Demon Development System (Study Monster Cultivation System)

Chapter 23 - Qiao Qiao Biochemical

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Two minutes later, Li Yi turned his head: “What’s the difference between my body and the feeling three months ago?”

“It’s easier to numb, and the range of numbness has also increased.” Hu Chunmei said with a gesture. “Before, it was just the back, now the shoulders will also numb, and in severe cases, it will be breathless.”

“Really, Teacher Hu, dare to delay this.” Li Yi rushed to Qiao Sheng, “You go to prepare a deposit of 100,000.”

“Yes, yes, ready.” Qiao Sheng only felt the back spine cool, “Brother… I… I… Chunmei she…”

“Although the probability is benign, the tumor volume is still increasing. Perhaps the chest cavity has been involved, and the degree of nerve damage is unknown.” Li Yi looked at Hu Chunmei. “Immediate surgery can not guarantee that it will not cause permanent nerve trauma. .”

This time, Hu Chunmei was also stupid.

“I’ll **** say it, procrastination!” Qiao Sheng was anxious to pump his mouth again. “Are the cubs, are you worth it? Except Li Zheng…”

Hu Chunmei was also annoyed.

This time, I really regret it.

Li Yi smiled after she was annoyed long enough: “Do you know that you are afraid now?”


“Okay, what I just said is the standard process. I will tell you the truth.” Li Yi pointed to the photo on the screen. “Although it was dragged a bit, it is still within the range of my range. Rest assured that I will be hospitalized for four days. surgery.”

Both Hu Chunmei and Qiao Sheng were full of surprises and could not hold it at all.

Cheng Wenyue was looking at the mirror and getting his hair on the side. Hearing this, he said: “Mr. Li, your operation is about to explode and you can’t sleep?”

“This is the first time my son begged me to do something, don’t give me the chain.” Li Yi turned to Qiao Sheng and smiled, “Our hospital bed is tight, only the collective ward will be gone. In addition, temporarily add one Taiwanese surgery, family members have to work harder, and will come at more than four in the morning.

“You work hard, you work hard, I can sleep in the corridor.” Qiao Sheng nodded madly, and touched the red envelope in his pocket.

Cheng Wenyue coughed quickly and opened the door and left: “I’ll let them reserve a bed first…”

As soon as the office door was closed, Qiao Sheng immediately pulled out a thick red envelope, which was to be inserted into the slit of Li Yi’s drawer.

Li Yi couldn’t help but can’t help: “We can have monitoring here, teacher Qiao, you can take it easy.”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” Qiao Sheng was busy pulling his hand back again, and began to look around, trying to find a reasonable angle.

“I’ll take advantage of it, even the red envelopes.” Li Yi nodded to Qiao Sheng. “You helped me see Li Zheng. Don’t let him escape in a minute of physical education. There are also gymnastics, sports, etc., just catching fugitives, Be sure to push him over.”

“It’s no problem, brother.” Qiao Sheng agreed, but soon murmured again.

He seemed to agree to Li Zheng, let him casually escape from physical education.

My brother’s busy, we have to help.

But in front of my brother’s request, we couldn’t take it seriously.

It’s not a person inside or outside, how can this be good?

But he quickly relieved.

The world is huge.

Still dad.

Give back to your brother on other things.

“This is too simple, what about other things?” Qiao Sheng asked busyly, “Sakura Lake High School is my hometown, so I have nothing to say.”

“This…” Li Yi thought for a while and said, “Li Zheng seems to suddenly like to play basketball. You are a sports professional. Help me pick a good basketball for him. This kid is holding money and going I bought stationery.”

“I will handle it.”

As he was saying, Cheng Wenyue knocked on the door and came in: “The hospital bed is reserved, and my family will go through the procedures with me.”

“Come here.” Qiao Sheng put away the materials and bowed out along the way.

Qiao Sheng was gone before Hu Chunmei could speak.

“Let you read the joke…”

“It’s good, it’s really good, it’s good for health with passionate people.” Li Yi said, glancing at the wall clock, “I really don’t want to talk about Li Zheng’s things, I’m going to the pre-operation in 5 minutes Prepare not to delay.”

“It’s okay, please go ahead first.”

“Don’t, 5 minutes can talk about many things.” Li Yizheng said, “My mother and I are very busy with work, and don’t have much time to accompany him. You may know him better than me, you say it.”

“Success.” Hu Chunmei said in a hurry, “I have already explained to teachers in various disciplines. I don’t need you to worry too much. Just give him confidence at the critical moment. Those who work hard are actually very frustrated. I heard that you The family is very good. When it’s okay, tell him the story of the family and let him know that everyone will follow. The key is to get up quickly and persevere.”

“Li Zheng is right, you are such a good teacher.” Li Yi waved his hand. “I didn’t actually ask him to study. It’s good or bad, and he has his home. I’m just afraid of him thinking…how to say it? , I’m afraid he is too pure, only study and no life, I’m not sure that this is healthy.”

“Ah, this…” Hu Chunmei chose to sell his son after a moment of trouble, “There is something, don’t say that I said it.”

“I try my best.”

“This…you don’t actually have to worry about this.” Hu Chunmei smiled and said, “He and a girl, maybe, um, that’s what happened. I’m still quite accurate in this regard. I have been pointing at Mandarin Duck for 20 years. I didn’t look away. But rest assured, I’ve passed it over by the director, and it shouldn’t bother you.”

“Wait…you explain that.” Li Yi was startled.

“It’s Li Zheng, and our class…oh no, and our school, the best girl, may be right, mutual.”

“Oh, lie down!” Li Yi slapped with both palms, Qiao biochemical instantly, “I’m afraid he will marry the textbook.”

“Director Li, be quiet… be quiet…”

Li Yi is still not excited: “Good news, good news, I will give him more pocket money, stationery piles him up.”

“Hehe…” Hu Chunmei wiped sweat.

Aren’t you playing buns?

At this time, the ward area broadcast sounded.

“Director Li Yi, please come to operating room 3.”

“Oh, it’s time to go.” Li Yi immediately stabilized his mind and took a long breath, letting his arms hang down smoothly.

“Well, I went out and asked Lao Qiao to go through the formalities.” Hu Chunmei got up and bowed. “Ah… I can’t bother you… I really trouble you…”

“Don’t don’t.” Li Yi helped Hu Chunmei busy, “Our doctors and teachers are a family, all working for a lifetime, and understand each other.”

“Thank you…” Hu Chunmei looked ashamed. “I just jumped in. I’ll definitely embarrass you… really sorry.”

“You think about it, I still have this privilege.” Li Yi laughed. “We risked being beaten by family members every day. One stop in the operating room is more than ten hours. Still alive.”

“Oh, you are really funny.”

Hu Chunmei still had the second half of the sentence, but she swallowed it back.

Have more time to teach your son.

He and Lin Yuejing were not a problem of pocket money at all.

It is a question of whether or not people speak.

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