Dice In The Darkness: Cthulhu Calls

Chapter 385: The Respected Black Flood Dragon

"Even though I was under control at the time, I could still witness the entire battle between Black Flood Dragon and Gralki. Gralki, resembling a porcupine, made it risky for Black Flood Dragon to engage in close combat despite its tough scales. Instead, Black Flood Dragon had to keep maneuvering and searching for opportunities while Gralki took the initiative to attack with its spines. Thus, Black Flood Dragon found itself in a defensive position."

"So, Black Flood Dragon and Gralki remained in a stalemate for a while. When Gralki couldn’t find an opportunity for close combat with Black Flood Dragon, it became desperate and decided to kill the residents of Panlong Town to force Black Flood Dragon into a close fight. As you all know, Ryuusei, the key to Black Flood Dragon’s successful ascension lies in these residents of Panlong Town. Consequently, Black Flood Dragon had no choice but to engage Gralki in close combat."

"You should already know that Black Flood Dragon had two primary methods of attack: using Magic Spells and using its physical advantages to engage and kill its enemies. In terms of Magic Spells, Black Flood Dragon was significantly weaker than Gralki. Thus, Black Flood Dragon had to bravely confront Gralki’s spines, which, in turn, pierced Black Flood Dragon’s body."

"At first, I thought Black Flood Dragon could hold its own against Gralki, as Gralki seemed powerless in front of Black Flood Dragon. However, with time passing, Black Flood Dragon gradually weakened. It must have been due to the unknown substance injected by Gralki. In any case, Black Flood Dragon’s fate was sealed."

"Knowing that its end was near, Black Flood Dragon fought desperately against Gralki before biting into Gralki’s body. Black Flood Dragon injected the venom it had refined for hundreds of years into Gralki. This venom was Black Flood Dragon’s ultimate weapon, usable only once before ascending to a true dragon. In this instance, Black Flood Dragon also sent the last of its remaining energy into Gralki along with the venom."

"In the end, Black Flood Dragon perished on Gralki’s body. However, Gralki didn’t fare much better. Due to the venom injected by Black Flood Dragon, Gralki writhed in agony in Panlong Lake for an unknown duration before returning to normal. But I could still see that Gralki hadn’t completely neutralized the venom in its body. What happened next, I’m not sure. I only know that Gralki seemed to cast another Magic Spell, and then I lost consciousness completely, until you, Ryuusei, came to awaken my memories," Hu Li said.

Liu Xing nodded in understanding. Hu Li’s account of the epic battle between Black Flood Dragon and Gralki filled Liu Xing with respect for Black Flood Dragon. While Black Flood Dragon’s actions in protecting the residents of Panlong Town might have had ulterior motives, it had ultimately sacrificed its life for them, deserving admiration.

Simultaneously, Liu Xing gained insight into Gralki’s abilities. Apart from using psychic attacks, Gralki relied on its spines for offense. Considering the size and distribution of these spines on Gralki’s body in the illusion he had seen earlier, Liu Xing believed he could potentially evade Gralki’s spine attacks as long as luck was on his side.

Liu Xing then raised an important question, furrowing his brow, "Miss Hu Li, do you know that Zhong Rensan was responsible for the death of Hu Cang’s good friend Gangzi? Also, why didn’t Black Flood Dragon kill Troll, especially when Troll has been indiscriminately killing innocent people within Panlong Town?"

Hu Li pondered for a moment before nodding, "I do know about this, as Hu Cang mentioned it to me before. However, he only briefly mentioned the death of his good friend Gangzi without going into details about how Zhong Rensan and Troll were involved. As for why Black Flood Dragon didn’t kill Troll, it’s because Black Flood Dragon had the will but lacked the means. You see, creatures like us, with heightened senses, can easily detect each other’s presence. So, whenever Black Flood Dragon approached Panlong Town Clinic, Troll would immediately flee."

"Black Flood Dragon couldn’t risk getting close to Panlong Town Clinic because it feared that after Troll escaped, Troll might retaliate against the residents of Panlong Town. Although Black Flood Dragon was far superior to Troll in power, Troll’s agility surpassed that of Black Flood Dragon. Black Flood Dragon believed it couldn’t protect all the residents of Panlong Town from Troll’s threat, so it had no choice but to let Troll be."

"So, when we confront Troll later, I’ll give you the sleep powder. You can deal with Troll inside the clinic, and once Troll is asleep, I’ll enter the clinic. This way, we won’t startle Troll and make it flee prematurely. Of course, if you’re unable to capture Troll immediately, remember to call me, and I’ll come in to assist you."

With that explanation, Hu Li took a small paper packet from her pocket and handed it to Liu Xing. Liu Xing accepted it and immediately received information about the sleep powder.

Hu Li’s specially crafted sleep powder (non-transferable out of the module) was made from various unidentified materials. It could induce sleep through various methods. If mixed into food or drink, it would take effect within 2 to 3 hours. If dispersed in a sealed compartment, it would take effect within 1 to 10 minutes, depending on the specific circumstances. The duration of sleep would vary based on the target, with a minimum of ten minutes for humans and two minutes for mythical creatures. However, it had no effect on Great Old Ones.

Liu Xing raised an eyebrow. It was no wonder that back then, he and his companions hadn’t undergone Judgment before being directly hypnotized by Hu Li. It turned out that this special hypnotic powder made by Hu Li was incredibly effective, to the point where it could be said to have a hundred percent success rate.

However, the unfortunate part was that this hypnotic powder couldn’t be taken out of the module.

Liu Xing accepted the hypnotic powder and smiled, saying, "No problem, but if anything unexpected happens, Miss Hu Li, you’ll have to come help us quickly. After all, we can’t hold off the Troll for long."

