Diary of an Adventuring Vampire

Chapter 46 — The Village Styx

Chapter 46 — The Village Styx



[Ei’s POV]


Since we’re leaving, I have to unenroll in school. So, today is my last day. Although, I still have my student ID… maybe I can use that for something later. Who knows.


Either way, it’s time for my final classes here. Maybe I’ll come back some time… a few of them were pretty interesting. Like the crazy game show host teacher.


“So, you’re leaving the school?” (Crate)


“Yeah, I have things that need to get done elsewhere.” (Ei)


It’s just training, but still.


“I see. Well, best of luck on your journeys, though I think you can handle yourself.” (Crate)


“You’re not going to try to stop me?” (Ei)


“We wouldn’t be able to if we tried~” (Umbra)


“GAH! When did you get here?!” (Crate)


“What~ Can I not visit dear friends?” (Umbra)


“Anyways, today is my last day here, at least for the foreseeable future.” (Ei)


“Well I’ll be waiting if you return~” (Umbra)


“*sigh* Long lived races…” (Crate)




Moon’s Shadow (A/N: The party name, if you forgot) and I headed to Flandre’s bakery. What kind of bakery sells flan? I don’t know.


“Flandre, we’re here.” (Kurui)


“Awesome! Alright, is everyone ready to head out?” (Flandre)


“Yep.” (Kurui)


“You said goodbye to everyone?” (Ei)


“Yeah. I’m ready.” (Luna)


“I as well.” (Nadia)


“Follow me then~” (Flandre)


Flandre moves to the back of the bakery, which has some actual baking implements, and walks to a very conspicuous looking lever.


She pulls it down and the wall slides away, revealing a staircase.


“Watch your step~” (Flandre)




The staircase is really long. We’ve been walking for what feels like hours…


“How much longer…” (Ei)


“We’re almost 10% of the way there!” (Flandre)


“Is this really the fastest way to wherever these stairs lead?” (Ei)


“No~ I just wanted to see if you would notice. This is used by Vampires, we fly.” (Flandre)


““““...”””” (Moon’s Shadow)


“Okay, I’ll drop you through the floor~ Make sure to catch yourself at the bottom! We’ve only got like 6 more miles (~9.7km) to go~” (Flandre)


We begin to fall, somehow moving faster than terminal velocity. How is that possible? Magic, probably.


“We’ll be arriving in 20 seconds~ Make sure to not become a pancake!” (Flandre)


“EEEEEHHH?!?” (Luna)


Oh right, Luna can’t fly. Kurui sprouts wings… somehow? I mean, they can change their form at will so it doesn’t surprise me. Nadia has let her draconic traits show, and I have my wings.


I have to carry her then, unless Vadina can somehow make her fly. If she dies, I’ll kill Flandre.


“Luna! Grab onto me!” (Ei) 


“Okay!” (Luna)


I fly in Luna’s direction and pick her up, which was a bit awkward to do while flying. 


“5 seconds until impact~ Let’s slow down!” (Flandre)


Slowing down was… easier than anticipated. I think Flandre used some magic to help, but we still decelerated from over 120 miles (~193km) per hour to zero over the course of around 20 seconds. Should that have killed us? Probably…


“Alright! Welcome to the Caverns of Arachnia~” (Flandre)


Around us lies ground with muddy green grass laid atop orange clay. The caverns stretch far above, giving the illusion of a sky. Lava gives the entire an eerie glow, surrounding us on all sides. Some mesa-looking area is ahead of us, with dead trees upon its peaks. 


“So~ How do you like it?” (Flandre)


“This area is rather warm.” (Vadina)


“You’ll get used to it. Let’s get moving! I prepared a boat for us~” (Flandre)


We follow Flandre some more and come to a small dock. There’s a lighthouse and a small cottage.


“Charon! I’m back with some friends!” (Flandre)


Charon? That’s an ominous name. 


A skeleton walks out of the house holding a scythe. They’re draped in black robes with a black fedora.


“I see… Hmmm… Quite the interesting bunch. It has been a long time, INSANITY.” (Charon)


“Sure has.” (Kurui)


…Why does Kurui know everyone??


“Oh? You know each other. That’s cool~” (Flandre)


“I’ll give you a discount since you’re travelling with an old friend.” (Charon)


We step into the boat, which is rather small. It rocks in the lava, but doesn’t burn, despite being only wood. 


It rocks gently in the waves as Charon starts rowing across the ocean of lava.


As we glide across the lava, the heat somehow doesn’t become unbearable. The boat is probably enchanted. Either way, I manage to spot a massive red turtle in the lava.


“Look at that! It’s a turtle!” (Ei)


“A turtle?! Where!?” (Luna)


“Over there.” (Ei)


I point towards the turtle swimming in the distance.


“Ah, a death turtle. Curious creatures of my master. Dragons hate ‘em, claim they’re degraded versions of themselves. Really, they’re just a turtle that was left in some death infused lava by my master for too long.” (Charon)


“Your master?” (Ei)


DEATH, Entity’s favored.”


…Death? I suppose that makes sense.




“Watch your step on the way out.” (Charon)


We arrived at wherever we are now without any troubles.


“This is Styx, a port town. INSANITY, there’s an old friend of yours here. Go say hi to them.” (Charon)


Styx? Like the river? Wonderful…


“Oh? Who? Some Entity livin’ down here?” (Kurui)


“Nothing like that… just one long forgotten.” (Charon)


“I see…” (Kurui)


Forgotten? Huh… I didn’t know that could happen to Entities. I wonder what they’re like.


Hi, yes, I disappeared for over two weeks. Sorry. I’ve been lacking in motivation. Anyways, I’ll have another chapter out next week, it’s the special program for Arc 3. Updates are going to slow down to once every week or so. Once again, sorry.

Also check out SHHS (The Scribblehub Forums High School). It’s written by a bunch of forum members (me included) and is filled with lots of chaos. Here’s the link: https://www.scribblehub.com/series/974998/scribble-hub-high-school-adventures/

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