Demon Development System (Study Monster Cultivation System)

Chapter 98 - "Learning Health Law"

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This weekend is undoubtedly another chemistry weekend.

Li Zheng really felt why it was called Xue Hai Wu Ya.

With the deepening of his study, he in Chemistry 200+ realized more and more that he was very ignorant.

Previous high school chemistry studies were nothing more than memorizing the most superficial knowledge.

For example, C+O2→Co2, just know that burning carbon can produce carbon dioxide.

The current competition study is to explore why this is so.

As the old man of the library said, human beings are becoming stronger in questioning “why”.

In the chemical process of burning charcoal, what kind of changes does the chemical bond produce, what is the final structure, and why is this the case.

A small amount of carbon dioxide can analyze these things, not to mention Mg2B2O4(OH)2 in the test paper.

Through this series of principle analysis, after grasping more basic chemistry knowledge, you can push one and one hundred, and then you can describe the reaction process and give the reaction result without memorizing any reaction formula.

This refined mastery of abstract principles is precisely the way to win the infinite knowledge facing humanity in the infinite universe.

If we say that the sea of ​​learning in Li Zheng’s eyes was endless sea level.

Now, it is pierced into the head and witnessed the underwater world, which is ten thousand times deeper.

At the moment, it is known that learning has no boundaries and no bottom.

But this did not attack Li Zheng’s enthusiasm at all.

Instead, he was more excited.

The so-called learning is endless, turning back to shore, of course, a nonsense.

You are immersed in the learning sea, the goal is not to reach a certain shore at all.

But enjoy the joy of learning.

If simply learning to go boating is not happy enough.

Why not try diving and diving?

The scenery on the sea is inevitable.

This underwater world is more enchanting, and there are all kinds of wonderful things.

Faced with these new scenes, unknown and subtle knowledge, Li Zheng has no extra thoughts.

Shuang is right.

Monday morning, the second and fourth classes.

Li Zheng is different from the past, and now he comes to school at 7:50.

After all, he no longer needs to study himself early.

A fuller sleep and a more nutritious breakfast are the keys.

As the class approached, the students were discussing the mid-term exam.

“It is said that the results have come out…”

“I’m so scared.”

“It’s only after the parent meeting next week that the results are so fast…”

“Long pain is not as good as short pain, just ask for it to be announced in one breath, and a happy one.”

Unlike these anxious classmates, Li Zheng glowed all over the face, and he stepped into the classroom in a windy way. He pulled back his chair and sat down, and put various free books and paintbrushes on the table one by one.

Zhang Xiao can see his look and is very envious.

This complexion seems to be a bite of a big stick, made a full body spa, and slept a big smell.

“Master, did you go on a weekend trip?” Zhang Xiaoke inquired. “Or go to the hot spring? Why is his look so good.”

“No, I have been studying all the time.” Li Zheng gently stroked the top of his head. “You say that, I seem to feel more hair.”

Zhang Xiaoke swallowed and said: “What are you… learning a regimen?”

“Study, health care… a little interesting.” Li Zheng rubbed his chin and thought, “You see, anything Tai Chi can be good for health, I have a “learning health method”, let uncles and aunts gather every morning It’s not bad to study together and prolong life.”

“Uh…” Zhang Xiaoke didn’t dare to think about it, only bowed his fist, “It is possible to announce the mid-term results at any time, are you nervous?”

“Not at all.” Li Zheng laughed, “After all, studying on the weekend has solved the anxiety in my body, not only purifying the soul, but also relaxing muscles and activating blood…”

“Enough Master…” Zhang Xiaoke grabbed his head and lay on the table.

Seeing this, Li Zheng stopped the temptation.

Yes, he is tempting.

In order to challenge the succubus and to inspire more people to indulge in learning, when the weekend is okay, he deliberately studied some marketing courses, combining some cases of contemporary martial arts sect, with “strengthening body”, “health care” and the like The name attracts everyone to join, it seems to be a trial and error method.

Now it seems that at least within the scope of high school students, this trick is not very easy to use.

It’s a pity that my hair has obviously become more.

Learning to be able to maintain health is perhaps one of the few health care methods demonstrated by the science of living.

At this time, a demon wind blows.

Looking around, Lin Yuejing hurriedly hurriedly, stepped on the preparatory bell and sat on the seat. When pulling the schoolbag and holding the pencil case, he sagged his mouth and his face was exhausted: “Well…”

Li Zheng looked straight and pouted.

You see, this is the opposite example.

She must have a wrong attitude to study, and she would not be able to maintain her health without realizing happiness.

“Master…” Zhang Xiaoke also secretly looked at Lin Yuejing and whispered to Li Zheng, “To be honest, how many points do you think are lower than Lin Yuejing this time?”

“Hehe.” Li Zheng smiled and said nothing.

“Do you think you can surpass her?” Zhang Xiaoke exclaimed.

“Who knows.”

“?” Lin Yujing’s ears flicked, suddenly turned around, glanced at Li Zheng, his mournful complexion regained its beauty, and then shook his head, humming Xiaoquer to put up stationery, “Huh~~ahhh~~ ~”

On the contrary, Li Zheng’s expression was daunting.

He gave birth to a horrible hypothesis.

Happy conservation.

Lin Yuejing doesn’t seem to enjoy learning, but Li Zheng.

She took away the joy that Li Zheng had worked so hard to learn through a few simple guilty expressions.

It’s too mean.

Li Zheng was thinking about how to regain his own happiness, and the class suddenly became quiet.

Looking up, Tang Zhifei’s servants walked into the classroom.

Perhaps because of the importance of today, she put on her formal dress again and her eyes were very serious, as if she had come to class for the first time.

After Tang Zhifei put the materials in place, he clapped his hands and said, “Since it’s all there, let’s go to class two minutes in advance.”

Instant silence.

Tang Zhifei held his hands on the podium, his eyes swept each student seriously and seriously.

There is anxiety and anticipation on everyone’s face, and there is even more fear of longing.

However, the wheels of history are rolling.

Can’t escape, babies.

Tang Zhifei raised his hand expressionlessly, revealing a large and dense form: “Interim results, came out yesterday afternoon.”

People in the class immediately “hulonglong” chatted.

“So fast……”

“Teacher Tang’s face is not so good…”

“How can this parent meeting go?”

When the classmates become more anxious.

Some people, but still, just wait for the list.

Especially Jiang Qinghua, his fists are already clenched.

it’s time.

I have never worked so **** the exam.

Tutoring students has never been so sacrificed.

Two of you guys who are messing around with Orsay.

You will feel it immediately.

What is pain?

Jingle Bell–

The class bell interrupted the classmates’ discussions in a timely manner.

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