Delayed Transfer

Chapter 9

     When Mark entered the floor, the first thing that he noticed was that the cave structure was about the same as the first floor. The main difference was, it was a narrow corridor. He was thankful that it was bright enough to see. He moved forward at a snail pace until he arrived on the first bend. He slowly poked his head at the corner to check and was a bit glad that he did so because he noticed a small gray goblin wearing a loin cloth holding a crude knife walking. Unsurprisingly, it was a goblin, which was one of the staple first monster that a protagonist usually encounter in most novels or anime.

     Mark resolutely moved forward and controlled the five weapons that he had with his mind. When the goblin saw him, it growled like an animal and ran to him while waiving its knife. Mark threw the screw driver kinetically hoping to hit its head but unfortunately it missed, since the goblin was still a bit far. He waited for a bit until the goblin was nearer then threw one of the rods and fortunately, this one hit the goblin`s thigh, although he was still trying to hit its head. Because of the hit, the goblin slowed down and when it was about five feet from him, Mark moved the floating knives and hit both its neck and eyes at the same time as planned. The goblin froze, then it fell down. Mark received a level up notification and he resolutely turned back and moved back to the first floor as fast as he can.

 When Mark arrived on the first floor, he immediately sat down on the ground gasping. When he calmed down a bit, he thought to himself that he really needed to exercise so he can move longer without losing his breath. He opened his Status Window and decisively added his two stat points, one from his first level and one from just leveling up, to his Vitality. He knew that he will not be able to min max his stat since this was not a game where he can respawn if he died and based on the description of Vitality, when he was browsing the Status description, it was about the general physical endurance and stamina of the System Holders. When he added the stats to Vitality, he waited a bit to see if he will feel anything, because on some of the web novels he read, adding stats will result in different reactions. Some novels described it as painful and some as Euphoric but Mark did not feel anything at all. He lifted his shirt to see if his belly fat was reduced and it was still the same. He did notice after a few seconds that he felt a bit invigorated which made him smile a bit.

 The effect was there and it was highly noticeable based on how he easily recovered his breath. Mark was thankful that there were no pain because he was highly afraid of pain. He also noticed that his HP increased from sixty to one twenty after adding two stat points to Vitality. He then remembered it was very important for him to know how damage and defense worked. He remembered that when he leveled up earlier, a small notification window appeared floating on the upper left part of his view. He clicked on it and it opened the full window. The upper part was a question whether he would like to keep the default setting of the notification or if he would like it to be part of the System Interface and can only be viewed once he opened the Interface and clicked on the Notification Tab located beside Inventory. Mark chose it to be part of the System Interface since he did not want it to clutter his view during combat.

 The notification window automatically slid back to become a part of the System Interface and remained opened. On the window, he read that the first damage he dealt to the goblin was twenty and then the next was forty damage each. That meant that the HP of the goblin was one hundred. He wondered how much damage does a first level Void Bolt will have.

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