
75 - Holiday Morning

"Good morning everyone, and I hope you enjoy today's holiday!" Rian called after getting everyone's attention. "We're here to celebrate our Binder not dying from infection." There was a cheer at that. Rian could make anything sound like something to cheer for, it seemed. "We'd have done it yesterday when we arrived, but we didn't think people would appreciate starting the party in the middle of the night. Besides, we're not allowed to play music after sundown, and who wants a party without music?" More laughter. "But we've got the whole day—and tomorrow!—ahead of us, and we've have plenty of daylight until sundown, so let's make the most of it! Rest have fun, maybe take a dip in the river—" abruptly Rian turned to face Lori, "—er, is that all right, or does it fall under lewd acts?"

Lori thought about it, and she was mildly unnerved to realize people seemed to be actively paying attention to her answer.

"No touching of any things below the stomach and above the knee and I'll allow it," Lori declared. "Though people really shouldn't go naked, what if a seel bites something? Or a slug attaches somewhere delicate?"

There were winces.

"She's says it's all right!" Rian declared cheerfully, followed by people doing their own cheering. "Hunting party, are you ready?"

There was a loud, affirmative-sounding roar from a group of people, a mixed group of men and women.

"All right! We'll be eating beast tonight!" Rian declared. "And for lunch! And tomorrow! Not that we don't already eat beast, but roast sounds good, doesn't it?"

There were more cheers.

Lori hoped they had some kind of sauce they could put on the meat with it was roasting, lest it come out dry and tasteless. Would the fruit do, if they boiled it? They're probably have time….

Wait, why was she thinking about this? She didn't care!

Lori sighed, and went back to eating as Rian continued to talk. "We'll be planning some games for tomorrow since today we'll all probably be too busy eating and… well, probably doing literally anything else other than working, so when we eat later, be sure to be very nice to the hunting party for doing any hunting at all." Another roar from the mixed group who had apparently volunteered to hunt beasts.

"Well, that's it. So, in conclusion, let's all be glad that Binder Lori didn't die and celebrate it by staying away from her and not talking to her as we all have fun for the next two days!" Lori found herself nodding at that. "Really, that's the best way to show your appreciation. Well, that and remembering to stop playing music after dark." Lori nodded again, then caught herself and went back to eating.

Rian made to sit back down to eat, then abruptly stood up, "Oh, and can the following people talk to me one at a time after we're done eating? Nothing important, just a minor matter." He named various people, and only then did he sit down.

"So, now what?" Rian said, eating slowly.

"People come, I thank them, I give them the bowls, they go away," Lori said. "Then everything is done and I don't have to remember their names anymore."

"And you started so well, too," Rian sighed, rubbing his eyes.

"Did you sleep at all last night?" Lori said flatly. This was all looking a bit too organized for something Rian had just put together that morning.

"I got enough," he said, exactly like a student who'd stayed up the night before and as swaying at his desk before the big test. "I'll be fine. The walk will wake me up."

Lori gave him another stare. Rian didn't seemed to notice, intent on eating. If she hadn't been looking for it, she wouldn't have noticed the sway.

"So you're going with the hunting party, then?" she said.

"Well, I am the one asking them to work on a holiday, so only fair," he said.

"A holiday that was entirely your idea," she pointed out.

"Exactly! Only fair I help out too."


She finished her food, watching patiently as Rian ate his. People were talking excitedly at other tables, some leaving in groups. At one corner, several people had gotten together and were playing their board games, finally able to play as long as they wanted.

Someone approached their table, a man who Lori wasn't familiar with. "Lord Rian, you wanted to speak to me?" he said.

"Ah, Drelyn, good. Yes, thank you for coming," Rian said. Lori immediately shifted the binding on the darkwisps, letting her see the bowls from her side. "Actually, Binder Lori asked for you."

The man shot her a nervous glance as she scanned the bowls, before carefully grabbing the right one.

"Er, what can I do for you, your Bindership?" he said nervously, stepping as if to put both the table and Rian between the two of them.

Lori snorted, and gestured for him to lean forward.

"Go ahead," Rian said as the man—Drelyn—glanced at him. "She doesn't bite. She just ate after all."

For once, one of his tasteless jokes didn't elicit a laugh. Still, the man stepped around Rian and leaned forward.

"Here," she said, holding the bowl out to him. He took it, confused. "Thank you for carrying me."

"Y-you're welcome, your Bindership…" the man said, surprised.

Lori nodded.

The man just stood there, staring at the bowl and the fruits in it.

"I think you can go now, Drelyn," Rian eventually said.

"O-oh! Yes, Lord Rian. Your Bindership." He bowed to her then walked away, much to Lori's satisfaction.

One down more down.

Seventeen more to go…

They started coming in ones and twos and threes. Rian always managed to find a pretense to say their name, usually by exclaiming it when they approached, and soon Lori was able to dispose of all her bowls. Some had tried to give it back, the ingrates, and others had thought she was only giving them the fruit and they'd have to return the bowl. Really, why would she want a bowl with their name on it?