Hu Li nodded and replied, "No problem. As long as Mr. Ryuusei and his team can stall the Troll for half a minute, I can get to the scene. Well then, let’s go find Zhong Rensan now."

With that, Hu Li took the lead and left the small eatery, with Liu Xing and the others quickly following suit.

In no time, Liu Xing’s group arrived at Panlong Town Clinic.

Because today was a market day, the clinic was quite crowded. However, since there was only one doctor, Zhong Rensan, in Panlong Town Clinic, the waiting room was already almost full.

"What should we do? Do we have to sit here and wait for Zhong Rensan to finish seeing the patients?" Zhang Jingxu furrowed his brow and asked.

Hu Li shook her head and smiled, saying, "No need to make it complicated. Just ignore these people; you don’t have to worry about them cursing you."

As Hu Li spoke, she walked into the treatment room where Zhong Rensan was, and the patients in the waiting room watched her cut in line but didn’t say a word.

Seeing this, Liu Xing and the others didn’t hesitate any longer and followed Hu Li’s footsteps.

When they entered the treatment room, Liu Xing saw a patient with empty eyes walking out. Clearly, these patients had all been hypnotized by Hu Li.

Indeed, the skill of hypnosis was quite useful.

Watching Liu Xing’s group enter one after another, Zhong Rensan was somewhat surprised and asked, "Why are all of you coming in together?"

Hu Li chuckled and sat down across from Zhong Rensan, saying, "Dr. Zhong Rensan, I heard you have a beautiful jade pendant. Can you show it to me?"

As soon as Zhong Rensan heard Hu Li’s words, he immediately became alert and said, "Jade pendant? What jade pendant? I don’t have any jade pendant, Miss Hu Li, please don’t make things up."

Hu Li shrugged, stood up, and said, "Oh, since Dr. Zhong Rensan doesn’t have a jade pendant, then we won’t help you with that thing in the basement of Panlong Town Clinic."

"What? You know about the thing in the basement?!" Zhong Rensan exclaimed in shock.

Hu Li sat back down and smiled, saying, "Dr. Zhong Rensan, please don’t speak so loudly. If the thing in the basement hears you, something bad might happen."

Zhong Rensan immediately nodded and whispered, "I understand, but I have a question for Miss Hu Li. How did you know about the thing in the basement?"

Hu Li put on a mysterious air as she spoke, "There are things I can find out if I want to, and for you, Doctor Zhong Rensan, it’s just a matter of dealing with that Troll in the basement, isn’t it?"

Zhong Rensan nodded earnestly and replied, "That’s correct. As long as you, Miss Hu Li, can resolve the Troll in the basement, I will give you that jade pendant. However, since you seem to know so much, Miss Hu Li, you should also be aware of the danger posed by that Troll and how vengeful it can be, so..."

Zhong Rensan hesitated, clearly concerned about Hu Li’s capabilities.

Hu Li pointed to Liu Xing and the others and said, "My abilities alone may not be enough to deal with that Troll, but the people I’ve brought with me are skilled, such as Mr. Zhang Jingxu here, who is a professional Taoist."

Suddenly, Zhang Jingxu, who had been lying down but now caught in the middle, quickly adopted a dignified demeanor, smiling as he nodded.

Seeing Zhang Jingxu’s impressive presence, Zhong Rensan breathed a sigh of relief and continued, "That’s good then. You see, that Troll has been a menace to my family for over a century. If you, Miss Hu Li and your team, can truly help us eliminate that Troll, it would be a great relief."

Hu Li nodded and said with a sly smile, "Well then, Doctor Zhong Rensan, can you tell me why your grandfather provoked the Troll?"

Zhong Rensan furrowed his brows and hesitated, "Is that really important?"

"It’s very important," Hu Li replied firmly.

After some thought, Zhong Rensan sighed in resignation, "Alright, I’ll tell you all about what happened back then, but I hope you won’t share this with others. After all, it’s not a proud story. In my grandfather’s early years, the times were turbulent, and he couldn’t make a living solely through his medical skills. So, he joined a group of villagers in tomb-robbing, or grave plundering, you could say."

"One time, my grandfather received information that there was a high-ranking official buried on a nearby mountain in Rongcheng. He and his companions rushed to investigate and quickly found a large tomb that had never been excavated before. They dug a secret passage and entered the tomb."

"But once inside, my grandfather’s companions were swiftly killed by the Troll, leaving only my grandfather. The Troll then demanded that my grandfather make a pact with it. The Troll would grant one of my grandfather’s wishes, but in return, my grandfather and his descendants had to provide food for the Troll. My grandfather agreed without hesitation because refusing meant certain death at the hands of the Troll."

"However, my grandfather was initially optimistic, thinking the Troll would live for only a few decades at most. He planned to feed it pork and lamb every day. It was only later that he discovered the Troll could live indefinitely unless killed, and the Troll’s preferred food was the fresh organs of humans."

At this point, Zhong Rensan paused, sighing heavily.

Hu Li nodded, stood up, and said, "Alright, we understand the situation now. Please be patient, Doctor Zhong Rensan. We’ll come to deal with this Troll as soon as we’re prepared."

With that, Hu Li left with Liu Xing and the others.

Outside of the Panlong Town clinic, Hu Li spoke, "Now you all know why the Troll has been bothering Zhong Rensan. It’s because of his grandfather’s unethical grave plundering activities. Besides Gangzi, countless innocent lives have been sacrificed to feed the Troll, thanks to Zhong Rensan."

Liu Xing understood that Hu Li was speaking up for Hu Cang.

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