Did she already know what I would ask her for?

Ch 49: Wise words, it is better not to learn to cook at all.

This is extremely strange; the 60% discount should have secured us a path by lowering the conditions to obtain the [Mage] class. If we didn't get it, that means we've missed something extremely important.

I highly doubt it has anything to do with the difference between a grimoire and a scroll, since the only difference between them is the strength of the spell and the mana cost.

So, there must be a condition that we don't fulfill beyond simply activating the scroll and killing someone with magic. The only answer I have right now is to use the 90% discount and try again.

No matter how important that condition is, with the 90% discount we only have to meet the remaining 10% of the requirements, so we will be able to obtain the [Mage] class without much trouble.

'The thing is… we need 10 more status points for the 90% discount, ugh… Well, it will be in the future. The mage class is not strictly necessary on our team yet.'


"Mm? Huh? Huh!"

After we showered, I equipped my clothes as usual, since I haven't put on my clothes manually for a long time… Anyway, while I was doing so, I heard Alessia shout in surprise, and looking at her, I saw that she had some clothes in her hands.

"What's the matter?"

"I didn't get to finish the inventory spell, and the clothes already appeared in my hands... Just like you normally do."

'Ah, it's because of her skill enhancement. It no longer requires the spell and takes only a little concentration to enter and remove something from inventory. Of course, she would be surprised.'

"Congratulations for your effort, you reached that level."

"But… But I don't…"

"There is no other explanation, Alessia. Don't think too much about it. More than worrying about the reason, you should feel happy about your achievements. I feel happy for you!"

"Mn, thanks"

I went up to her and we had an eskimo kiss, and only then did she smile and look very happy.

'Fine. With this, she will no longer inquire further into the matter.'

"I'll go prepare food for the labyrinth. Anything you want?"

"As long as you cook with love, I will be happy."


Though she snorted and headed for the kitchen, I caught a glimpse of her adorable smile again.

'What a pity she ran away. I wanted to squeeze her round cheeks.'

As usual, I filled the wooden bucket with water and watered the patio.

Then sitting at the table, I checked the map.

Emir: "!!!"

'Dammit! What's going on here?! Why are the red dots surrounding the entrance to the Altamira labyrinth?! And what's more, some red dots are carrying blue dots into the city with an uncertain destination. Is there some important criminal, and are they suspecting the adventurers? Haa… I won't get anywhere without feasible information.'

"Tea or coffee?" Alessia arrived in her silver kitchen apron to ask.

"Coffee, thanks. And also, sit at the table, please; I want you by my side."

"I can't, I have to take care of the food. I'll have breakfast at the kitchen"

She quickly started walking in the direction of the kitchen without waiting for my answer.

"Today we will not go to the labyrinth!" I had to yell as she closed the door.

"What did you say? I didn't hear you!"

Emir: "…" 

'Mn, we're looking like a family. I should feel happy, but I'm not. After all, married women do get fat.'

"We have been going to the labyrinth every day, it is time for a rest day. In addition, the housework is piling up. We have to go to the market to buy firewood for the kitchen; there are no tools…"

"You also have to buy seeds for the garden."

 "We have to move some furniture; it's useless since we both have inventory."

"We have to wash the clothes too."

Our casual conversation at breakfast turned into a complex conversation that ended with a list of all the things to buy and do. It was supposed to be a rest day, but we both forgot about it…


"Sir, do you have a bag?"

"Oh, don't worry. Put them on the scale, and I'll take care of the rest."

The vendor left the potatoes on the scale, and once the weight was correct, I paid him and then put them in inventory.

Seller: "!!!"

The vendor was shocked to see that the potatoes had simply disappeared. And it's not the first one! We've been walking around the market for quite some time, and it's quite crowded; you almost can't walk properly without bumping into someone.

Luckily, that was the last necessary purchase from the market.

"What's next on the list?"

"Mm… Kitchen utensils and then firewood"

It would be great to be able to cut down the trees around the house, but it is penalized. We live in a sector that is practically a garden for nobles, and if we cut the trees, in the end, it will not be different from the rest of the city. We must protect the environment!

After walking for a bit, we came to a street that specializes in kitchen items. It has more than seven different kitchen item stores that are close to each other.

We went into one and bought kitchen utensils along with some spare parts. So, we went into another store and bought several kilograms of firewood. Everything was kept in my inventory.

And so, we continue with the rest of the list…

Sometime in the middle of the day, we finish all the shopping.

"Now that I have more ingredients, I'm going to make lunch."

"I'll help you peel the potatoes."

As a man who knows the basics of cooking, of course, I can peel potatoes and grate carrots! 

'Well, I know how to do more things, but compared to Alessia I look like a novice. So, the kitchen belongs to her and I am her humble helper.'

As the saying goes, bad men are popular and good men are made netorare. In other words, it is better not to learn to cook at all.

Alessia tasted the soup with the ladle. Then, she opened a jar and added a condiment. She stirred for a few seconds and tasted the soup again, only then did she nod and covered the pot.

'She looks so cute while cooking… Oh, I want to eat Alessia for lunch. Calm down… Don't worry, Alessia can be the dessert. There is Alessia for all tastes. Ouch ouch.'

I cut myself for looking at her.

 "…" Seeing the wound on my finger made me think of something.

'[Reset Status Points]'


At the same time that I added 4 points to the physical resistance, the pain suddenly stopped being annoying. The wound is still there, but I feel like I can keep moving my finger without remembering that it has a wound.

'Does this attribute not only decrease physical damage but also decrease pain?'

Apparently, it's more important than I thought. I'll keep it in mind when we have free points.

I returned to normal my status.

Several minutes passed until the food was ready. I put the cutlery on the table, and then Alessia came with the plates.

"Now, will you tell me what's going on?"

I was about to taste the soup when she asked such a question.

Seeing her serious look, I tried not to give the matter so much importance and tasted the soup. I should find it delicious, but I'm doing my best to act normal so I couldn't even properly taste it.

"Nothing-…" I started to say, but she interrupted me.

 "Don't lie to me! my adventurous instincts may be worse than yours, but I felt a different atmosphere in the city. When we were shopping, you even looked around with a seriousness rarely seen on you."

'Haa… In the city, the normal people complained that the usual knights weren't there. The knights who were there seemed more concerned about people not doing anything weird than looking for criminals.'

At least that was the atmosphere I saw both in the market and in the streets surrounding the stores we visited. Alessia must have noticed this too.

"...I don't know why, but the knights are showing their claws to the adventurers. For better or for worse, the truth is that their attitude changed 180 degrees towards us"

"And today they made their move, huh? I see, but master is not registered in the guild, so you are a free person. Even if the king orders it, you will have the last word."

'I know, but the UI marks them as enemies. So something must be going on behind the scenes.'

"That's all; I don't know anything else." I raised my hands in a symbol of surrender.

Smiling, she said, "Okay, I won't bother you anymore. Please eat before it gets cold"

Only then could I taste the soup.

And yes, it is delicious.

For the first time, we have a proper meal on the table. We both peacefully eat it in front of each other. This is a different way of housewarming… until now, it always seemed more like our place to sleep than our home.



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