Did she already know what I would ask her for?

Ch 104: New status profiles

'I'll have to look for the weakest group of all. Or at least the one that seems most vulnerable to ranged attacks.'

Following the map, I arrived in front of a group of 21 soldiers. I settled into a nearby tree and watched them... 

'They look tough.' 

11 of them have full armor, while the others possess light armor. Although I could venture out and try to hunt them down. I'm not as reckless as before.

I have no reason to be hasty. I have enough time to look for the weakest of them. All thanks to the map.

I got out of there and walked into enemy territory as if I were at home.

While others must be very cautious when advancing, I must simply avoid the red dots and stroke the heads of the animals in the blue dots.

I was stroking a rabbit's belly when suddenly a red dot ran in my direction.

Emir: "!!!!"

Without a second thought, I threw the rabbit at it.

While the rabbit flew, I equipped the bow and stretched the string. At the same moment that the soldier noticed the flying rabbit, I fired.

The arrow swiftly pierced the rabbit and continued its course towards the soldier's head. The next second, the arrow penetrated deep into his head, killing him without giving him time to react.

'Thank you, rabbit. I will make sure you rest in peace. Since a Saint is the closest thing to God, if Delia eats you, you'll be one step away from heaven.'

[Demir] [Warrior Lvl 19]

'It was only a short time before you became a knight, huh? Why did you approach me so suddenly?' 

Well... It was indeed my fault for walking so close to an enemy group, but I never thought that someone would start running right in my direction.

With this, I only need nine more remnants to accomplish the mission.

Once I saved the rabbit and the remnant in the inventory, I looked at the map. Very close to me is a group of 19 soldiers. Their red dots were moving quietly, as if they were resting in place. I climbed into the trees and slowly advanced in their direction.

Seeing them, I smiled.

"You really were my lucky rabbit. I'll keep one of your paws and make a necklace from it."

'A little more luck isn't bad at all.' 

The group is composed of 5 Warriors, and 2 fully armored knights. 10 of them have light armor, and the others only have leather protection.

"Haa... Demir is still not back from the bath."

"I told him not to drink so much water; he must have been nervous."

"It's okay; let him be. He'll grow up, eventually."

Everyone chatted happily, as if this was just a walk in the fresh air. Unfortunately, this is a war. Everyone came here to kill. It would be foolish of me to have any remorse.

Among the soldiers, only the ones in heavy armor worry me. Although my sword possesses the rune [Edge], I am not confident enough to cut steel. That being the case...

'It's time to create new profiles for my Status.'

'[Reset Status Points]'

After constantly looking between my points and the soldiers, I created the following profile...

[Emir] [Great Adventurer Lvl 1] [Archer Lvl 19] [Knight Lvl 1] [Sword King Lvl 1] [Leader Lvl 20] [Survivor Lvl 17] [Traveler Lvl 1]

HP=10 || MP=1

Agility=17 || Strength=44

Intelligence=17 || Luck=6


Physical=1 || Magic=0

Poison=0 || Curse=0

'A profile dedicated to strength! With this, my arrows will be more powerful than ever!'

Since I don't have to protect Delia, I activated the 60% discount again. That way, I can try to raise my level at the same time as completing the recon group's missions.

My hand itches to keep increasing Strength, but it can be considered a miracle that my personality hasn't changed, so I'll stop here.

'The profile will be named [Strength]. Well, the profile was created for archery, but what if I have to fight in close-range combat? I would have to fight with my sword. And, for that, I must focus on speed, since the sword possessing [Edge] is more than enough to replace the Strength attribute.'

Of course, first those in full armor must die for this profile to do its job.

HP=10 || MP=1

Agility=44 || Strength=17

Intelligence=17 || Luck=6


Physical=1 || Magic=0

Poison=0 || Curse=0

'A profile dedicated to Agility! So, I'll be able to avoid their attacks no matter if they come at me at the same time! This profile will have [Agility] as its name.'

With all the preparations complete, it is time to start the mission.

'Activate profile... [Strength].'

At the very moment of activating the profile, the bow in my hands became lighter. And not only that, my ‌body felt lighter and harder. As if just one of my fists was enough to leave a big hole in the tree. 

'This is mammoth strength!' 

"Fuu..." I exhaled.

I calmly looked at the soldiers and aimed with my bow, quickly entering a state of full concentration. I mentally visualized the path of the arrow, and then the arrow of the next shot... and so on, until I mentally visualized all the shots that would cause the soldiers deaths.

'Okay, I'm ready.'


"What was that-...?" A Knight fell to the ground dead.


"Robert-...?!" The next Knight died.


"We are being attacked-...!!" A Warrior died.




6 of the 7 soldiers in full armor fell dead. It is not a bad result, considering that my odds of failure were high. Especially when the targets only have a small clearance to shoot at in their helmets.

Since the seventh one managed to hide, I switched targets to the lightly armored soldiers.


"Damn youuu-...!!!!!"


"I curse you-....!!!!!"


"Hide, quickly...! ... ... ... Cof Cof... His aim is failing! Don't die..."


It's just as the last soldier said. The arrow that should have pierced his head pierced his left shoulder instead. But my current strength is colossal, and the impact damaged part of his heart. So, the blood didn't stop gushing out until he died, and golden particles surrounded his body.

By this time, everyone had taken cover. Some did so among the trees, and others on large rocks.


I missed.


I missed again.

"Activate the distress signal! Call for reinforcements!" shouted a soldier behind a tree.



The arrow failed to pierce the trunk and only scared the soldier half to death.

"Robert had the stone! It's impossible to call for reinforcements!" shouted another soldier.



They all started cursing as they realized ‌the reinforcements wouldn't come.

'Do you guys have a magic item to call for reinforcements?' 

I can't help but feel relieved to assassinate the Knights. First, if that Robert guy was still alive, then I'd have to call this fight to an end and escape before the reinforcements arrived.

'After this battle, I will check what that magic item looks like, so I don't repeat this mistake.'

"I found it! That's the location of the damn archer!!!" He threw something in my direction.


With a glass-shattering sound, a sphere shattered very close to me, and then... It started spewing bluish smoke.

"I will kill youuuu!!!"

"Die, you motherfucker!!!"

Emir: "!!!!"

'They're getting closer!'

Two of them, in particular, are closer than the others, but only by a few seconds. I'll interchange an attack, and then the others will already surround me!

'I must act fast. Activate profile... [Agility].'

I put away the bow and equip the sword as I jump out of the tree and land on the ground. It's at that very moment when I feel the changes in my state, the mammoth strength disappears, but in return, a ravenous desire consumes me, a desire to show how slow the world is for me.

"You just put up useless resistance!"

"Hahaha! An archer can’t defend himself against a Warrior at close range! Die!"

Both soldiers carry a sword in hand and are wearing light armor. By their body movement and the sharpness in their eyes, I can tell that their skill far surpasses the thieves I once fought. Besides their experience, they are mentally and physically prepared for a fight to the death, which leaves the thieves as children in comparison.

In their attacks, they showed great coordination. Both of them performed a diagonal line cut, giving me no room to dodge or block.

Of course, that would be in normal cases.

With my current agility, I can slowly see their swords coming at me. I only took three steps... And I escaped their attack range successfully.

Still, not everything went as I expected.

Actually, these three steps should have left me right next to the soldier, and that way I could raise my sword and cut his throat. But now I find myself a step and a half behind him. In other words, at his back.

In order not to waste any more time, I quickly swung my sword and cut his neck. The man died as I had planned, but this left a nasty taste in my mouth.

'Ah, I see. My [Intelligence] is too low compared to my [Agility]. My body is moving faster than my mind can control.'

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