Dice In The Darkness: Cthulhu Calls

Chapter 347: The Truth

Regarding the death of Miyako Goudong, Liu Xing could only say it was a stroke of bad luck for him. He had failed the sanity points check, and even the temporary state of madness hadn’t resulted in amnesia or coma, which wouldn’t have raised too many concerns for Matsui Yui.

In short, Miyako Goudong was dead.

And Liu Xing felt that his own time might be running out as well.

Liu Xing and the others kept their gaze fixed firmly on Matsui Yui, not daring to turn around and look at Miyako Goudong’s lifeless body. They feared that Matsui Yui might launch a sudden attack, and they also wanted to avoid triggering another sanity points check by witnessing Miyako Goudong’s death.

Liu Xing was relatively fortunate, having successfully passed several sanity points checks. But Ling Ishikawa and the others hadn’t missed a single one. Though they hadn’t descended into temporary madness, Liu Xing believed that if they were subjected to another sanity points check, they would likely lose one-fifth of their sanity points within a short time, forcing them into a potential state of madness.

That would be troublesome.

However, Liu Xing was now very curious about Matsui Yui’s intentions. Why had she chosen to lie in wait and conceal herself with an elite-level Shoggoth morphed into a large tree?

At that moment, the elite-level Shoggoth returned to Matsui Yui’s side. Under the moonlight, Liu Xing could clearly see fresh bloodstains on the Shoggoth’s body, indicating that Miyako Goudong had likely been crushed to death by this creature.

Furthermore, Liu Xing noticed that two average-sized Shoggoths had also appeared by Matsui Yui’s side.

Three Shoggoths plus a Shoggoth Controller – this was an unwinnable situation.

Liu Xing quickly analyzed that the current situation was highly unfavorable for their side. Therefore, he reluctantly spoke up, "Miss Matsui Yui, what is the meaning of all this? Is this how you treat your guests?"

Matsui Yui chuckled and shook her head, replying, "We don’t beat around the bush, do we? Can’t you figure out the situation yourselves? But I have to admit, it only took you a few days to uncover most of the truth."

Liu Xing sighed. It seemed he would need to play his cards carefully. Fortunately, he still had a white character card at his disposal, and the option of using the resurrection module was also on the table.

As Liu Xing began to drift in thought, Zhang Jingxu stepped forward and asked, "Um, Miss Matsui Yui, I’m quite curious about one thing. Why does this fake Fisher’s Village exist?"

Matsui Yui looked somewhat surprised at Zhang Jingxu and smiled, saying, "It seems, Mr. Zhang Jingxu, that you have quite the curious mind. Can’t you figure out the reason behind this fake Fisher’s Village? But I’ll be honest with you. In simple terms, the fake Fisher’s Village was established to cover up the existence of the real Fisher’s Village. Due to certain reasons I can’t disclose, the real Fisher’s Village can no longer be present in this world. So, we needed a fake Fisher’s Village to provide a facade, as Fisher’s Village, despite being isolated overseas, still falls under the jurisdiction of the Island Nation. It is subject to regular investigations by Island Nation officials."

Zhang Jingxu nodded thoughtfully and continued, "So, is Matsui Ichiro, the Village Chief, simply a front for handling inspections?"

Matsui Yui nodded again, saying, "Exactly. The reason my father chose Matsui Ichiro to become the Village Chief is because he has good eloquence, is articulate, and has a clear understanding of his situation. He won’t do anything out of line. So, my father had Matsui Ichiro stay as the Village Chief of this fake Fisher’s Village instead of letting this swindler go down a different path."

Liu Xing raised an eyebrow. It seemed that Matsui Ichiro was indeed a swindler. However, when Matsui Yui referred to her "father," Liu Xing wondered if she meant Inoue Kenjiro or the mutated Deep One.

Just then, Alice suddenly spoke up, "Miss Matsui Yui, your father should be Baruka, right?"

Alice’s words surprised Matsui Yui, who looked at Alice in astonishment and nervously said, "What? How do you know my father’s name is Baruka? Alice, who are you exactly?"

Baruka appeared to be the name of the mutated Deep One. Alice, upon hearing Matsui Yui’s reaction, breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, "The name Baruka came to my knowledge over a year ago. It is said that Baruka is a hybrid Deep One, but due to some genetic mutations, he retained a human appearance with colorful scales that other Deep Ones lack. Although he looked different from other Deep Ones, Baruka was remarkably talented and quickly rose to a high-ranking priest’s position, overseeing a coastal area in the United States of America. However, due to certain undisclosed reasons, Baruka had excellent relations with the local humans, which led to resentment from other Deep Ones. They found a pretext to imprison Baruka, but he managed to escape, taking a group of like-minded Deep Ones and potential sacrificial humans to Fisher’s Village."

Alice nodded and continued, "So, Matsui Ichiro, the Village Chief, was chosen to handle inspections for you?"

Matsui Yui smiled again, confirming, "Yes, that’s correct. The reason my father made Matsui Ichiro the Village Chief is because of his persuasive skills, his ability to communicate effectively, and his clear understanding of his situation. He wouldn’t engage in any suspicious activities. My father chose to have Matsui Ichiro stay as the Village Chief of this fake Fisher’s Village rather than letting this con artist meet his end."

Liu Xing furrowed his brow. It appeared that Matsui Ichiro was indeed a con artist. However, Liu Xing couldn’t help but wonder whether Matsui Yui’s "father" referred to Inoue Kenjiro or the mutated Deep One.

