Demonic Magician

119 - Rest for the Wicked

The sun had come out, and blessed us with warmth and light. Any dew and damp left over from the rain that we had avoided had evaporated away, leaving us with… bliss.

I sat in a swing seat outside the front of the cottage, amongst patches of flowers, idly rocking back and forth. Ren was sleeping on me, her head against my chest. Her hat had fallen away, leaving her radiant hair at the forefront of my peripheral.

In the thicker grass, Wolf lay almost on his back. Smile on his face and tongue lolling out as Tanya rubbed through his belly fur. To the side, Quinn was fast asleep on his chair, head hanging low. The occasional snore made its way to my ears.

I shed some silent tears at the whole picture of it. Not really sadness or elation… it was just the relief, perhaps. We were hardened to the conflict we had to partake in, but we weren’t unbreakable. Time off was needed, lest we burn out. Showbusiness was tough.

That said, I couldn’t sleep. As much as my body yearned to relax and drift off with the elf… I was still on edge. Violence never let us sit idle for too long, and I couldn’t shake the paranoia that something would want to come and burst this bubble we existed in. However, other than the chirping of birds and occasional butterfly, it felt as though we were the only ones left in the world.

Instead, I prodded open my STAR, to see what the System cared to grant me now.

[Level Up - 12]

[Stats Increased]

[New Passive: ]

[New Passive: ]

[New Ability: ]

I raised my eyebrow as I read through the text descriptions of each. made my first attack on a target increase damage for further attacks against the same target by 10%. So, one person per fight would receive slightly more ire from me. Sounded like something good for bosses that would pair well with .

wasn’t a new summon, but changed what spell my small demonic friends could cast. The default had now become Fire, whereas I could instead summon an Ice, Lightning, or Stone variant now. Helpful if we went up against Monsters with elemental weaknesses - I’d have to see what their spells did before knowing how useful against Players they’d be.

My jaw worked as I took in the active ability. It made sense - the language used was plain enough. I could see how thematically it fit into my persona and what kind of Class the System thought I should be… it was just all too convenient. Or perhaps I was taking every coincidence as a plot against me. Or for me.

allowed me to change Dazzle icons on a target to a different, random debuff. Not entirely useful on the surface - Dazzle played into a lot of my other skills aside from being a damaging bonus for me and my demons. The problem was the wording of the skill… in that although it was clearly intended for Dazzle icons, they hadn’t accounted for the fact that I could now see and interact with most other icon types.

Would it let me push the rules out of the way a little with its ambiguity?

I brought up my status window and looked at the Trauma icon sitting there. Amusing that it was only Mild, considering I had borne the brunt of the damage. For a moment, I hesitated, but then - the System wouldn’t allow it, surely?

The skill activated, and I watched the icon change.

Immediately I leaned forward. Pushing the elf away from me I dropped to my knees amongst the soft grass. Projectile vomited. Even as my body fought against it, my eyes were going into my Inventory. A brief pause in the spasms, and I brought the other Greater Antidote out and glugged it down, my throat contesting the action - but I survived it.

I then saw the icon vanish. Cured whatever terrible poison it was, and the Trauma icon had gone. Despite my bleary eyes, I grinned wildly.

Ren’s hand was on my back. “Max? Are you okay?”

Wolf had righted, and Tanya was moving over in front of me. “Something to do with your arm?” she asked.

I shook my head and gathered my thoughts. “Sorry again. Was just a little overexcited to level up.”

Before I could stand, the elf moved her mouth to my ear. “Five seconds to explain or else.”

For some reason, the ambiguous else was more threatening than if she already had something in mind like actual bodily harm. “It isn’t exactly safe,” I began, as the love of my life allowed me to stand. “But I have rid myself of the Trauma status.”

Ren crossed her arms. Clearly unimpressed to be woken from a nap to find me throwing up. Tanya had some tired curiosity, and Wolf wasn’t too keen to engage unless food was involved. Quinn was still fast asleep, which was somewhat remarkable.

“I’d ask, but I’m guessing the answer is 'System bullshit'?” The elf rolled her eyes. “Can you do it on me next?”

“Ah.” I tilted my head from side to side - feeling pretty great despite the circumstances. “It changes your Trauma into a random debuff. I drew up some poison, I believe.”

She shrugged. “I can’t think of much worse than Trauma - and if we can all get cured of it, it won’t set us back for the rest of the day.”

Tanya put her hands on her hips. “I’m afraid there is much worse than Trauma, unless there was a shortlist or any other indication?”

I shook my head. “Like I said - it’s risky. I only used it on myself to test. It would be too dangerous to use for everything.” After all, it wasn’t intended to be used on allies.

“Agreed,” the weaver said. “Imagine one of us were accumulating stacks of a Slow in battle, and you tried to switch it - and instead it gave Hemorrhage or Stun. Rot Poison, or many other countless high level debuffs. Some of those are fatal at a certain number of stacks. It could be a death sentence.”

She was correct. It had some use cases against enemies, but was too dangerous to throw it around in my normal rotation.

“That said…” she continued. “Use it on me, please.”

Ren turned a scowl towards the woman. “Pretty sure I had dibs.”

Tanya smiled. “I am immune to a certain amount of conditions, due to my Class ability, and can provide you all with moderate resistances. There’s a good chance the changed debuff won’t affect me - and then I will assist you.”

The elf clucked her tongue. “Acceptable.”

I wasn’t entirely convinced either way, now that she had named some things that I didn’t like the sound of. As much as I had quickly cooled on the idea this could be an easy out for our Trauma status, I was not a gambling man. Other than with my own safety, of course.

