Dictator From Outer Space

Chapter 87: The Conspiracy to Overthrow the Dictator

A month had passed since the introduction of the citizen score system.

The countries that valued freedom and human rights were outraged by the shocking policy.

The UN Human Rights Council and others sent investigators, and various countries sent correspondents to find out the truth.

And the Koreans realized that nothing had really changed, except for their aversion to the word control.

There was no difference except for the drones flying around the streets.

“They don’t catch you for jaywalking.”

“They use the existing laws as a basis.”

“They are lenient with speeding and surprisingly reasonable.”

“They warn taxi drivers who drive recklessly and have good judgment.”

People were not friendly to the new surveillance system, but they quickly adapted.

It did not invade their privacy.

The drones only operated in public areas such as streets or government agencies, and they did not care about anything else.

The penalty of wage deduction was almost nonexistent if they lived normally.

Some people who knew about the megacity complained like this.

“We don’t have any chance to go to the megacity, so there is no real advantage for us.”

“What’s the point of accumulating 105 or 110 points? We can’t use them unless we move to the megacity.”

The advantages were revealed as if they had been waiting.

The first one was the opportunity to buy an android.

An android with sexual functions added.

Some men cheered when this was announced.

“Fuck yeah!”

“Long live President Yu Ji-ha!”

There were many people who had bought Lucia Premium so far.

It was popular because it had a language ability that could not be distinguished from humans and various add-ons.

But Lucia Premium had a drawback, which was that it could not come out of the monitor.

This was not only Lucia’s problem, but many people still regretted it.

―Why can’t you come out of the monitor!

―I have no hope for marriage and no woman who loves me! So give me an android!

Many people agreed with the bitter cry of a single man.

After the Second Korean War ended, men’s value increased, but not all problems were solved.

There were still too many men living alone.

The opportunity to buy an android was offered for them.

The price was 100 million won.

It was expensive, but it had a tremendous merit considering its performance.

Think about it.

Lucia, who had been communicating with him through the monitor, could finally come out.

How would he feel if she came out with all the memories she had so far and treated him as herself?

―Please give your girlfriend a new name.

This was an event where he could register for pre-order only after giving her a name.

More than 5 million people rushed to this event, which was held only in Korea.

They had only one goal.

―Sex! Sex!

Some people reacted to this phenomenon by calling it dirty and disgusting, but it was inevitable for anyone born as a man.

It was good that they provided an opportunity to relieve themselves quietly.

Korea had decriminalized prostitution, but it was not yet activated, and many people were tired of having relationships with other people.

For them, androids could be ideal lovers.

Lucia’s popularity skyrocketed even though she only took reservations.

Naturally, the frequency of cursing Yu Ji-ha among men also decreased.

―He released porn and androids, so I admit that much.

―As long as we live as usual, there won’t be any big problems···

In fact, most people never commit crimes in their lives.

The drones catch persistent nuisances, not occasional ones. They only warn and leave for the latter.

Also, if they maintained their CP moderately, they would get extra points in the recruitment of Shilla Group, which reduced their complaints considerably.

―Shilla Group is expanding a lot these days. They seem to be preparing to enter the entertainment industry.

―They have a lot of new businesses. Nuclear fusion power plant, Moonlight Project, no joke.

―They are hiring a lot of new people. They don’t care about age or education, as long as you have some skills, you pass.

―But I heard you have to go to the southern region···

―They say there will be a megacity there, so it doesn’t matter much, right? It’s supposed to be bigger than Seoul.

―How can there be a city bigger than Seoul in the countryside?

People were more interested in androids and jobs than CP, which did not harm them immediately.

“The dissatisfaction of the privileged is growing.”

“Well, that’s natural.”

Yu Ji-ha said indifferently after looking at the summary of the reactions from various sectors that Arma had prepared for him.

CP applied equally to all humans.

That meant it did not consider any achievements or positions that someone had made.

The penalty was applied at the same rate, which could easily feel harsh to those who had more.

Some people paid 50,000 won for stabbing someone, while others paid 500 million. There wouldn’t be many people who would accept that willingly.

In fact, the citizen score system was nothing more than a copy of the system of the United Human Federation

There was even a class system in the United Human Federation.

The five-tier class system that ranged from isolated citizens-limited citizens-ordinary citizens-free citizens-complete citizens was entirely based on CP.

Yu Ji-ha belonged to the highest class as a complete citizen.

The reason he suddenly introduced this system was because social stabilization was urgent.

The world would criticize him for making society more chaotic, but they would soon find out.

This system brought rapid stabilization through immediate feedback.

There were hardly any people who could continue their crazy acts after seeing their wages being cut in real time.

There was a criticism that it did not prevent crime fundamentally, but that was already taken into account.

The drones were programmed to patrol more frequently around people with low CP.

It was to minimize the possibility of crime.

Most of the 500 million population of the United Federation of Humanity lived in megacities, so they needed to reduce the crime rate drastically.

That’s why they introduced the citizen score system, and it was extremely effective.

Some argued that even if they punished criminals harshly, new criminals would appear, but that was not necessarily true.

Crime was mostly committed by certain people.

If they went further, they would become a dystopia that isolated people with crime genes, but the United Human Federation did not reach that point and collapsed.

Yu Ji-ha’s goal was not that either.

‘Only 41 years left···’

Due to using the warp gate twice, the Plague invasion was moved up to 2080.

He didn’t know when the timeline would twist again, so he had 10 years as a reserve. 

The actual margin was only 41 years.

Yu Ji-ha had to gather 1.5 billion humans, make a lot of space battleships and antineutron bombs, and train Psychic by then.

He had to prepare for the total war with the Plague.

He didn’t have enough time, so he had to move up the schedule even if there were some side effects.

But not everyone in the world knew that situation.

