Did she already know what I would ask her for?

Ch 107: I take it back. I don’t need friends.

Although I still have deer meat in the inventory, because of my lucky rabbit, we had rabbit for lunch.

'With this, you are one step away from heaven. I have kept my promise, buddy; the rest is up to you.'

Much amused, Delia began experimenting with the rabbit's foot to turn it into an accessory that could be hung.

"If you go to town, bring me a necklace and a small hook to attach the rabbit's foot to," she said with an adorable smile on her face.

'The necklace will be created by a Saint. So, it is to be hoped that it will have a stroke of luck that would defy the heavens. If it were to be sold at auction, its value would start at 100 white gold coins, I'm sure.'

"... Space Travel"

The un-enabled passage is in the eastern sector, so I teleported in that direction. Not being affiliated with the kingdom, the distance to the capital is huge. Therefore, I had to wait for a carriage.

After getting off the carriage, I walked along the same dirt road leading in the direction of the gold labyrinth, but, about 3/4 of the way there, I turned off and walked into the vast forest. It is obvious that the criminals would not leave clues to the location of the hidden entrance, but it is quite amazing that there aren't any.

There aren't any plants that were stepped on! If I didn't have my map, I'd think I was lost in the forest.

After 30 minutes of walking, I arrived in front of the hidden entrance.

In front of me is the great wall that protects the capital from invaders, but at its bottom, there is an extensive crack. The size of this crack is 5 meters, of which only 1.7 meters are a hole through which one can enter the city.

On the two sides of this hole are 2 men, respectively, making 4 in total. They are all [Warriors] with levels between 30 and 36 and have on high-quality light armor and weapons.

I am hiding behind a tree, and now the crucial question comes to mind... 

'Do I assassinate them and then enter? Or do I hypnotize one of them to know how to enter following their rules? It won't be the first time I enter the capital through an unauthorized passage, so the second option is the most feasible. Alright then... Activate [Strength] profile.'

After getting used to the colossal strength, I equipped a different mask and clothes on my body, and then... I shot an arrow.


I'm far away from them, so I can't hear their conversation. I only know that they were alarmed at the sudden rumble, and one of them volunteered to investigate while the others stayed on alert guarding the entrance.

Slowly, the guy advanced in my direction, and only when he was a few feet away from me did I pull out a scroll.


The hypnosis scroll was consumed, and with that, the man stood still on the spot. I rushed to him and gave him the respective orders.

"Answer every one of my questions truthfully… How can I enter through the crack without causing trouble?"

"You must say the password and then pay one silver coin one way and one silver coin one way out."

"What is the password?"

"Nothing is true, everything is permitted."

"How do you recognize suspects?"

"The first thing we ask strangers is which gang they belong to. If the stranger is not on the list, then we kill him. That's all."

"What gangs would you advise me to mention without causing suspicion?"

"From your appearance, I would say... Hungry Eagles."

"From now on, I am one of your acquaintances. We don't trust each other enough, but you will vouch for me if anything happens. And for the noise earlier, think of a good excuse... Do you have it?"

"Yes, sir."

"Well, then... wake up."

The next second, the man came out of his trance, and his eyes were bright again. Then he looked at me and shook his head.

"Next time, you must not murder people so close to the entrance; otherwise, even I won't be able to save you. Now let's go. If we delay, then you will get me in trouble."

"Yes, let's go."

Although I have no idea what he is talking about, I nodded just in case.

We raced towards the entrance, and then we stopped.

"And who is he?" asked a guard while pointing his weapon in my direction.

"Don't disturb him. He is an acquaintance of mine. The noise before was him killing one of his men who disobeyed him. He stood there still with his arms in the air when I arrived."

"Uh... I see."

'Now I understand our previous talk… in his mind, I must have killed someone, and that's why he shook his head at that time.'

"Your gang?"

"He belongs to-....." He was interrupted.

"Let him talk. You're not his babysitter, are you?"

"Hungry Eagles"

Before the situation escalated in intensity, I told the gang to which I belong.

Thanks to this, the guards stopped fighting each other.

"Nothing is true; everything is permitted."

Again, I spoke at high speed because I saw how all the guards tightened their weapons. Even the one I hypnotized did so. If I had to deduce, I would say that they do not ask, 'What is the password' but wait a few seconds, and if the other one does not speak, then they kill him.

After hearing the password, the atmosphere calmed down. Without hesitation, I approached the crevice and handed a silver coin to the guard who questioned me.

"Wrong. It is no longer a silver coin. It's two."

'Is this guy trying to rip me off?'

The other guard told me I only had to pay one silver coin, so if I pay any more, they're likely to get suspicious.

In response, I walked past the guard, leaving him with his hand outstretched.

"Puh Puh" Someone held back laughter and then said, "He wanted to charge extra... But he was left with his hand outstretched! Hahaha!"

"Hahaha" They all laughed.

Behind my back, I can vaguely hear how the guards started fighting again, and even though I'm entering through the crack, no one stops me. My attitude was the right response.

Walking through the crevice is uncomfortable. Sometimes it is 2m high, and sometimes it is 1.5m high. When the latter happens, I have to walk very low with my head brushing the ceiling.

Luckily, this walk didn't last long, and I managed to get to the other side.

There are more guards stationed, guarding the exit. If I had caused trouble at the entrance, these men would immediately show up as reinforcements.

'It's a good thing I chose the peaceful route.'

Unlike the outer crevice, the inner one is hidden in a large room belonging to a three-story mansion. Which has, as its façade... a family restaurant.

I casually walked out of the restaurant, and no one looked at me strangely. It makes sense that in a restaurant, people come in and out every minute, and it's impossible to keep track of every single one of them.

I did all this instead of entering the city normally because now the knights stationed at the city entrances are marked with red dots. If they find out I'm an adventurer, they'll send me back to the war.

I have been crossed off the list after all. There is no record of me anywhere. If I say I belong to the reconnaissance group, no one will believe me. I fear even Commander Cael will pretend not to recognize me... 

'I hate my boss.'

Walking down the street, I saw an empty carriage and signaled for it to stop.

As for my address...

"Erick, long time no see."

While Jack is at the counter waiting for customers, Erick is sitting at the back of the store looking closely at some weapons.

When he heard me, he got up from his seat and smiled at me.

"Emir! I was already starting to ask about you. How are you? How's Alessia?"

"We're fine, thank you. And you? How have you been?"

"Fine, fine. New customers have been showing up in droves. I even made a contract with the adventurer's guild to deliver some weapons to them every week. And I negotiated a good price for them."

Being able to talk to a man who doesn't say goodbye to me by wishing me dead or kicking me out of the house for annoying noises makes me feel emotional... 

'I think I'm going to cry. Ok, I'm overreacting.'

Although I can't deny that talking to Erick is a pleasant change of scenery, I miss having more friends like him.

"So, are you going to pay off my debts, or is it time to apply interest?"

'I take it back. I don't need friends.'

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