Delayed Transfer

Chapter 336

Mark contemplated how the twins boasted their storage rings and the items they could retrieve from them and had an epiphany that their behavior was exactly like his. He realized that he was stupidly proud of that. The fact that he would still need to talk to the twins regarding who they could show off was important but he still couldn’t deny the fact that he was touched that the twins imitated him and might have done so subconsciously.

The problem was that kind of behavior could invite unsavory people who would do anything to steal their treasure and that would endanger their lives. Mark then thought that it would be essential for him to continue grinding for items from the bosses in his dungeon so he could find some items that would help him protect the twins in case something villainous eyed their possessions.

He could follow Hamil’s advice of not letting the twins have anything that could be construed as valuable treasures but he couldn’t make himself take back the Legendary Twin Rings from them.

After a pause in the twins’ and Nicholas’s conversation, Mark told the toy maker that he would like to purchase the exquisite doll that Liriel had taken a fancy to.

“Nicholas, I would like to purchase this for our little princess.”

The toymaker looked abashedly for forgetting his customers and was a bit embarrassed at talking to children extensively regarding their toys and the movies that the twins were talking about.

Nicholas then asked Mark if they would like the doll to be wrapped but since was holding onto it, he declined.

“I apologize for forgetting about you. Your brothers are good storytellers and I received a lot of inspiration from their toys. I wish I could see the show about which they were talking.”

“The circus did set up a theater and I think they will be showing two movies. I recommend that you watch them and maybe you will receive further inspiration from them. My assistants are also selling some unique items conjured by yours truly so I recommend that you check them as well although, if you want to purchase items I suggest that you do so as early as possible since my items are truly popular and you may find that they are all sold out once you arrived there.”

“Thank you, I will go ahead and close the shop after you leave and head directly to the circus!” The toymaker said.

“Check out Yoda too, our dragon. You and Mark, funny saying that name since it’s the same as our brother, can ride Yoda. It’s very fun!” Isaac said.

The twins then chose a couple of toys each they fancied from the toymaker shop. Mark saw that Isaac chose to purchase toys that looked like a dragon with movable wings and a toy adventurer and when you placed both toys together, it would look like the adventurer was fighting the dragon. Aaron chose the cart being pulled by horses and the details on the toys were exquisite and all the parts of the cart were movable. The toy horses were exquisite as well with their flowing mane that really looked like hair.

It did cost Mark a lot of coins but honestly, gold to him was like dirt since he could replicate it anytime.

Once all of their purchases were done, the twins stored their new toys in their rings but they kept looking at the different toys inside the shop. Nicholas and his grandson excused themselves and told Mark that they would prepare themselves and then close down the shop to go the circus.

“It would be so easy to steal things with our rings!” Isaac said to his brother.

“Yes, it would but we will not do that since we’re not thieves!” Aaron replied.

Mark smiled when he heard the twins' conversation and didn’t interrupt them checking out the different toys in the shop. When Nicholas and his grandson returned, they all went outside the shop and the toymaker and his grandson headed to the circus while Mark and the children continued their tour of the town.

Mark was delighted when he saw a clothing specialty shop that catered to children so they all headed directly inside it even though the twins were complaining that they didn’t want to look at clothes.

They were greeted by a pair of beautiful women, one was older than the other and Mark surmised that they were mother and daughter.

“Hello, how can we help you?” The older woman asked while looking at the children.

“I would like to purchase several clothes for all three of my siblings. I would like to have at least five clothes for Liriel that she could wear now and more that she could wear when she outgrew the clothes that we purchased. The same thing with my brothers.”

“My, that’s a big order. I highly recommend that you only purchase a couple of each for the kids and let me customize the clothes for the rest. How long will you be staying in town?”

Mark was taken aback. He thought that it would be very simple to just purchase a lot of clothes for the children but it was more complex than he had expected.

“Okay, I’ll follow your recommendation. We’ll be staying in town for three days. Regarding the customization, can you go to the circus and look for Milena? She’s my assistant and would greatly assist you in completing our order.”

The tailor for children's clothes agreed and then she chose some clothes for Liriel and the twins. After storing the clothes in his inventory, they all continued their tour but this time they specifically searched for a restaurant where they could eat a meal and were pointed to a cozy small café. The café sells sweet bread and tea.

The food and drink that they ate at the café were delicious so the twins didn’t embarrass Mark by pointing out to the owner of the café who was serving them that his food was more delicious, which was what they usually did when they ate outside. He was guessing that the pretty owner who had large breasts made the twins shy that’s why they were unusually quiet.

The twins’ shyness didn’t last long since the café owner was very friendly and soon the twins were inviting the woman to the circus to check out the theater and Yoda and even Milena’s stall.

Mark was a bit alarmed that the twins were not recommending the other shows in the circus like the acrobatic show by the acrobat brothers, Lorendo the magician’s magic acts, Zenethor’s collection of mythical animals, the circus theater troupe play, and all of the others.

That was another thing that he would need to discuss with the twins. To not forget the growing list of things that he needed to talk to Isaac and Aaron, Mark retrieved his smartphone from his inventory and started creating a list on a notepad app. He didn’t notice that the pretty café owner was staring at his smartphone but when the twins saw the beautiful lady’s interest, the twins talked about Mark’s devices at her.

When he completed writing the list on the notepad, Mark saw that the lady café owner was now especially respectful to him and when he looked at the twins, Isaac immediately told him that he told the pretty lady that he was a powerful wizard.

Mark rolled his eyes at the twins then paid the café owner and said their goodbyes.

It was getting late so Mark and the children went home to the circus to rest and prepare for dinner.

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