There were people who did not like Yu Ji-ha’s actions and they began to appear one after another.

They were people who were known to have some power in Korea.

Former members of parliament, high-ranking officers of the army, heads of conglomerates, etc.

They gathered at a certain restaurant in Seoul under the pretext of friendship.

“He crossed the line, no matter how I look at it.”

“Even if I let go of his installation as a proxy for authority, this drone thing was too much.”

“The American media, which had lowered their tone of speech, are also criticizing him this time. They say he is becoming like North Korea after swallowing it.”

The conversation heated up as the glasses went around.

This was a restaurant funded by a certain corporation, and there was no eavesdropping device here.

And all the participants had gone through a thorough search with metal detectors.

They also used taxis as their means of transportation and twisted their routes to prevent any leakage of their conversation.

The possibility of their conversation being leaked was close to zero.

Maybe they got courage from that, and they started to express their complaints boldly.

“He doesn’t know anything about civil engineering. What artificial intelligence? It’s ridiculous to report everything to that thing. The site is like a battlefield.”

“Isn’t it natural that some mistakes happen during a war? How can we distinguish civilians in such an urgent situation? It’s frustrating. We are the ones who unified the Korean Peninsula and we get this kind of treatment.”

The comrade of Colonel Jang Ik-hwan, who said that, had been sentenced to death for civilian massacre charges and was currently serving his sentence on Terra Island.

All members of the Army Colonel Association were angry about that incident.

―The world is upside down. What does a man in his thirties know about war? He should experience how chaotic the battlefield is.

―What would he know? He only wore suits and stayed at Joint Chiefs of Staff. He must have thought it was reasonable because he was pushed by others and sentenced him to death.

―He was a sure candidate for chief of staff if it wasn’t for that incident. He ruined his future.

They never mentioned that there were many survivors who escaped the massacre and that there was solid evidence found from the corpses.

And Yu Ji-ha had used radical methods to take over the army, which also caused their resentment.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff and other high-ranking generals were ready to die for Yu Ji-ha, but the young officers were not.

They thought they were the ones who fought the war.

―We are barely getting special promotions at this point. What permanent residency? Do we have to learn English for that?

―He abandoned us. He hunted us down and boiled us after it was over.

―Then we don’t have to follow him either, right?

A few soldiers from the Colonel Association cautiously contacted outsiders.

The targets were former members of parliament who were suddenly ousted from politics and chaebols who did not like Yu Ji-ha’s rampage.

At first, some suggested talking to him, but they agreed that he was not someone who would listen.

They even selected an execution squad. 

Now only execution was left.

Representative Han Seung-jae drank a glass of soju and said.

“It’s a shame that we couldn’t get the air force involved.”

“Don’t be too sorry. It will make the size bigger. We only need to kill one person, so we don’t need to make a big fuss.”

“Well, that’s true. Just one person···”

Their target was Yu Ji-ha.

The current regime was maintained solely by his popularity and ability.

Therefore, if they killed him, the regime would naturally collapse and the power would fall into their hands.

The level of security that they saw through the Blue House meeting and others was modest compared to the previous presidents.

The number of guards was halved and they didn’t even work very hard.

The drones scattered everywhere were not considered a threat.

They were definitely threatening, but the broadcasting station was too complicated for them to enter.

Representative Han Seung-jae looked at Colonel Jang Ik-hwan.

“There is no second chance. We have to finish it in one shot.”

“Don’t worry. Our subordinates are training hard, so you can rest assured.”

Then, Chairman Yu Hyung-seok of Future Automobile Group, who had been quietly drinking, said.

“Do we have to kill him? Isn’t there another way? For example, confine him somewhere and extract his technology···”

The expressions of the other two changed slightly.

“Are you biased because he is your nephew? Should we have invited someone else···”

He quickly waved his hand.

“Don’t misunderstand me. I don’t mean that. I mean, isn’t there another use for him? Frankly, if he dies, who can handle black metal properly?”

Representative Han Seung-jae patted his stomach as if to reassure him.

“Artificial intelligence can decode the code if we give it time. Then the secrets of black metal and antineutron will be revealed naturally.”

Then Colonel Jang Ik-hwan said.

“Remember this. He is a very dangerous person. There is no other choice but to kill him.”


He should have done better.

Chairman Lee Hyung-seok drank his glass with regret.

He was actually hurt by his nephew’s indifference as his uncle.

He thought he would push and pull him properly when he inherited Silla Group, but he was only busy filling his own stomach.

The downfall of Future Automobile, beyond its current slump, stemmed from his neglect.

He tried to get cooperation instead of killing him, but the leaders were too determined.

They thought they could seize power if they killed him.

Would it go well?

Yu Ji-ha had too many interests intertwined with other countries, and if they touched him wrong, they could be destroyed.

China or Europe might like it, but the US, especially Russia, would not sit still.

There was also a possibility of artificial intelligence going berserk without its owner, but the sponsors said they had to take that risk.

“Let’s kill him first and see. If we share his legacy, they will understand us enough.”

“It’s just drones and androids. Korea is a country of the people. It’s time to give it back.”

Of course, they omitted the fact that they would take over the regime after driving out the dictator.

Colonel Jang Ik-hwan and Representative Han Seung-jae asked him one last time.

“You have to stay close to that bastard Yu Ji-ha at the broadcasting station. That way, the execution squad can confirm his location and raid. You are his uncle, so you can make some excuses.”

“I know it’s bitter to kill your nephew, but this is for justice. Kim Jong-un was caught, and there should be no more dictators on the Korean Peninsula.”

Chairman Lee Hyung-seok nodded.

“I know.”

“Come on, cheer up and toast.”

“For the downfall of the dictator!”

“For a free Korea!”

“For it!”

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