Dice In The Darkness: Cthulhu Calls

Chapter 363: Temporal and Spatial Distortion

Liu Xing nodded and said, "Just like how we already know the situation of the black cat demon in the bamboo forest, but we haven’t triggered the related Side Quest yet. It’s very likely that this is hinting that we are not at the correct time point, so we can’t trigger the Side Quest."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

However, Ling Ishikawa still had some doubts and said, "If that’s the case, then how do we explain to the past Hu Cang if we go back in time at his house? How do we explain to him that we, strangers who he doesn’t know, appeared on the third floor of his house? We can’t just tell him that we got the consent of the future Hu Cang, right?"

Liu Xing frowned, as this was indeed a problem.

After all, as an NPC, Hu Cang should be affected by time travel, or rather, it would affect all the NPCs and mythical creatures in Panlong Town. Then, the player’s group would have to face a "brand new" Panlong Town.

The trouble was, if the player’s group was still in their current location after the time reversal, it would be very awkward to meet the past Hu Cang. After all, if you found several strangers suddenly appearing in your home, what would you think? And if these strangers kept talking about "time reversal" and "future you," what would you think?

According to the current plot, Hu Cang should be the most important NPC for the players in Panlong Town. Because Hu Cang has a good personality, he is willing to help players, knows a lot about what happened in Panlong Town, and all the other NPCs in Panlong Town who are worth mentioning have some relationship with Hu Cang. For example, Xiao Mochen and Hu Li seem to have some emotional entanglement with Hu Cang, and the clinic dean Zhong Rensan is Hu Cang’s only colleague in Panlong Town, and so on.

So, if the player’s group loses the trust of the past Hu Cang, it will be troublesome to act in the past Panlong Town, and they may even have to sleep rough. After all, no one wants to provide accommodation to a group of strangers with unknown origins, who are nervous and talking nonsense.

However, no one is sure when this time reversal will happen.

"By the way, Liu Xing, the situation we encountered last night was probably a time reversal," Zhang Jingxu suddenly brightened up and said.

Liu Xing thought for a moment and nodded, "It’s possible, after all, we came to Panlong Town in 2000 at that time. But one thing that makes me uncertain is that Panlong Town had already been destroyed at that time."

Zhang Jingxu shook his head and said seriously, "This is the Cthulhu RPG Game. Even if Panlong Town was really destroyed in 2000, there are various ways to restore it, such as the Black Flood Dragon or the powerful existence that can turn Panlong Town into an independent space."

At this moment, KP Snow Wind suddenly said, "Okay, the Private Room time is over. Please enter the state and continue the role-playing."

As soon as KP Snow Wind finished speaking, Zhang Jingxu looked at the heavy rain outside the window and said, "The weather in Panlong Town is a bit strange. It was sunny and cloudless during the day, but why did it start pouring rain at night? And this rain is really too heavy. We will have to stay in Panlong Town for a few more days."

Liu Xing nodded. The heavy rain outside the window was even worse than yesterday. Liu Xing estimated that the water level of the Panlong River was almost reaching the shore.

"This rain is a bit too much. Could it be that the Black Flood Dragon is causing it?" Ling Ishikawa complained.

Liu Xing shook his head and smiled, "That’s impossible. According to Chinese mythology, the Black Flood Dragon is not qualified to cause rain. But this heavy rain is really troublesome. If the dam we saw in the morning is washed away, it will be a big problem."

After all, Panlong Town can be considered as an island in the middle of a lake. Although Panlong Town occupies more than 80% of the "Panlong Lake," if the heavy rain continues, the Panlong River will inevitably begin to flood the streets of Panlong Town.

If Liu Xing is correct, the landscape of Panlong Town, as seen from the riverbank, suggests that Panlong Town is still a small basin bottom. If the rainfall is sufficient, Panlong Town could be flooded.

This is not good news, as "WatanabeRyuusei" cannot swim.

At present, it is still too early, so Liu Xing and the others do not have plans to go to bed in their respective rooms. Moreover, the time in the Private Room is too short, and they only discussed some important matters before leaving. Therefore, Liu Xing and the others continued to discuss the matter of Xiao Dafu and Zha Kang.

Zha Kang seems to be a practitioner of talismans, but even though Zhang Jingxu has a fragrance pouch that can drive away insects, it is not certain that it will have an effect on Zha Kang’s talismans, because even if it is called a talisman, it is still the king of insects. It is not easy to drive away the talisman and make it leave.

"After Xiao Dafu left the money and left the tea house, Watanabe Ryuusei whispered some information about Xiao Dafu to Xiao Mochen. First, Xiao Dafu is Xiao Mochen’s father, but when Xiao Mochen was five years old, Xiao Dafu took all the family’s money and left Panlong Town, leaving only a note saying he was going to County Town to invest in starting a business and make a lot of money and come back.

"However, Xiao Mochen’s mother sent someone to County Town to find Xiao Dafu, but she found that Xiao Dafu had taken the money and gone to Rongcheng, and there was no news from then on. At that time, Xiao Mochen and his mother were very poor, and they barely survived with the help of their neighbors.

