Delayed Transfer

Chapter 371

The next day, Rendira arrived after breakfast so the kids' tutoring session began. Mark joined Milena and the others in the second RV to replicate the items they would sell later since he would join Hamil later in going to the palace to set up the theater so the nobles and officials could watch the Star Wars films then he went back to his RV to watch the kids being tutored while waiting for Hamil.

Rendira was annoyed at him though since the children were distracted by his presence but he ignored the children’s tutor since he would be gone in a few minutes anyway.

Lisa would be watching the twins and Liriel while Mark and the others go to the palace and Mark already informed the children of that. He was glad but slightly sad that the children were beginning to not become so clingy towards him, particularly Liriel.

Hamil arrived at around eight in the morning.

“Mark, come on. We’re going to the palace now. Are all the equipment ready?”

“Why are you so early? I thought we would be leaving around nine or ten?”

“The film showing would start at eleven in the morning and I want to make sure that everything was set up perfectly.”

When Mark exited the RV to follow Hamil, he saw a few people join them so there were about six people in the group including him, Hamil, and Nedertu.

They walked towards where the palace was located and it wasn’t hard to deduce where it was since all the main roads of the city would lead to it and the largest road was the main road. Even though the Plaza of Laughter was near the center of the city of Narcone, it still took them around thirty minutes to reach the palace.

Instead of heading directly to the main gate, Hamil led the group towards the back and Mark assumed that it was where gates the service people used and Mark was correct. A small gate that was manned by a couple of guards awaited them at the back. The small gate wasn’t even the main back gate that the palace servants were using.

“This is the gate that the people from the city used when somebody from the palace hired them for anything,” Hamil told Mark.

Mark, Hamil, and the others followed one of the guards who was leading them inside the palace. The guard brought them to an old man who looked like a butler. The old butler then led them further inside the palace until they reached the part of the palace that was extremely luxurious.

The furniture was elegant, the floors were a combination of carpets and some sort of expensive-looking stone like marble or some such thing. There were statues in the halls, paintings on the walls, magic lamps, and more.

Every place Mark turned his eyes to, something was interesting and showed extreme wealth. He wasn’t surprised though that no one in his small group was gaping like a rube. Mark knew that the circus people were experienced people. They were artist who knew how to behave wherever you brought them, be it the most luxurious of palaces or the dingiest tavern. They were professionals to the core.

The butler led them to a fairly large room with its floor covered in lush thick carpet and seats were already arranged. There were about sixty seats and the temperature in the room was already controlled. There was a small stage in front of the seats.

Surprisingly, the butler stayed as if the man was afraid to leave them alone in the room for they might steal the silverware, Mark thought.

“I will be staying here in case you need assistance from me,” The butler said as if answering Mark’s unspoken comment.

Mark then provided the blackout cloth that would act as the screen for the projector to Hamil and the group worked quickly to set it up. Then Mark led Nedertu to the small balcony where they would place the generator. He covered it with a generator cover muffler and it basically eliminated any noise coming out from the generator. He then provided Nedertu with the electric extension that would allow them to connect the projector, laptop, and speakers to the generator.

Since they brought nothing with them, the butler was surprised at how Mark conjured the things they needed and he could understand that since storage items were relatively expensive and not anyone could own one.

After everything was set up, the only thing they needed to do was to test the equipment so Hamil asked the butler where the light controls were and then the butler said the magic command that would turn off the lights, Hamil played the Star Wars trailer first so they could adjust the focus and the sound.

When everything was set up to Hamil’s satisfaction, he turned off the lights with a command and checked if the screen was clear and it was. The sound was crisp and everything was to perfection.

Mark was impressed with the makeshift theater since the seats were comfortable, the temperature was perfect and there was even a small breeze coming in from somewhere, more than likely some sort of a magic rune, and the lights could be turned off once when needed.

Hamil and the others smiled contently and they kept saying that they were sure that the nobles and officials would enjoy the movie screening.

They completed everything at around nine-thirty in the morning and that meant they would have to wait an hour and a half before the movie showing would start.

“Have you had breakfast?” Mark asked Hamil and the others and only Nedertu nodded.

Mark then retrieved a table and chairs that would fit all of them and replicated some pizzas and cans of beer. They invited the butler to join them and surprisingly, the butler did. While they were eating, they kept the movie trailers running in the background looping on and the butler was watching it.

“Are you showing the unique shows already?” The butler asked while eating a pizza slice.

“No. Those are called movie trailers. The shows are called movies and that small video is a form of advertisement to entice customers to watch the whole film,” Hamil answered.

After a few minutes of watching the trailers, the butler then said that the movie trailers were successful since he was truly enticed to watch the movies.

“Are you going to watch the movie with the nobles later?” Mark asked the butler.

“No sir. Once the showing starts, the only people that would remain here are the nobles and officials.”

“Well you can always watch the movies in the circus,” Mark said to comfort the butler and the old man just smiled.

Once they were done eating, Mark stored the table and chairs that he conjured and kept the trash away. Hamil turned off the trailer and waited for the movie screening to start.

Surprisingly, at around ten minutes before eleven, people who were wearing luxurious clothes entered the room. Mark was actually expecting the nobles and officials to arrive late. He then saw Arissa accompanying an older couple he assumed as her parents.

At exactly eleven in the morning, everyone was seated and waited for Hamil to start. To be honest, Mark was a bit impressed by the nobles' and officials' behavior since it was contrary to what he was expecting.

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