medicine

Page 24

Xiang Liang nodded: "Let's go back to Chu, take advantage of the beginning of the reform and start trouble as soon as possible!"

Chapter 22 God and Man

When Li Yang returned to the Prime Minister's Mansion, it was almost dusk.

Meng Yi, Feng Jie and the others had already been waiting in the meeting hall with the law bamboo scrolls that had already been edited. Your request, the revised [-] laws, do you see if it is suitable?"

"Well, good, let's take a look at the residence first!"

Li Yang was very happy to see a stack of bamboo scrolls piled up on the case, and then picked them up one by one to look them up.

This time, Li Yang was very satisfied. Although the revised law was still much stricter than the laws of later generations, it was considered a relatively loose law in this era.

Li Yang also knows that strict laws also have advantages, and blindly relaxing them will do more harm than good in this era.After all, even food and clothing cannot be solved in this world today. If the law is too loose, it is inevitable that some people will break the law for money and food.

For example, for robbery, the old Qin law was a decisive decision.However, the revised law has changed to robbery of money. If the amount is small, it will be punished with imprisonment or corvée for three to seven years. If the amount is large, it will be punished with imprisonment or corvée for seven to 15 years, or the death penalty.

For another example, if an errand is delayed, the old Qin law is to make a decision and to sit again.In the revised law, it becomes a delay in sending orders. Those with minor consequences will be punished with thirty sticks, and those with serious consequences will be sentenced to imprisonment or corvee for one to seven years.

Another example is that military affairs are delayed, and the old Qin law is also decisive and even sitting.The revised law has changed to imprisonment or corvée for three to ten years if the consequences are mild, and the death penalty if the consequences are serious.

In this way, all crimes have a classification, and there is no need for everyone to sit together, and the consequences of the crimes are used to determine the conviction and sentencing. This is exactly what Li Yang wants. penalty requirements.

Li Yang remembered that the reason why Liu Bang rebelled was because the delivery of the servants had not yet arrived, and they knew that even if they continued to send them there, they would die, and everyone, including the servants, would sit together, so they simply hid in Mount Mangdang. to go.

There are also Chen Sheng and Wu Guang. Because of the rain, the conscription team led by them could not arrive as scheduled. They were afraid of being punished by the military law of the Qin Dynasty, so their 900-member team rebelled in Daze Township, Qi County. Overturned.

All of these are all caused by the joint law of the old laws of the Great Qin Dynasty and the lack of classification of conviction and sentencing.

However, according to the current revised law, the continuous sitting is canceled, and the method of convicting and sentencing according to the consequences of behavior is implemented, so even if Chen Sheng and Wu Guang want to rebel, it is impossible for the nine hundred brothers under him to follow. The crime is the leader of the team, and the people below are at best a misdemeanor, so they won't be forced to rebel together.Maybe, even if Chen Sheng and Wu Guang wanted to rebel, the hundreds of brothers below would tie them up to claim credit instead.

"Okay, that's right, the law revised by Lord Meng this time coincides with the original intention of the government. Minor crimes are lightly punished, serious crimes are severely punished, and the new Qin law should be like this!" Li Yang continued reading. Meng Yi and the others were very satisfied with the [-] articles of criminal law they revised, and couldn't help praising them.

He really didn't expect that Meng Yi would realize the true meaning of this law reform so quickly, and he was very pleasantly surprised.

The officials of the Tingwei Office breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this, and Meng Yi was also very happy, saying: "It's all because of your lord's sentence, 'If you didn't do something harmful to the world, you should leave a way to survive', the official finally got a conviction. The general direction of sentencing, since the adults feel that such a sentencing is appropriate, then we will revise the rest of the old law according to this standard."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, my lord and all your lords." Li Yang nodded, very happy, it seems that there has been a unified thought on the revision of the law, which is very rare.

"My lord, what about the "Administrative Law" revised by Yushitai?" Feng Jie asked impatiently.

Li Yang picked up the revised "Administrative Law" and looked it up, then frowned.

"My lord, what's the problem?" Feng Jie couldn't help feeling bad when he saw Li Yang's expression.

Sure enough, Li Yang couldn't stand it any longer, threw the bamboo scroll on the desk, and said, "Master Feng, you can't fix this "Administrative Law". Law, you only convict crimes such as corruption, rebellion, laziness, falsification, and false reporting. How is this different from the "Criminal Law" compiled by the Ting Wei Department? What you want to compile is the "Administrative Law"! "

"This... this, we amended it according to the old supervision law. My lord said that the old law will be relaxed, so..." Feng Jie was a little confused.

