Detective: Start with capturing and retrieving the dog

Chapter 89 Contradictions

Chapter 89 Contradictions

"Officer, what crime have I committed?" Zhang Minghao kept staring at Han Xin when he said this.

Han Xin was also observing Zhang Minghao at this time, carefully looking at Zhang Minghao's clothes and attire.

On the outside, Zhang Minghao is fair and clean, with his back combed neatly, a strand of broken hair on the corner of his right eyebrow, his facial features are also very delicate, his figure is slightly thin, and he is a handsome young man in a dark blue suit.

"It doesn't mean you have to commit a crime to find you, right?" Xiao Anguo said half-jokingly, "The citizens of our country are obliged to cooperate with the police investigation. Don't worry, it will not exceed one day at most."

Xiao Anguo's attitude is very soft. After all, they don't have direct evidence to prove it is him. At least they have to wait until they go back and compare it with the monitoring.

"Where's my flight? What should I do?" Zhang Minghao asked indifferently.

"Our police will bear your loss, don't worry." Xiao Anguo said, raised his hand and said, "Please?"

Zhang Minghao sighed softly through his nose, then stood up and followed behind Xiao Anguo.

"This guy is so calm." Huo Gang followed Zhang Minghao off the plane and couldn't help complaining.

"There is no reason, we will definitely find evidence." Lu Wenbo said puzzled, "Bring him back and compare the surveillance video, we will definitely find him. And if you check his ticket and air tickets, you should be able to find out where he went. There must have been many abduction cases in the province where he is located."

"If you want me to say," Han Xin sighed, "his calmness should be that he has already made up his mind."

Next, everyone took Zhang Minghao back to the police station and began to conduct some routine inquiries.As long as the target is locked, the police will have some evidence and witnesses, so this time Xiao Anguo directly took the lead in the interrogation.

Han Xin didn't ask to follow up either. He didn't know enough about Zhang Minghao to break the defense, so he needed to observe again.

Zhang Minghao could not be seen in a suit before, but now that he was in handcuffs, Han Xin discovered that there were many self-harm marks on his wrists, which seemed to have been left within half a year.

"We saw you outside the Yiguang Children's Activity Center, can you explain why you went there?" Xiao Anguo sat opposite Zhang Minghao, smiling, but staring at Zhang Minghao firmly.

"The AH beef pan noodles over there are delicious." Zhang Minghao shrugged, "I want to try it."

"Really?" Xiao Anguo asked with a half-smile, "But we asked the owner of the noodle shop over there, and he said that you stayed in the Yiguang Children's Activity Center next door all morning and only left in the afternoon. Also, we checked with the landlord of the front door, and he said that you rented that place for a month, right?"

"I was originally a child training center. Isn't it normal to come here to find a store?" Zhang Minghao replied, "I'm here for a trial run, just to see if there is any possibility of opening a branch in this city."

The smile on Xiao Anguo's face disappeared, but he didn't act viciously. Instead, he put a stack of reports on the table and said indifferently, "This is your travel record for the past few years. You have been to many places. But the strange thing is that every time you go to a place, there will be large-scale child abduction cases in nearby cities. Do you have anything to say about this?"

"Just like I said." Zhang Minghao didn't change his face. "I work in a child training center, and it's normal to go on business trips. As for child abduction... how do I know? Coincidence? Are you implying that I did it?"

"No—yes!" Xiao Anguo laughed heartily, "The people we caught said that the place you rented was the gathering point for them to transfer and kidnap children. Can you explain why?"

"I don't know. I only received a call from a kindergarten saying that many children will come today." Zhang Minghao said lightly.

Others who watched all this outside couldn't help shaking their heads and sighing: there is no conclusive evidence.

No matter how Xiao Anguo asked, Zhang Minghao could find a reasonable explanation.The evidence in the hands of the police can be used as a basis for doubting him, but it cannot convict him, let alone question the leader above him.

When Han Xin was worrying about how to interrogate, he heard Zhao Linshan's stomach growl.

Han Xin couldn't help laughing, but Zhao Linshan slapped him: "Oh, Ashin, you're so hungry? I really can't help you. Shall I order you a takeaway? It's almost six o'clock."

"No, let's go out to eat together." Han Xin pressed her head and smiled.

"Go ahead, we should give the suspect something to eat." Huo Gang nodded to Han Xin.

So, Han Xin and Zhao Linshan came to the McDonald's opposite the Public Security Bureau and sat down.

This girl ordered a set meal for two by herself, and she ate it up. Watching her eat makes people have an appetite.

After drinking the last bit of Coke, Zhao Linshan sighed: "Ah! I'm full."

"Is it enough? Order more if not enough, I'll treat you." Han Xin wiped the sauce from her mouth with a napkin and laughed.

"That's enough." Zhao Linshan said with a cheerful smile, "By the way, you actually miscalculated your gender today. It's really rare."

"I was also quite surprised. I thought the voice changer was ironclad evidence, but it turned out to be just a manifestation of his excessive caution." Han Xin shrugged, "In short, the next thing is to see if the police can find anything from his training center."

"So, the fifth floor should be a woman?" Zhao Linshan asked with interest.

"No, that kind of excessive caution is what he showed himself. It is certain that he made the plan." Han Xin shook his head. "The fifth floor does not necessarily have to be women, it may also be men."

"Hey, but didn't you say that the relationship between the fourth floor and the fifth floor is either a parent-child relationship or a couple relationship?" Zhao Linshan asked puzzled, "Could it be that the leader is his father?"

Han Xin froze for a moment, then frowned: "That's right...that's the contradiction!"

Saying that, Han Xin took Zhao Linshan's hand: "Let's go! Let's go back to the Public Security Bureau!"

As soon as he returned to the Public Security Bureau, Han Xin confirmed to the police the "friend" who opened the training center with Zhang Minghao.

"We checked, and the target's name is Liu Yuting, and he is a man." Xiao Anguo sighed wearily, "The two are good friends, and they were classmates from high school to university. Two years after graduation, the two jointly opened a training center."

As he said that, Xiao Anguo tentatively asked: "We also suspect that he is the 'fifth floor', but to be honest, whether we can catch him depends entirely on whether Zhang Minghao opens his mouth."

"It doesn't matter, I have found a breakthrough." Han Xin said with a smile, "The key point is the relationship between these two people."

Xiao Anguo was stunned for a moment, then frowned: "Could it be that they are... couples!?"

(Monthly ticket thanks list is as follows)
 Thanks to the old door and old lock, the devil, a bunch of bubbles floating, my sister's brother-in-law, book friend 20190408180529136, surrounded by stars and fog, old bookworms in Fengcheng, bloody battle in Chongqing, birdman in hell, LN@帝, dead stupid cat, well-named, stop and eat my Q, Dao Miyao, Feng Mingming, Fengchao 51258, plain is a blessing and happy, physically and mentally weak and exhausted, words come to life, Song's 2 photos monthly pass

  Thanks to Optimistic Demon, Nether Cold Sky, Yama, Zhujiwuben, Yuan Xi, Book Friends 20161230134335920, Jing Mu, you are such a cutie, Inexplicable 111, Let’s have a holiday, Daoxue Fairy Lantern, Baise Baise Crow, Chenfeng Shadow Blade, Dirty Little Train, saury will also expire, Shadow of Chasing Wind, Lun Gang Jing’s cultivation strategy, change the name of the hammer, book friend 160814000520508 [-], Commander Xiaoxiao, leisurely Luo Yu, return with fate, pay close attention to your monthly pass
(End of this chapter)

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