Delayed Transfer

Chapter 377

Mark and Hamil were inside Arissa’s father, Count De Normune’s office. It was the first meeting that Hamil scheduled for Mark, which basically went as he expected. The count offered Mark an ungodly amount of coins to become Arissa’s family’s retainer, which would primarily handle the family’s source of entertainment. If one disregarded the incredible wealth that was being offered which was negligible to Mark due to his ability to copy non-magical things, the position was degrading.

Even Hamil was a bit taken aback considering Mark was a powerful mage. Mark still treated the count respectfully solely for Arissa’s sake but he was truly tempted to just leave the place without talking to the noble anymore.

It felt to Mark like he was this normal average person who was suddenly proposed to become a rich man’s concubine.

He was firm in his reply that he wouldn’t be leaving the circus and intended to travel the world amidst the entertainment group. He also informed the count firmly that his reply to all other offers would be the same regardless of what the offer was.

“That was degrading. Are all the officials and nobles that wanted to talk to me the same?” Mark asked Hamil when they left Arissa’s father’s mansion.

“Unfortunately, it would be the case but we still have to meet with those people since they’re very important,” Hamil answered.

“No. I don’t want to meet with them,” Mark said firmly.

Hamil sighed and told Mark that he would meet with those people so Mark directly left to back to the circus. Mark thought that Hamil should be able to handle those annoying meeting requests since it’s his job. He was sure that even the elven sisters wouldn’t allow others to treat them so disgracefully.

When he arrived back in his RV, he informed Milena that he would leave for the day as usual and would be back during dinner time so Mark left and entered his dungeon.

He needed to kill stuff to alleviate his bad mood and killing weird alien monsters would be the best solution. During the next four days, Mark didn’t stop killing alien monsters inside the alien planet setting. He completed dungeon level thirty-seven up to level forty, killing the alien monster boss on the fortieth floor within thirty minutes.

Mark received his next mythical item which was called the Mythical Leather Pants of Mirror Image. Based on its description, he wondered why its skill was called mirror image instead of clone. The pants would give the user a plethora of bonuses. One hundred to vitality, one hundred to agility, twenty to intelligence, and twenty to wisdom. It would also provide the user one hundred to defense and the pants had fifty durability.

Its spell was called Mirror Image which would allow the user to summon five mirror images with thirty percent of the user’s power and defense. The clones would be able to act on their own and would have the user’s typical behavior but the user could still command the clones to do specific things. The spell had a thirty-minute duration and the pants had ten charges and would earn one charge per hour.

Mark immediately assigned the mythical pants to his auto-equip option so now he had a few mythical item sets and he could feel their power. It would not be long before all of his items were mythical items.

He also earned a ton of stat and skill points and currently had fifty-two unspent stat points and seventy-four unspent skill points. Mark leveled up from level one-hundred and twenty-five to one-hundred and thirty-seven. When he didn’t receive any new spells when he reached level one-hundred and twenty, he thought that they would appear once he reached one-hundred and thirty but apparently not since he still hadn’t received any new spells still. When he went to the help section, Mark found the information he was looking for. Once he reached level one-hundred and fifty, his next spells would appear and then after that, new spells would only appear every hundred levels.

Mark did not feel too bad about the infrequent appearance of new spells since his skill points couldn’t even keep up with the amount of spells and skills that he already had.

Since he reached the fortieth level of his dungeon, he decided to rest for a few days since it was obvious that the kids were missing him even though they could see him every breakfast and dinner. He hadn’t even checked the forty-first floor, which was a rest zone since he hadn’t even built a place for himself on the thirty-first floor. He wondered what kind of paradise the forty-first floor was since none of the rest zones disappointed him.

When he joined his family for dinner, he informed everyone that he would be resting for the next few days and wouldn’t leave which caused the kids to cheer. While they were eating the dinner that Milena and the others prepared, somebody knocked on their door and when Nedertu checked it out, it was Hamil.

“Hamil join us for dinner,” Mark invited the circus leader but was surprised when Hamil was followed by the rest of the circus leaders.

Since there were a lot of people, Mark asked Nedertu to come with him to set up a huge dining table outside the RV and after a few minutes, a lot of food that was conjured by Mark was laid out.

Aside from Hamil, they were joined by the elven sisters, Lorendo the Magician, Zenethor, the head of the zoo, Dozon, the eldest brother of the acrobat brothers, the dwarf Nilfur Forgehammer, Linuel, the director of the actors, Mosalan the halfling husband of Rendira, Norunta the witch and even Madam Luzviminda.

Everyone ate the food that Mark served with relish and it had been a long time since they last met like this. They didn’t discuss anything important during dinner just celebrated for a bit. After an hour of constant eating, Mark saw that the kids were sleepy so he brought them inside the RV so they could rest then he went back outside so he could talk to the circus leaders since something important must have happened for them to meet with him.

When they went back to the table, it was already clean and Milena and Nedertu weren’t present but more than likely, they already knew the situation.

“What happened,” Mark asked everyone.

“We have to leave the city. We can’t continue here anymore since we were suddenly served a lot of restrictions. It was from those officials you declined to meet. We could appeal to the council of wizards and there is a good chance that the restriction would be lifted since a lot of commoners are our fans but that is not how we work. If a place doesn’t welcome us anymore. We just go to another place,” Hamil said and when Mark looked at the others, they all agreed.

The core existence of the circus was freedom and if that freedom was threatened, the first response of the circus people was to leave. The circus was like a bird that travels around the world and if anybody threatened that freedom, the circus wouldn’t fight they would just continue their flight and escape. They would only fight if cornered and according to history, based on what Nedertu told him, those who cornered a huge circus like theirs usually regretted it.

A circus was home to those people who sometimes wanted to forget their past and those people were sometimes very powerful and very unscrupulous.

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