“Alright.” I sighed. “Have a heal and antidote ready, just in case.” I held my hand out, looking at the icon above her. activated, and the box vanished, to be replaced by a ghostly skull that I could barely see, which quickly faded away. Had I just killed her?

“See?” She smiled. “Immune. Good thing too, as that was a nasty one.”

I deflated. “That doesn’t make me feel any better about this.” I turned my head as Ren was pulling at my jacket sleeve.

“Please, trickster?”

How could I say no to those eyes? “No.” Oh, just like that.

Rather than scowling at my refusal, she instead gave an exaggerated pout, sadness filling her eyes. Alright, she won there. I was only human.

“Fine.” I rubbed at my eye sockets. Perhaps I did need a nap after all.

“You can’t be the only one to put your life on the line all the time, Max.” Her tone was soft, easily breaking down the barriers I was trying to put up.

No point telling her I didn’t want to see her hurt - she could easily turn that back around about my own lax attitude to my mortality. Plus, I actually got hurt. Badly and regularly.

Tanya stepped over and held out a golden idol for the elf to hold. Something with resistances, I presumed, based on her earlier declaration. I took a step back from the pair to have a better view of both Ren and her icon. She really did look tired and miserable, and I felt guilty for waking her up. This cottage must have a bath…

She gave me a nod, and I raised my hand.

Trauma vanished, and was replaced by… Armor Weakness. My eyes quickly brought up the information in an unnecessary panic. 20% less armor on equipped gear. Two minute duration.

We both sighed in relief.

“This has no right being so stressful.” I shook my head and turned my gaze to Quinn. Still asleep. Should probably get his consent for this, however.

“Let me get him awake and up to date,” Tanya said, taking the idol back with a smile.

I nodded my thanks. “Go start up a bath, Ren. I’ll join you soon.”

The elf pulled a face in how brazen and open I was about the request, but left all the same. I watched her go, more energy in her step now that Trauma was gone. At least, that’s what I assumed it could be.

“You’re a cute couple,” Tana said, drawing my gaze away from the elf as she entered the cottage. “It’s wonderful, really, given the System.”

My eyes went back out to the woods that blocked the horizon. Another slice of paradise that we were fighting for, something to come back to once violence wasn’t so baked into our day-to-day.

“I certainly wasn’t expecting love.” I shrugged and gave her a smile. “On Earth, I was a loner and workaholic. I’m rather out of my depth beyond that.”

She returned the smile, albeit with a bit more sadness to it. “Well, you’ve done well, Max. Ren is tough and competent, and clearly besotted with you.”

“Yeah. Having all that is difficult sometimes.” We stepped closer to the sleeping fixer. “Feels like it is just building a case for calamity to take it away.”

“Hun.” Tanya stopped and tilted her head. “Love is about fighting as hard as you can to keep it. Always. Doesn’t matter if you have a dragon at your door, or the mundane existence of a decade of marriage tiring you out - you always strive to keep the candle alight.”

I nodded.

“Some days it burns bright by itself, and others it threatens to die out under the constant rain. But you don’t let it. Will I see my husband and child again? I want it more than anything in the world…” She turned her gaze away, looking out at the scenery. “Is it likely? Probably not. But I will fight and claw my way to find any remote chance, because that is what love is.”

“Thank you, Tanya.”

“No. If anything, I should be thanking you, Max.” She shook her head. “You had every right to kill me. To not trust me. Now I live longer to continue fighting for love.”

In truth, I was rather at a loss for words. Originally, I had kept her alive because she had useful information, and part of me wanted to believe that evil was a choice and she deserved a second chance. Even gifted my life in her hands to see her true intentions.

I withdrew an orange into my hand and lobbed it underhand to the sleeping man. He caught it and blinked his one eye rapidly, coming to. In following my lead, Tanya chucked the idol to him, which he caught in his other hand.

Confusion spread across his brow. “Everything okay?”

“Max can remove your Trauma, at the risk of either giving you something worse or something inconsequential.”

His eye looked between the two of us. “A gamble then? Freedom or suffering?”

A pretty apt way of putting it. Nerves were creeping up within me. I felt as though I were flipping a coin and we’d gotten heads three times in a row. Tails meant doom, and we were due one - despite probability not working that way. Still, it was his choice, and I told him so.

He took a moment to think about it, brow furrowed as his eye darted aimlessly alongside his thoughts. “Alright.” He looked back at me. “I accept, and any malady that befalls me will be my own doing. No blame on you, Max.”

I nodded and held my hand out as he gripped the idol and an Antidote potion.

Trauma vanished… and was replaced by… Sleep.

Quinn dozed off immediately, and I sighed in relief. A glance behind me and Wolf had also drifted off - looking rather content with himself. For some reason his Trauma status had already gone. I didn't care to question it - thankful at least that I didn't have to flip another coin for the bear who needed a break from conflict.

“Mission Accomplished?”

I turned back to Tanya and grinned. “Sleep. Guess I’m rolling well today.”

She nodded and gestured towards the house. “Go spend some time with her. I’ll use the peace out here to come up with a plan for later. Oh, I have dibs on the bath once you’re done, though.”

With a smile, I tipped my hat. “You have my word.”

I still had that envelope burning a hole in my Inventory, but having my arm restored, beating the odds against Trauma, and with a beautiful bathing elf waiting for me… I’d put it off just a few minutes longer.

It wasn’t often I received fan mail, so I’d savor it.

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