Did she already know what I would ask her for?

Ch 57: It never hurts to make sure!

"In total, we managed to collect 20 seeds."

"Mn, I can't wait to see how beautiful the road home will become."

Smiling and chatting quietly, we walked down a lonely hallway. This is because we get to see a big door. In other words, the boss's room. It's common sense that there are no monsters near the boss due to the aura emanating from the room.

Of course, if adventurers lure them, they'll come anyway. Their thirst for blood far outweighs the fear they have in that aura.

"It is occupied; some adventurers are currently fighting the boss."

Emir: "!!!"

'If we had arrived a few minutes earlier, we could have asked them about what is happening in the city…'

Noticing the expression on my face, I quickly changed it to a relaxed one. Alessia only knows that the knights did something serious, but her level of concern is far from mine. Through the map, I witnessed the magnitude of the matter, which cannot be classified with the word 'serious' but with 'on a large scale'.

'Even so, I cannot convey this concern of mine to her, as it is very comforting to see her acting as usual.'

"Let's rest in the meantime"


Since the map has no blue dots other than us and those inside the room, I took the opportunity to sit like lovers and relax while I smell the sweet scent of her neck.

'All worry goes away by being with her.'

"Master, open your eyes. The boss's room is vacated"

"Mm? Mn, it feels so relaxing being so close to you that I didn't realize"

"Eh?! I-Is that so? I see…"

Although I didn't plan for my words to have a loving meaning, Alessia blushed thinking that they did. After all, words of love are her weakness.

I quickly went over and gave her an Eskimo kiss. This took her by surprise, and she blushed even more. 

'So cute.' 

After we got up from the floor, we stretched our bodies a bit, and only then did we open the doors and enter the boss's room.

[Carnivorous Flower Lvl7]

In the center of the room is a flower with red petals, an animal snout in the center, and an incredibly thick green stem. From the lower part of its stem, the roots go through the rock floor, being visible in some parts of the exterior and adorning the room with roots everywhere.

At the moment of our entering the room, it moved its snout in our direction. Although it has no eyes, that action was enough to imply that it is giving us its full attention.

"Let's get closer to it as soon as possible; I have a bad feeling, master."

"Yes, I'm the same"

Both of us, with a sword as our main weapon, started running towards the boss.

At that very moment, our instincts proved us right.

*Crack* *Crack* *Crack*

A carnivorous flower sprouted from each of the roots, each with characteristics similar to the ones we had previously fought. As we got closer to the boss, the number of his minions grew until they stopped us from going any further.

"If this keeps up, the entire room will be filled with carnivorous flowers! We'll have nowhere to run!"

I made two slashes on the monster in front of me, and once its movements slowed down, I quickly closed in on its stem, cutting it in two with my sword.

"Let's not worry about defeating the minions, as long as we slow down their movements, let's walk past them and get closer to the boss!"

Alessia made a 3-slash move with her sword, but didn't land the final blow on the carnivorous flower, and she just walked past it and kept running.

Since her speed was higher than mine, I ended up following her example.

Slash after slash, we slow down the reaction speed of the minions and run past them at full speed.

'If we had a mage on our team, we would simply use fire magic to burn the roots and prevent them from growing like a plague.' 

The mage class is gradually becoming more important in the labyrinth.

At this rate, the boss won't even make a move, and we'll already be so exhausted that we won't have enough strength to fight it. As we get closer, we further decrease the slashes needed to outrun minions and decrease the energy needed by each minion.

Thanks to this we managed to get in front of the boss without any damage other than our torn clothes.

The moment I took another step closer to it, the boss made its move.

By opening its snout wide, thousands of teeth were shown, and it came towards me with great speed.

Knowing the attacks of the carnivorous flowers, I did not avoid them by going to the sides but to the back. That way I can get out of its attack range.


Its snout crashed into the ground, swallowing countless rocks and crushing them like it was nothing. As its snout emerged from the ground, the rocks became fine particles of dust. This made me think…

'What would have happened if instead of those rocks my body had been bitten? I'm afraid just one bite from the boss is enough to seriously damage my chain mail.'

"Alessia, we have to attack from different angles at the same time!"

Even when the carnivorous flower can attack in 360 degrees, it won't be able to attack in two places at the same time. And if it tries to do that, it will clear the space for one of us to come up and cut its stem.

"Understood, I'll head to its back! Try to get its attention, my sword has a high chance of cutting its body in one slash!" Alessia immediately started running, avoiding as many minions as she could.

Her sword has [Edge+]. So, as long as she has enough time to attack, her sword will be able to cut the enemy more easily than my sword.

'Well, it's time to get the boss’s attention.'

I again approached its attack range, and the boss reacted by opening its snout. Showing me its countless teeth.

Seeing it up there, without approaching me or even moving, gave me a bad feeling.

I quickly got out of its attack range and started running to the left side aimlessly. On the way, the minions constantly interfered. I swung my sword, cutting them a little to slow down their movements, and only then I could advance.


The next second, a greenish liquid shot out of the boss's snout. The moment it hit the ground, it melted the rock like it was nothing. The boss didn't care if it was friend or foe, as even the minions were melted along the way.

"It can throw acid!!" I yelled as loud as I could so that Alessia, who is on the other end, could hear this information.

My scream came at the perfect time because Alessia tried to get closer to the boss, and the latter threw some traces of acid that were left in its snout. Of course, she managed to evade it with time to spare.

I immediately replaced the sword with the bow and shot a few arrows at the monster's head, all to buy Alessia more time.

My efforts paid off, and the boss again seemed to look in my direction.

At this point, I equipped the sword and ran at full speed towards it.

The boss didn't sit still, waiting on the spot, and quickly attacked me the very moment I entered its attack range. 

'It is extremely chilling to see how thousands of teeth come towards me, trying to bite me…'

If it were up to me, I would immediately get away from them. But in the distance, I can see how her beautiful blonde hair creeps up behind the boss. With no other choice, I gritted my teeth and swung my sword in a two-slash style, both diagonally.

The slashes of my sword passed unobstructed through the snout of the carnivorous flower, leaving a slice cut from it in the process, much like a cut made in a cake.

When the boss crashed to the ground, the free space was wide enough for me to pass through without being affected by its attack.

When the boss bit the ground, Alessia suddenly appeared behind it and casually swung her sword. The next second, the immense body of the boss fell to the side, like a felled tree.

For a few moments there was silence, and only when golden particles surrounded its body was it possible for us to completely relax.

[Carnivorous Flower Seed]

Emir: "…"

'I'm not going to plant that seed in the garden!'

I quickly made a mark to differentiate them from the luminous flower seeds. Because, even though I can tell them apart with my user interface, it never hurts to make sure!

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