Did I want this?

Chapter 28- Raised Difficulty

A rapid, wet sound along with an occasional 'gurk' from the femboy gagging made it impossible for Breina to avoid an erection.

Considering just how much cum he was ingesting, August was sure that it wasn't just because cum didn't have as many nutrients as food. After all, cum from Hertha and Breina who were so high-levelled can't be compared to the sludge his little cock lets out. He guessed that higher levels or maybe higher physical stats mean needing more food.

That would be troublesome for some people but for him, it was great news! This meant he could swallow more with a legitimate excuse!

"Ugh! Here it comes!" Hertha reached down and gripped his throat, making him even tighter around her cock. Her quick thrusts became frantic and a shiver passed through her gorgeous body, the sounds of her cum filling August's stomach could be heard by Breina whose erection was kept between her tits.

"Mmmm, that's a good slut. Looking at this fat ass while doing this is pretty good." The hand in his hair was rotating, slowly using him to milk the last few drops out of her shaft. After she finally was done, she lifted him up slowly but then put him back down, "Make sure to leave no mess, I don't want a sloppy oral so suck it all up, slut."

August complied and suck in, making sure that nothing other than a small layer of his saliva was left behind. It was tough with so much cock in his throat; he couldn't swallow everything easily. This meant that he had to go back down a few times to clean up what he missed.

To make sure that nothing was left meant that he felt every centimetre of the hot, pulsing skin he had under his luscious lips. If he was told to draw her cock, he was sure that the memory of cleaning her would make his drawing absolutely accurate. The strange feeling of intimacy was doing things to him, 'Am I seriously going to fall for someone because of a cleanup blowjob?'

August pushed those thoughts away immediately, he wasn't going to let his heart be led around so easily even if she was a nice person. He had only been in this world for a short period of time, I can't afford to risk it. But cleaning up his mistress's dick was definitely going to be on the list of daily duties.

A moment later, August was back on his feet and facing the door. He had his eyes closed and blindfolded using his hair of all things, after chewing the last of his mistress's cum and swallowing, he waited for the door to be opened.

In the time he took to finish the last of the cum, Hertha used a bit of water magic to wash the saliva off her cock and put it back into her robe, the huge, curved meat made her look unbearably erotic. She reached out and knocked on the door to a special beat, a pulse of magic power in her hand hit the door at a special tempo that was part of the hidden password.

The door opened and standing there was a middle-aged man, he was average in height and slender, and his ridiculously handsome face was expressionless as he spoke, "Unbelievable, we search everywhere for the two of you and you were using a slave? I'm shocked but happy you're okay."

Breina rolled her eyes, "Sure, the only time you look like you mean anything you say is in bed... or anywhere else for that matter, you exhibitionist. Any clues to what happened or who was involved?"

He shrugged and moved to the side to let them in, "Hardly anything, it's more like we can tell something dirty is going on but we can't figure out what. This was done too well if they can hide it from the dark elves." Dark elves have a special affinity for shadows and stealth, to hide something from them was impressive... and concerning.

Hertha frowned at just how little could be found, there was no way that her Majesty didn't consider the idea of a traitor, so that means that they couldn't find anything?

It was time for her to make a move, she had her own forces and connections that she purposely separated from politics. "Take us to see her Majesty."

She then turned to August and said, "This isn't the human nation. As you are not her subject and neither her slave, you do not need to kneel but I expect you to stay silent until spoken to. If her Majesty asks anything then answer immediately, understood?"

"Yes, Mistress!" He knew this was a critical junctor in finding out who tried to harm them, he would do his best to remember any clues from when he was in a sex coma with the bandits.

Hertha nodded in satisfaction and patted his head, "Good slut."

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