Did she already know what I would ask her for?

Ch 112: The lethality of the new arrows

After crossing the illusory gate, I appear next to a large tree. And, in front of me, there is a vast river. It is the river that divides the two armies, and since I once walked here, I can now teleport to this location as many times as I want.

'That's the advantage of being a [Traveler].'

As I climb the tree, I walk through one of its branches, and when I reach its end, I jump. By doing this, I avoid getting wet and leaving tracks along the way.

Actually, it is not necessary to come to fight against the enemy groups. Since last time I defeated 20 of them and I only handed him 10, I can use the 10 remaining remnants to deliver them to Commander Cael. But something important to emphasize is... 

'I have new arrows, and each one of them has an ability. I'm impatient to test them!' 

Just when I look at the map to find the nearby enemies, I remember one of the missions the commander gave me. It is to search for the places frequented by the enemy groups.

Sitting on a tree, I remove one of the map rolls from my inventory and, with a pencil, I draw symbols on the places where the enemies are located. Thanks to the map in my user interface, there is no need to walk all over the place to observe their movements. Just looking at the map is enough.

In other words, this mission simply requires copying and pasting.

'I love my job.'

After finishing my arduous task, I put away the map roll with the drawn symbols and started to personally investigate the groups to know which of them would be convenient for me to fight. Or, to be precise, which of them will be useful to test all my arrows.

After investigating eight groups, the one in front of me is the chosen one.

It is a group of 21 soldiers. Seven of them wear full armor, 10 wear light armor, and the rest are only protected by leather clothing. These last ones specialize in quick attacks, like daggers, short swords, or rapiers.

And yes, this is the first time I have seen someone with a rapier. This is a woman with green hair and yellow eyes. And, judging by her pointed ears, I'm sure she's an elf.

'Ugh, what a bad combination we make.'

My arrows contain magical abilities, and elves are sensitive to magic. The moment an ability is activated, she will be the first to notice.

For 20 minutes, I followed them and watched them carefully.

The one carrying the magic item to call for reinforcements is [Miguel], a [Knight Lvl 5], and someone very handsome, by the way… 

'I'm even doubting if it's a man.'

'...While Silence prevents sound in the attack, it is especially used for assassinations…' Remembering Erick's words, I remove an arrow from my inventory and look at it carefully. Seconds later, the friendly user interface hands me a detailed description of the skill.


[On an arrow, it allows all sound to disappear around it, but it also greatly improves the speed of the proyectile.]

'I see. That's why it's a popular rune. Not only does it block sound, but it also improves the weapon's speed, making it perfect for shadow assassinations. Well, this will be the first arrow I'll use. Activate [Strength] profile.'

A feeling of power surrounded me. The same as yesterday, but this time it didn't cause me so much surprise. As for my classes, I must say that yesterday's fight leveled up some of them, giving me some free points to use...

But! It's a miracle. My personality didn't change because of the imbalance of points, so I won't touch anything. I'll leave those free points there for later; I won't use them for now since I don't really need them.

With the bow in hand, I closed my eyes and began to breathe calmly. As I opened my eyes, I successfully entered the state of total concentration. If it were not for the blessings of the bow, it would be impossible for me to perform this with such ease.

Again, I looked at the soldiers. This is the time to think about their movements and my possible attacks. In my mind, I cast arrow after arrow, all hitting the target. The moment the last of my attacks killed the last man, I found myself ready to start this fight.

I raise the bow and draw the string, aiming at my target with the tip of the arrow in the direction of his head... I shot.

My current strength is enough to make a roar when I release the arrow, but something unusual happened. The sound of the bowstring, the arrow, and my breathing… All sound has disappeared, I mean, literally disappeared! A shot with a deadly silence!

In the next split second... the arrow pierced the target's head.

The elf woman died.

"Nia?" One of the men approached the woman.

Without wasting any time, I withdraw another arrow from the inventory and shoot.

This time, Knight Miguel falls to the ground with an arrow in his head.

"Miguel? Wait... Miguel is dead! We're under attack!!!"

"Nia... Hey, Nia, answer..." In shock, the man shakes Nia.

'I've been discovered. It's time to bring out the big weapons.'

[Aluminum-Carbon Arrow (Imbued in magic)] [(Incineration)]


Like any other, the arrow headed towards a fully armored soldier, but the moment it collided with his helmet...


A huge flame surrounded him. Even when the arrow didn't pierce his head, the magic attack was powerful enough to instantly kill him.

[Aluminum-Carbon Arrow (Imbued in magic)] [(Confusion)]





The initial three shots directly killed the soldiers, while the last one collided with the soldier's helmet without killing him. And yet, the [Confusion] effect did not activate.

'Isn't there a 100% chance of success?'


Again, the arrow collided with his helmet, and the helmet was not influenced in any way.

'Haa... I'll have to give up on this arrow; time is running out for me. The soldiers are running in the direction of the trees and rocks to try to take shelter. If I don't use the other arrows, I fear I will have to fight…' 

But then a change occurred.

One of the soldiers suddenly looked all around frantically, and when he crossed glances with one of his allies, he ran with his sword raised towards his companion.

"AHHH! Why?! I thought you were my friend?"

He murdered his companion.

"You won't fool me!!! You're a partner of that archer!!!!"

With bloodshot eyes, the soldier in full armor began to follow the other soldiers.

'This... This reminds me of the time I saw Alessia as a second bat. For a moment, I directed my sword toward her, but luckily, I came to my senses in time. Otherwise, I would be no different from that man over there.'

[Aluminum-Carbon Arrow (Imbued with magic)] [(Freeze)]

The very moment I touched the arrow, it began to exude a cold aura, and my breathing became visible.

I must shoot it quickly to prevent its lifespan from decreasing further.


This arrow behaves very differently from the others.

Upon releasing the string, the arrow was surrounded by incredibly beautiful ice particles, leaving a trail in the air with its movement. If before the cold aura could only be felt, now the aura is visible.

And for sure...


'Very lethal.'

When the arrow touched the head of the last man in full armor... ice instantly surrounded him, and in the next split second, the impact of the arrow destroyed the ice, causing his head to shatter like shards of glass.

Only his helmet was unharmed, and his head... There is no trace of it.


"Take cover with whatever-...!" A man fell dead with his head on fire.


"Call the reinfo-...!" He was killed by a silent arrow.


"Come on! You can-....!!!" He died with his head broken into shards of glass.

Not only am I the one doing the killing, but the soldier being affected by [Confusion] is also killing his comrades.

It is very likely that he has already realized that he is being influenced by magic, but he dares not think too much about it because he has already crossed the line. If he were to accept that everyone he's killed so far are his allies, his mind would probably break!

I want to assassinate him to end his suffering, but it's not possible yet.

'There are enemies left to assassinate... Once that happens, I will grant him a quick death.' 




The last arrow missed the soldier, who hid behind a tree.

"Your arrows won't be able to touch me! Once I find you...!!!!!"


By touching the trunk, the arrow with the [Incineration] skill caused a fire to quickly spread through it, and not only that. Since, thanks to the skill, the arrow's power is explosive... literally speaking.

"I will kill you-.....!!!!!"

The arrow pierced through the trunk, killing him anyway.

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