Did she already know what I would ask her for?

Ch 66: Me? Am I older than her?

'With my parents' luck, I'm sure that even if the whole world is on fire, they will use those flames to grill meat! And with the leftovers, they'll make bone soup for the dogs!'

"When they ask you who you are, do not tell them that you are my slave. Just tell them that you are my lover"

"Eh?! S- So suddenly... Besides, what will your parents think when they see that I'm much younger than you?"

'Me? Am I older than her?'

Emir: "???"

Alessia: "???"

'— Huh? Do not tell me…'

"M- Master, H- How old are you?"

"I am 15 years old."

Alessia: "!!!"

At that very moment, Alessia was not only shocked but also completely blushed and shook her head from side to side.

'—How could a younger man have done such perverted things to me?! Ah, ah… I'm dying of shame!'

Seeing her act so shy and embarrassed, my hand stung for squeezing her cheeks. But it also made me curious, so I asked her.

"How old did you think I was?"

"25 years old. After all, who would have thought a young man could be so mean?"

Emir: "…"

I want to answer, but I find no conviction in my thoughts.

"Mm? Emir?" I heard a female voice behind me.

When I turn around, I see my parents a few meters from us.

'Ah, their luck is already acting.'

"It was almost a month without seeing each other. You look so different!" My mother reached out her hand and caressed my cheek gently.

Her caress was so warm and motherly… But only for 1.75 seconds. As the next instant passed, she began to squeeze me tightly.

"Who is the woman next to you?" She said with a calm look, but her tone of voice doesn't sound calm at all.

'Oh, I'm scared. It won't start to rain, and suddenly a bolt of lightning will strike me, right? Um… why do the clouds look darker?'

"I- I'm-…"

"She's my slave." I interrupted Alessia.

At that very moment, I lost all feeling in my cheek.

Originally, I planned for Alessia to say that she is my lover, but the more we talked, the more I realized that sooner or later the lie would be discovered. Given the luck of my parents, it is better to be honest.

If you lie or if you answer them something like 'eh, mm, I don't know' their luck will run rampant and somehow they will get to the truth.

My mother's angry face, which I thought would beat my face to a butt, suddenly returned to normal, and with a smile on her face, she spoke again.

"Is she your lover?"

"We have a complicated relationship."

Looking at me and then at Alessia, her smile became sincere, and she nodded happily.

Also, my cheek returned to its natural color.

"My name is Alessia Addari. Nice to meet you." Very blushing, she introduced herself.

"Mn, mn. The more I look at you, the more I like you. I'm Emilia, Emir's mother."

"I am Joel, his father."

My father was going to speak before, but when he saw my mother's anger, he immediately looked the other way and pretended to be a tree. Now that the storm is gone, he's back to being human…

'I don't blame him; if I were in his place, I'd do the same.'

My mother has waist-length black hair with bangs to the right. She is slim and in build... she has the normal measurements in terms of beauty… Mm, I don't know. I am her son, and I will never be able to see my mother’s beauty. Although, I've heard the neighbors say that she's one of the most beautiful women in town… It's probably a lie. I don't see her as cute at all!

My father has dark brown hair and a slight beard. He has a slim but toned body. As with my mother, I've heard that he's one of the most coveted men in town. But I don't see any of that in him!

'Haa… Maybe my childhood traumas influence my vision.'

"So, because it's your first relationship, did you come here to introduce her?"

"Not really... Let's talk about it in the house."

"Okay, let's go. We just made roast chicken, and we were going to have leftovers. So, we were looking for a neighbor who wanted to share dinner with us when suddenly we found you."

"What a coincidence!" Alessia smiled sheepishly.

"Yes, come on. I'm sure you'll like it," said my mother, smiling at her. 

Since she met my parents, Alessia has looked too adorable. My hand shakes uncontrollably from squeezing her cheeks. 

'Don't worry, don't worry; later you can squeeze whatever you want from Alessia. After all, the night is coming.'


When we were eating dinner, I explained to them what happened in the capital.

Every once in a while, I sent them a carrier pigeon, so it wasn't necessary to explain everything from the beginning. I narrated in detail how the conflict over the Lucia River escalated to the point where a war is raging across the borders right now.