Li Yang sighed: "Master Feng, the difference between the "Administrative Law" and the "Criminal Law" is that the "Administrative Law" regulates the behavior of the government and officials and restricts their rights. Except for what is written in the "Administrative Law", other But the "Criminal Law" is just the opposite, except for what is written in the law, everything else can be done. I wonder if Mr. Feng understands it?"

"Except for what is written in the "Administrative Law", nothing else can be done..."

Feng Jie muttered something, and then his eyes lit up, and he was immediately awakened by this sentence.

In the past, officials were impeached for inaction, breaking the law, corrupting ink, falsification, false reporting, delay in government affairs, and mistakes in government affairs. In other words, it was the law of supervision in the past. The same nature, that is, except for the few crimes they cannot commit, other things are left to them.

There is a huge difference between what you can only do and what you cannot do!

As the censor doctor who is responsible for supervising all officials, what he does is to supervise all officials. Naturally, when he thinks about it, he can understand the great role of the two in regulating and restricting power. Power is drawn in a circle, and everything outside the scope of responsibility will be restricted.

After understanding the true meaning of the "Administrative Law", Feng Jie suddenly had a feeling of seeing the sun behind the clouds, and at the same time he was extremely shocked.

He really didn't expect that Li Yang could come up with such a perfect monitoring method.In particular, the analysis of the meaning of the difference between the law of supervision and the criminal law is even more innovative, which makes people suddenly enlightened and enlightened.

genius!He is simply a god!

What Feng Jie admired was that the whole person almost knelt down. The emperor abolished enfeoffments, set up prefectures and counties, and set up systems such as Sangong, Jiuqing, Yushi, and Tingwei in the court. All these are for the purpose of centralizing power and controlling all levels of the world. The government and officials should prevent the power of officials from overflowing, and prevent officials from all over the country from sitting alone and losing control. Isn't the purpose of Li Yang's "Administrative Law" to perfectly restrict the power of government officials from all over the country?

Feng Jie couldn't believe that Li Yang came up with such a perfect strategy to restrict power so easily.

This strategy is not something you can come up with just by knowing how to check and balance power.Li Si is proficient in power tactics, but can he come up with such a perfect strategy to restrict power?

And as a doctor of imperial history, he was in charge of supervising all officials, so he also couldn't think of such a complete power restriction strategy.

Li Zhongcheng is really a god!

While Feng Jie was admiring in his heart, he even wondered if it was true that Li Yang claimed to be a disciple of the gods in the Qilin Temple that day?

Chapter 23 Unfortunately

Of course, Li Yang's views on the difference between the "Administrative Law" and the "Criminal Law" also enlightened other officials in the chamber, and the measures to restrict the government and officials are suddenly enlightened...

Not only the officials of the Yushitai realized the brilliance of the "Administrative Law", but even the officials of the Tingwei Office immediately saw that Li Yang's "Administrative Law" had a great effect on restricting power. It is unmatched by any supervision law in the past!

They, the ministers in charge of law and politics, were really shocked. How could Li Yang come up with such a perfect set of power control techniques at such a young age?

In particular, his phrase "what you can only do and what you cannot do" perfectly interprets the essential difference between the "Administrative Law" and the "Criminal Law".

Wonderful, really wonderful!

A group of ministers in charge of law and politics all looked at Li Yang with admiration at this time.

Although they were forced by this guy to revise the law here, and might even be implicated and punished for this reform, they really admire Li Yang's talent, and they feel inferior to them for their understanding and application of the law. .

"Why do you all look at this mansion so strangely?" Li Yang raised his head, but saw that the group of people below were all staring at him, and immediately felt like a flower girl, being looked at all over. uneasy.

"Zhongcheng, when did you come up with this..."Administrative Law"?" Feng Jie asked hastily after recovering from the shock.

He was really curious, how much energy and painstaking effort would it take to come up with such a perfect set of royal power techniques?

Not only him, but everyone present couldn't wait to know the answer.

Li Yang snorted, and said, "I just figured it out a few days ago."

"What?" Feng Jie and the others were stunned and booed each other!

Such a perfect technique of restricting power, he actually... only took a few days to figure it out!

Do you want to be so exaggerated?

They all have a feeling of wanting to die now. Why is there such a big difference between people?

"Why, is there something wrong?" Li Yang frowned when he saw this group of people getting nervous.

A group of people waved their hands quickly: "No, there is nothing wrong with it, but it is so wonderful, we are all amazed!"

Meng Yi still didn't forget to add: "Especially the sentence of your lord, 'What is not written in the "Administrative Law", you can't do it at all."

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