Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 56: Trouble at the restaurant… Like always


Feeling better than yesterday which is good; mental health is important and I recommend all of you take care of yourselves more even if you think yourself in a good place mentally right now as you never know when you'll crack. Speaking of crack... There is two people who keep subscribing then unsubscribing from my patreon before the end of the month so I feel like I should tell you that you're not very funny; you have been called out.

Anyway, enjoy~♥


At this point Kitty was beginning to believe it was her role in the world to be stuck in awe whenever Violet was around.

Her awe this time wasn’t towards anything to do with violence this time as Violet’s group as well as her were now sitting inside the restaurant the kitten now owned. Contrary to expectations the place wasn’t empty however it was easy to tell people were on edge especially since the group hadn’t chosen a private room. Instead a few of the most intimidating shadow guards did their duty in a more ‘public’ fashion as they stood surrounding their leaders (+Qin & Kitty).

Many young cultivators couldn’t help having their interest peeking in on the powerful squad that had been rumoured to put down a certain troublesome oni. That wasn’t something that was even difficult to see as Violet had carelessly thrown Vanta - who was still out cold - at the side of their table which was facing the doorway. Didn’t help that she just so happened to be viewable between the six person encirclement of the Orchid guards.

On top of all that one had to admit that the party of 5 between the guards were also quite eye-catching with Ashue being a jade haired beauty… One who was fondling an unconscious slate blue haired Slate who’s back was placed against the tortoise’ chest. All the while the grey haired grey-hound was kneeling upon the seat, over the other two women, meeting face to face with the pale Slate to give her little pecks upon her lips.

That wasn’t even talking about Kitty herself having bright white hair with black spots while Violet was the biggest sinner of all. There is possibly no greater fashion to stand out in a crowd than having bright purple hair inside a place where most had long black or brown hair. Violet also of course had that aura of hers bursting with demonic qi unlike any demonic qi even experts in demonic cultivation/slaying will have experienced.

Although she was certainly one of the strongest people to have ever existed within any of the realms or even outside of them… She certainly didn’t bother with anything as unneeded as strength thus let her strength kind of just ‘hang out there’ letting the world know she was in fact a demon. Though assuming she was ‘a demon’ was also a mistake that would lead to a quick death in a fight since she was in fact ‘the demon’.

Luckily for these young people who would make up the foundation for the future of the empire they had to walk down the street. If it wasn’t thanks to seeing the kind of devastation caused by the group they may be foolish enough to attack Violet - anyone can figure out how that would go based on pattern recognition nevertheless her violence loving personality. The natural result of that was the cultivators glaring at the demoness/oni yet not willing to be the first one to say anything in fear of becoming the next…

<I can’t remember any of the cultivators that were killed nya… Oh well~nya!>

It was not just Violet who was gaining attention since the display of two women ganging up on another unconscious woman had essentially three reactions. The first of which was to show great interest in the ideal form of love while the second was to find it unfitting to do it in this sort of place while she was unconscious. As for the last group; they were the usual bigots and were the most numerous in number since this empire seemed to almost be developed to create such despicable people en masse…

Such a realisation did bring many questions to the kitty’s head yet she quickly shook them away as none of that was the real reason for why she was in awe. All that was to be expected in some aspect or another as it all came back to a previous trait the group had shown. Of course Violet stood out, of course Ashue was being perverted, of course {The Orchid} was loyal and of course the humans didn’t like the non-humans.

What was really awe inspiring was…

Just how gosh darn cute Violet was when using a pair of chopsticks to eat formly.

Then again it wasn’t just that she was cute (she was always cute) yet she also showed unparalleled skill and grace. It was to such a high-level you would never expect from someone who practically marketed themself as being the most firm believer in the phrase ‘if brute force isn’t solving your problems you don’t have enough of it’. More so when Kitty had already seen that Violet indeed had enough brute force to solve any problems.