People talked, of course, when they saw some people being given bowls of fruit, and a few had even tried to line up as if expecting to get some themselves, but Rian had thankfully managed to get rid of those. Eventually the table was empty, every bowl of fruit gone. Their breakfast bowls had been taken to be washed before the kitchen volunteers, as they had cheerfully declared, would be doing nothing but nothing for the next two days.

"I'll have to find some people willing to help me clean those," Rian sighed. "Just because we're changing food doesn't mean we won't need all those spoon, bowls, cups… "

"Lord Rian?"

Someone else approached had their table, and Lori wondered who this was.

"Oh, hey Dormin," Rian greeted.

Not a name she knew. Not important.

"Are you still joining us on the hunt?"

"No, he's not," Lori said. Lori fixed her gaze on the newcomer. "He didn't get much sleep last night since he was up preparing for this holiday. If he goes with you, he's likely to get himself killed. Go without him."

The man blinked, then looked at Rian.

"I slept plenty," he said.

"He's swaying," Lori pointed out.

The man smiled and clapped Rian on the shoulder. "Get some sleep, Lord Rian. It's a holiday. You shouldn't be working."

"You are," Rian said, even as he looked a bit relieved.

"This isn't work," the man said with a smile. "This is a hunt." He turned to Lori a bowed. "Great Binder." He walked away.

There was a moment of silence.

"I could have gone," Rian asserted.

"Hypocrite," Lori repeated. "Don't get yourself killed, I don't want to go back to River's Fork so soon."

Rian huffed. "Fine, I'll take it easy," he said, then yawned.

Lori considered that. "I don't believe you," she said.

He blinked. "Er, what?"

"You clearly need minders, or else you might start working with sharp objects or climbing trees to pick fruit or something," Lori said.

"I need a minder? You think that I need a minder?" he sounded indignant, offended and disbelieving.

"Yes. I'd rather not have you falling unconscious and being left out in the sun to burn. Or trying to go beast hunting as soon as I take a nap," Lori said. "Either you go to sleep and get your energy back or you bring someone with you to make sure you don't fall asleep somewhere dangerous, since I'm reasonably certain you'll force yourself to keep doing things despite it being a holiday. Which reminds me, take some of the mashed fruit and cook it so we have some kind of sauce for the roast."

"Ooh, good idea…" Rian agreed. "And please don't change the subject, I don't need a minder."

Lori ignored him and tilted her head to look past him. "Umu. Mikon," she called.

There was a minor racket as the two young women climbed over the table in front of them, ending up on either side of a surprised Rian as they leaning over the bench and table towards her. "Yes, your Bindership?" they both said. It was almost harmoniously synchronized this time.

Lori pointed at Rian. "For the rest of today, I want the two of you to stay with Rian and make sure he doesn't exert himself," she ordered. "Grab his arms and don't let go if you have to. He'll probably try to organize things for the holidays, and that's fine, but under no circumstances is he to help carry anything or do anything that requires exertion. For all I know, he might have stayed up all night."

There was a clatter as a third young woman scrambled over the table as well. Riz-something looked like she didn't want to draw Lori's attention while at the same time wanting to step forward to volunteer.

"I didn't! I did sleep, you know," Rian protested, only for his own body to betray him as he yawned. He tried not to let it shown by keeping his mouth shut and breathing in through his nose, but the forcibly opened eyes were a giveaway. "Not tired at all," he sighed out, emptying his lungs.

"If he falls asleep, try to make him comfortable," Lori said blandly. "I'm sure you'll think of something." She did not pointedly stare at anything as she said it.

"Yes, your Bindership!" Mikon said with a wide grin, grabbing Rian's arm and twining both of hers around it.

"You can count on us, your Bindership!" Umu said, doing the same for his other arm. They both glanced at each other for a moment.

"Can I help too, Great Binder?" Riz said. "In case he needs something carried." She seemed to think what needed carrying was Rian himself given how she'd latched on to Rian's back.

Lori waved a negligent hand as the two women on the arms glared at the newcomer, who didn't glare back because she was looking at Lori. "Fine, fine," Lori said. "If that's what you want to do for your holiday."

"Don't I get a say in this?" Rian said.

"You can go and sleep in the shelter," Lori pointed out. "I'm sure these two will help see to it you're undisturbed. But if you insist on going around doing things in a sleep-deprived state, then you will be attended to so that you don't do yourself an injury. Now, go and see to that fruit sauce and whatever else you're having done. I am going to make the cold room even colder and then take a nap." Her back ached as she remembered her bed. She mentally added 'find someplace nice to take a nap' to that chain of events. "Now, I'm going. Enjoy your sudden holiday, Rian." She headed out to the river so she could get ice for the cold room. It was already very cold, but more ice never hurt.

Actually, that gave her an idea…

Behind her, she could hear them talking.

"If you need to wake yourself up, Lord Rian, why don't we go have a dip in the river?" she heard Umu say brightly. "I'm sure that will wash the sleep colors from your mind and have you up and lively!"

"Ooh, yes," she heard Mikon agree. "I haven't had a good dip in ages! Stripping down and taking a dip in the river would be wonderful…!"

"And the Great Binder even said it would be all right as long as there was no touching…" Riza said.

She hoped those two remembered to bring their bowls home, at least. She had worked hard on those.

Lori stifled her own yawn. Right! River water, cold room, then nap!

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