Delayed Transfer

Chapter 404

Admittedly, Kotura, the fox lady was one of the most beautiful women had ever seen including the ones from Earth and he had seen the most beautiful in his world due to media. Mark could even say that she was more beautiful than the most beautiful Miss Universe contestants he had ever seen.

If Mark were the stereotypical perverted Otaku from the land of animes, he probably would have never left Kotura alone, always pursuing her which would validate her beliefs that human men were perverts.

Objectively, Mark found her truly beautiful but in a way a beautiful piece of art is beautiful. He didn’t have an ounce of sexual attraction towards Kotura and more than likely it was just because he preferred human women. He wondered if he’s…well not racist since it’s not about race but species.

He still liked looking at her though since it felt like Kotura elevated the room where she was due to her sheer beauty.

Mark connected one of his laptops to the network and accessed the program that would let Nedertu and his friends register for a character in Star Wars The Old Republic. Before he allowed them to register, he went to the main café and asked Toby, who was a bit annoyed with him for disturbing his gameplay but followed him.

“What do you want, Mark?” Toby asked.

“You know that the sisters would not let you play anymore in the café once it’s opened, right?”

“I know that’s why I wanted to play as much as I can before I’m shooed away by them,” Toby said grumbling.

“Did you forget that your Father said that we will build an exclusive internet café just for us? Well, Nedertu and his friends are in there right now and I want you to teach them how to register, create a character, and play the game. Nedertu is assigned to look for someone who will look after the café and maybe he’ll hire you.”

Mark then led Toby behind the tent where the server was located to the tent where Nedertu and his friends were waiting. He could see that Toby’s irritation was gone and instead, his excitable nature was back.

When they entered the Circus People Net café, Toby saw the four computers.

“Why are there only four computers? You should add more like maybe twenty more computers!” Toby said.

“I will not even add that many computers to the main café much less here,” Mark laughed.

While Toby was assisting Nedertu, Kotura, and the two others in registering for an account using the laptop Mark added one more desktop to the network for the manager’s use in this café. He decided that the manager would handle the signup sheet, the opening, and closing of the café, and other net café manager responsibilities but he would also make sure that the manager role would be handled by a group of people in shifts.

After everyone was done registering, Mark told everyone the rules he wanted the Net café to follow which were that Nedertu would be responsible for assigning the managers that would handle the café and that the managers that Nedertu assigned would handle the opening and closing of the café, heck, they could even keep it open for twenty-four hours if they wanted. They would still need to follow the main café rules of only four hours per sign-up and that the managers should be fair meaning no prioritizing friends.

Mark then told Toby that he could use the fifth computer. When everyone agreed, he let Toby guide the Nedertu and the others in playing the game and left the mini Net Café.

When Mark checked the time, it was already nine in the evening but everyone in the circus was still active. So he went to where the tent was being constructed where the main Star Wars convention would be held.

It was in the field beside the circus but the people already cleared it so the only thing left on the ground was grass. The venue was still very bright since there were a lot of magic lights surrounding the place and there were people still busy constructing the said tent. Hamil, Nilfur, Mosalan, and Linuel were there supervising and planning.

“Mark, how can we help you?” Hamil said when they noticed him.

“I just want to thank you for allowing the twins’ friends and their family to attend the convention for free and also thank you for allowing us to construct a temporary theater tent for the kids to watch the films that day.”

“You don’t need to thank me! Everything here is only possible because of you!”

“Nevertheless, I wanted to inform you that I’ll prepare buffet tables between the temporary theater and the Star Wars Convention tent and that buffet tables will be filled with food and will be replaced by a new table filled with food every time it’s emptied. The food will be free for the circus people and the holder of the twin’s invitation cards but since the buffet table was a last-minute idea of mine, I don’t know if you can include it in the price that the customer would pay to participate in the convention. I will be preparing the buffet table now so I can just conjure it on that day so can you all help me?”

Hamil nodded and everyone followed Mark between the Convention tent and the place where the temporary theater would be built.

Linuel conjured several mage lights to make the place brighter and Mark conjured three huge, long tables.

“Do you think three tables is enough?” Mark asked.

“As long as these tables are filled with food and since you mentioned that they will be replaced with new ones as soon as they’re emptied, they’re enough,” Mosalan, Rendira’s husband said.

Mark then got busy filling the huge tables with food. He filled one of the tables with pork, beef, and lamb roasted whole. Then he added several roast chicken, ducks, and turkey. He was so glad that he filled his inventory with huge amounts and variety of food from Earth that it would seem like the variety was endless. He did spend a huge amount of time doing nothing but collecting food.

He added several more types of dishes and when one table was filled, he put the new dishes in the next table until the third one was filled. Mark then thought that he would need to add one more table to be filled with desserts and he did just that. The fourth table was filled with different varieties and flavors of cakes, ice cream, and several exotic desserts from all over the Earth.

Mark forgot about the drinks so he added a smaller sixth table that was filled with nothing but different types of drinks. When the six tables were done, he saw that aside from the circus leaders, all the people who were busy constructing the venue stopped and were looking at the feast that was laid out on the tables.

“So what do you all think?” Mark asked the circus leaders.

“You’ll keep the tables full all the time on that day?” Mosalan asked while staring at the food.

“That’s the idea. Hamil, can you assign people who will manage the tables who will call me once a table needs to be replaced?”  Hamil nodded while also staring at the table.

Mark immediately stored the prepared tables as is so he could replicate the tables anytime then he brought out replicated copies of the tables of food and drink and asked Hamil and the others to test them out.

“What do you mean test them out?” Mosalan asked.

“Eat them of course to test if they're okay flavor-wise.”

Mark was startled when he saw Mosalan run towards the table without any hesitation and started eating. Hamil, Nilfur, and Linuel laughed and they invited everyone in the venue to eat. He was glad that he remembered to put in huge stacks of sturdy cardboard plates, spoons, and forks by the side.


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