Her every movement seemed to have purpose as she moved them down to the succulent high-quality bird that still steamed with the heat. Such heat obviously wasn’t a concern to her as she picked bits of flesh off with absolute ease (she can punch a man into vapour let alone tear off some flesh) in order to eat. Every single piece of meat she gathered would always be essentially the same weight as the last.

Every single time she pulled away some bird it was never too large yet also never too small which even included when she was picking at the bird's bone. Apparently from her eye she quite enjoyed eating the bone though one could see the questioning looks on the surrounding as she tore apart the bone of a qi-consolidation beast with some wooden chopsticks. They were of course Violet’s very own home-brought that radiated with demonic qi.

These chopsticks, if given a rating, would easily be divine-ranked due to being made from the finest craftsmen from the strongest tempered woods in the {Demon Realm}. A wonderful product that was requested from Chokin-Bako as a gift for the Demon Empress at one of the many {Shumatsu Banquets} held. Just a simple get together for beings related to Violet in order to discuss matters of concern for the future of themselves & eachother which usually just fell to pandering Violet’s whims.

After gaining a piece of bird she would dip it into several different sauces, just enough to get just the right amount of sauce, upon it. Originally she had tried different mixes of the sauces but after trying each and every method in an orderly fashion she had chosen the current selection after much deliberation as her preferred method of consumption. Only after doing that did she drop the food into her mouth with a cute face; the only place her table manners fell was the happy moaning she did in response to enjoying herself.

With how loud she was it wasn’t surprising she gained a few more people glaring at her yet she didn’t give a single care about that. Meanwhile the pair getting frisky begin to discuss their future plans while letting Kitty admire Violet as she enjoys herself… Though it wasn’t going well due to Ashue being involved.

“So *chu* what are we planning to do after this boss?” <Qin>

“No clue at all; I usually just let Slate give all the orders hohoho~! “<Ashue>

“Then what are we going to do… *chu*” <Qin>

“I just told you I have no clue~” <Ashue>

“I see…” <Qin>

All the while Ashue was still having her hands fondle the non-existent chest of Slate while Qin softly pressed her lips against Slate’s before pulling away quickly. Whenever the tortoise spoke up the little greyhound couldn’t help but have her ears drop yet as soon as she pressed her lips against the oni’s they quickly stood alert though. That tail of course never resisted a chance to wag.

Either way it didn’t change the fact they had no plan with no Slate since she was the only one keeping this ship together whenever violence wasn’t required. On top of that the other advisor was good at looking pretty, taking hits and making formations while on the other side thinking was probably her weakest ability. Knowing this even the other Orchid members who were hidden within the shadows couldn’t help but let out sighs.

That would be that if the shadow guards weren’t so plentiful that they pretty much filled the entire building resulting in everyone located inside being straddle. They couldn’t help looking around at the sudden sound of sighing from just about everywhere around them all at approximately the same time. The result obviously wasn’t promising as they stood basically no chance of finding the expert shadow guards even when some of the richer patrons had their own shadow guards attempt to search for Violet’s.

This all accumulated when someone finally got sick of Violet’s rather loud reactions to her surprisingly quiet eating.

“Would you sto-!” <Girl>

“NAHR!” <Violet>

As if she was simply waiting for it Violet reacted instant as she lifted the entire large bird with her divine-ranked chop-sticks before flinging it at the girl. The girl who appeared to be a cultivator as foundation formation with a sword at her waist didn’t have time to react before the greasy carcass collided with her face. The force behind it sending her tumbling to the floor with a bloody nose Violet obviously ignored as she stood up and walked towards the exit

Although that wasn’t the end of it as she grabbed a battle of wine on the way out and proceeded to neck; not paying attention as the white wine poured out from the sides of her mouth freely.

Everyone in the restaurant obviously couldn’t help pause while watching the girl walk out the room after one-shotting what should’ve been a respected individual with a bird carcass. They didn’t do anything about it though since she had, once again, one shot a foundation formation expert with a half eaten bird. It was only breakfast so they were unsure why she was even eating something so heavy!

Seeing Violet vanish the rest of her party quickly scrambled to catch up while leaving the still unconscious Vanta at the foot of the table.

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