At this moment, Matsui Yui sighed and began, "Well, I didn’t expect you to know so much, Alice. Yes, my father is Baruka. Back then, he refused to sacrifice a group of humans by sending them into the deep sea, which made him a target for the hostile Deep Ones. He had to escape with a group of like-minded Deep Ones and those humans who were about to be sacrificed, finding refuge in Fisher’s Village."

Alice nodded, and with a smile, she said, "In that case..."

"I know what you want to ask," Matsui Yui interrupted Alice. "I can reveal these details to you."

Matsui Yui sighed again and continued, "The story goes like this: initially, my father and his team set up camp on a small island near Fisher’s Village, which is the very island we are on now. It was on this small island that my father stumbled upon the Underground Ruins below. He began excavating the ruins and eventually gained control over the Shoggoths dwelling within."

"Because my father had brought a group of humans with him, they had different characteristics and behaviors from Deep Ones. To spare them from suffering, my father disguised himself as a human and established contact and trade with Fisher’s Village. After all, as long as he concealed his scales, he looked just like an ordinary human."

"During this time, my father met my mother. However, this was over thirty years ago when my mother was just a young girl. Afterward, about ten years of peace passed, and my mother was forced to marry Inoue Kenjiro. You see, Fisher’s Village is so small that couples of the same age are usually forced together."

"In a way, I know that some of my father’s actions were morally questionable. Nevertheless, it was all because of true love. My father managed to deceive Inoue Kenjiro and even made him a father. But in return, my father helped Inoue Kenjiro deal with those who coveted Fisher’s Village."

"Yes, those who coveted Fisher’s Village were Li Yongjie and Matsui Ichiro. Firstly, Li Yongjie is not Chinese; he hails from the Cosmic Country, and his real name is Li Yonghe. He had studied in China for a few years before returning to the Cosmic Country and founding a secret cult named ’True Taoism.’ However, for some undisclosed reasons, he was collectively expelled by the local secret cults in the Cosmic Country."

"After being expelled from the Cosmic Country, Li Yonghe had only a few followers left. But he was ambitious and believed he could make a comeback. He was intelligent enough to realize that as an outsider, he couldn’t establish himself in the city. So, he set his sights on Fisher’s Village, this overseas island."

"You already know the rest of the story. Li Yonghe adopted the alias Li Yongjie and came to Fisher’s Village. He established a rapport with the actual Village Chief of Fisher’s Village, Inoue Kenjiro, and then used a pretext to take my brother to Tokyo for treatment, essentially indebting Inoue Kenjiro. Li Yonghe then sent Matsui Ichiro, the swindler, to promote his secret cult."

"Of course, Li Yonghe was cunning. He adapted his secret cult’s name and teachings to fit the circumstances. But my father began to suspect him for various reasons. To deal with Matsui Ichiro, my father planned to send a few Shoggoths to cause trouble in Fisher’s Village. As long as Matsui Ichiro, the so-called missionary, couldn’t handle the Shoggoths, trust in him among the Fisher’s Village residents would diminish."

"But what my father didn’t expect was that Inoue Kenjiro was a hothead who took it upon himself to resolve the Shoggoth situation. My father had to intervene personally, and because of his condition at the time, he managed to turn the Fisher’s Village residents into his own followers, except for Inoue Kenjiro. But, as you know, my father isn’t keen on harming humans unnecessarily, so he had to brainwash Inoue Kenjiro."

"Afterward, my father and his people came to live in Fisher’s Village, biding their time. They also seized the opportunity to trick Li Yonghe into coming to Fisher’s Village, where he was reduced to a slave, tasked with dirty work. As for Matsui Ichiro, he was brought here to handle interactions with officials. And of course, all the buildings in this fake Fisher’s Village were transported from the real Fisher’s Village."

So, that’s the truth behind this module...

Liu Xing had a bewildered expression on his face. The storyline of this module had gone beyond twists and turns; it was more like a product of an author’s wild imagination!

At this moment, Zhang Jingxu suddenly asked, "So, what happened to the people who stayed in the villa before we arrived? And Miss Matsui Yui, why did you kill Panda Pig and Miyako Goudong?"

Liu Xing furrowed his brow. He didn’t expect Zhang Jingxu to confront Matsui Yui at this moment. Wasn’t he seeking trouble?

Matsui Yui shrugged and replied, "The people who stayed in the villa before you were actually individuals who wanted to join Fisher’s Village, or rather, my father’s followers. They merely went through the motions in the villa. After observing them for a few days, they went to the real Fisher’s Village. As for why I killed Panda Pig, you already know the reasons."

"My relationship with Panda Pig was as such. However, I’ve decided to marry Dogo Aige now, so I wanted to end my relationship with Panda Pig. I invited him to talk today before he came to Fisher’s Village, but he insisted on maintaining our relationship, so I had no choice but to kill him."

"As for Miyako Goudong, I could tell he had gone insane. A madman running around could easily cause unnecessary trouble, like revealing the truth to Dogo Aige. To prevent that, I had to eliminate Miyako Goudong. I believe you all understand my intentions now. As long as you attend my wedding with Dogo Aige honestly, you can leave here safely."

Liu Xing raised an eyebrow. It seemed that this module was one of those bizarre scenarios where players could progress smoothly as long as they remained passive.

Of course, Liu Xing was still curious about the true purpose of the Composite Magic Array in the villa and wanted to ask Matsui Yui if her feelings for Dogo Aige were genuine. However, he didn’t dare to ask these questions now.

"Very well, I agree to your request," Alice nodded and said.

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