"At that time, Hu Cang became Xiao Mochen’s best friend, because as you all know, no matter where you are in the world, bear cubs are very naughty. Xiao Mochen was bullied and ridiculed by other children, but Hu Cang stood up for him. That’s why Xiao Mochen is very grateful to Hu Cang to this day.

"Then, day after day passed, Xiao Mochen finished middle school and decided to leave Panlong Town to go to Rongcheng to work, before leaving, Hu Cang gave Xiao Mochen a protective talisman, which Xiao Mochen still has now.

"When Xiao Mochen arrived in Rongcheng, he could only find work as a waiter or network manager because of his educational background, but because Xiao Mochen’s personal conditions were very good, he quickly entered a nightclub and earned a lot of money. Xiao Mochen originally wanted to use the money to bring his mother to Rongcheng to enjoy life, but he never expected to encounter Xiao Dafu again.

"Because Xiao Mochen was very popular in the nightclub, the manager stood up to speak for him, and in the end, Xiao Mochen returned all the money he had earned to that person, and promised that he and Xiao Dafu would never appear in Rongcheng again, and then Xiao Mochen brought his father back to Panlong Town and opened that tea house with the remaining money.

"However, because Xiao Dafu had been out of contact for more than ten years and had become a drug addict, both Xiao Mochen and his mother could not forgive Xiao Dafu, so Xiao Mochen bought a house for Xiao Dafu to live in and let him live alone, but Xiao Dafu is also shameless, often coming to ask Xiao Mochen for money, and Xiao Mochen also cannot refuse, because Xiao Mochen is still his father. Zhang Jingxu said.

After listening to Xiao Mochen’s story, Liu Xing could only say that Xiao Dafu is a real scoundrel. Originally, Xiao Mochen’s life was not bad, because Liu Xing has a friend in the nightclub who said that with Xiao Mochen’s appearance, he could earn a few tens of thousands of dollars a month, but Xiao Dafu ruined it.

Therefore, Liu Xing estimates that Xiao Mochen must be very regretful now, and he should not have stood up to protect his father.

However, this also shows that Xiao Dafu is indeed a money-loving person, and his moral bottom line is very low. Liu Xing feels that if you want to buy Xiao Dafu, as long as the money is enough, you can, and you don’t even need to go through the relevant judgment.

And in this crisis-ridden, foggy Panlong Town, Xiao Dafu can be said to be the best helper for NPC and player

Therefore, Zha Kang’s matter was put aside for the time being.

Just then, Liu Xing suddenly heard a strange sound, like the low growl of some kind of wild beast.

Then, the pouring rain outside abruptly stopped, and moonlight shone into the room.

As for Liu Xing and the others, they were all stunned for a moment.

They hadn’t expected time to reverse itself so suddenly, without any time to react.

However, Liu Xing noticed that the furnishings in the room hadn’t become as dilapidated as they had yesterday. It seemed that Panlong Town hadn’t been destroyed in this world point yet.

"What’s going on?" Ling Ishikawa asked, feigning surprise.

Liu Xing furrowed his brow and replied, "This is what happened to Zhang Jingxu and me yesterday. We suddenly entered another dimension. But this time seems to be more serious than yesterday. We’ve all been sent to another dimension, and it seems that the dimension we’re in now is different from the one Zhang Jingxu and I were in yesterday."

Ling Ishikawa nodded, about to say something when Liu Xing heard footsteps - someone was coming up the stairs!

Liu Xing and the others looked at each other, and the person coming up the stairs should be Hu Cang. They hadn’t expected Hu Cang to arrive so quickly, leaving them no time to leave.

Now, the footsteps were getting closer and closer.

Liu Xing glanced out the window. The three-story building was at most six or seven meters high. Jumping from here might be safe, or it might break their legs. It all depended on luck.

However, Liu Xing thought about the Judgments he had undergone in this module, and the results weren’t good. Moreover, he had received KP Snow Wind’s blessing. Liu Xing felt that he shouldn’t try these dangerous moves. After all, if he didn’t act recklessly, he wouldn’t die.

Just as Liu Xing and the others were sitting uneasily, not knowing what to do, the footsteps stopped outside the door, and then the door was opened.

Standing outside the door was Hu Cang, who was also shocked to see Liu Xing and the others and couldn’t speak.

Just as Liu Xing and the others were thinking about how to explain to Hu Cang, he spoke, shocking Zhang Jingxu and the others, and then began to talk to Hu Cang.

Seeing this, Liu Xing guessed what was going on and waited for Zhang Jingxu to translate.

After a while, Zhang Jingxu remembered his translation work and quickly turned around and said, "The current situation is that Hu Cang doesn’t know when, but Panlong Town suddenly experienced a dimensional distortion. The range of the dimensional distortion was between 1990 and 2000. Currently, Hu Cang has recorded 450 instances of dimensional distortion, and the interval between each instance is about three to five days. As for the precursor to the dimensional distortion, it’s three consecutive days of heavy rain."

Liu Xing raised his eyebrows. He hadn’t expected it to be a dimensional distortion, not a time reversal. This made things even more complicated.

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