"I understand. We will fully support you; you can stay in this house as long as you want." My mother said with a smile on her face.

"You don't have to worry about it; we won't leave you alone." My father said it very confidently.

Both me and Alessia had different reactions to his words. While I smiled and felt that this was natural, she also smiled, but I could see complex feelings in her eyes. 

The conversation continued quietly, talking about our adventures in the labyrinth and our daily lives in the capital, Altamira.

"How did you… get into this situation?"

My mother asks that question when she realizes that the mood is right. By her tone of voice and expression, she made it clear that it was not an obligation for Alessia to answer. She can refuse if she wishes.

"I lived in Denir City…"

Even so, Alessia did not hesitate to make her story known. She narrates how with her previous team they were forced to accept an emergency mission and how they then had to fiercely defend a Saint from enemy attacks, only to be punished by the Solus Temple when the Saint lost her class.

Once she finished her story, both my father and mother looked very angry. But the next second, they sighed and shook their heads.

"Those at the top do as they please…" said mother.

"Haa, although registering in the adventurer's guild has great advantages, there is a greater downside behind them."

Hearing this, Alessia smiled at their look. She must be very moved to realize that my parents can understand her situation. I gently caressed her hand without drawing my parents' attention. Her fingers intertwined with mine, even when we didn't look at each other directly.

And so, the conversation continued until it got dark outside.

"Although I would like to talk more with you, it is already night. Tomorrow we will continue."

"Good night"

After dinner, we said good night to each other, and my parents went to their room.

Being alone with her, I took Alessia's hand and pulled her towards the bathroom. Although we bathe in the labyrinth with the water we keep in our inventory, there is nothing better than doing it in a proper bathroom.

"Won't your parents tell us something for doing this in their house?"

"We are adults. As long as we don't cross the line, they won't say anything."

"I see… So…"

She looks nervously from side to side. It seems that she is afraid someone else will hear her. Only after a few seconds, she seems to gain enough confidence to approach me and say…

"Actually… The effect of the contraceptive magic formation is over. I wanted to say it before, but with everything that happened that day, I couldn't find the time."

"I understand, Alessia, don't worry."


'In short… Tonight we will do it without protection and in my parents' house! This is hot!!'

Filling the wooden buckets with water, we moistened our bodies before passing the soap. By rubbing it in my hands, I created enough lather and then carefully spread it over her body.

From her back to the front without neglecting to clean her beautiful boobs and belly, especially the latter. This is because that is where the contraceptive sticker would normally be. Although after being activated it disappears completely, I have to make sure because tonight we will do it without protection.

"Mmn anmn haaa mngh,"

Of course, I can't forget to clean her crotch. I carefully passed my hand through all the places without discrimination. At this, Alessia's face turned completely red, and she covered her mouth with her hand, preventing her moans from leaving the bathroom.

In a more relaxed way, I wiped her beautiful thighs from her knees to her feet.

'I'm done rubbing the soap all over her body.' 

Without me saying anything, we changed places.

She rubbed the soap on her melons until it created enough foam, and then pressed her body against mine, making her soft breasts spread the soap on my back. It feels very stimulating, especially as her nipples move from side to side.

Then she stood in front of me and took my right arm. Putting it in the middle of her chest, she began to clean it with them. Cupping her breasts with her hands, she slowly cleaned my arm up to the shoulder. The same thing happened with the left arm.

She approached me, almost hugging me all over so that her breasts could spread the soap on my chest. Then she started down past my navel until it finally reached my penis.

Delicately, she placed it between her breasts and skillfully began to move them up and down. Seeing her with foam on her body and drops of water falling around her is very stimulating. Unfortunately, this only lasted a few seconds.

With her breasts, she continued cleaning my legs until she finished.

Since we don't have a shower, we simply fill a bucket with water and remove the soap from our bodies. This time we don't use shampoo, for the simple fact that it is too powerful, and if you abuse it, your hair can fall out.

Once clean, we dry our bodies and get dressed.

'Hmm… I would have liked to see her walk naked to the bed like we do in our house, but we are in my parents' house. Unless we want to get kicked out, it's best to hold back a bit.'

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