Did she already know what I would ask her for?

Ch 79: We’re about to enter the labyrinth, let’s not lose focus.

Kingdom unaffiliated travelers cannot teleport directly to a city. Currently, the Castemira kingdom, as well as the Drial Cenit kingdom, have expanded the field that prohibits magic [Space Travel] due to their conflict.

In other words, the distance to a city will be huge if you travel via an unaffiliated traveler.

"Where does this road lead to?"

"To Altamira city, but we'll detour halfway to go to the labyrinth."

After passing through the illusory gate, we appeared on the dirt road that connects to the capital. We are so far from the city that, from here, the city looks about the size of a thumb.

Unlike the Denir city, the Altamira city is the capital of the kingdom. And as such, there is a greater turnout of carriages. We walked for about 10 minutes when, at our back, a carriage appeared carrying goods.

*Thumbs up*

Immune driver.

*Show Silver Coin* 

Driver slows down.

'Hm, that was super effective.'

"Where are you going?" the driver asked.

"To the Altamira labyrinth."

"Okay, get in. Make a space between the boxes and make yourselves comfortable."

After giving him the silver coin, we headed after the carriage. There, the boxes filled almost all the carriage space. We moved the ropes that held the boxes a little, and we managed to make enough room to sit down.


"Yes, go ahead."

"Good... Giddy up!" At his signal, the horses pulled the carriage again.

The carriage moved steadily, but the boxes didn't make any major noise. Apparently, he is transporting fruits or vegetables. I see, that's why he didn't hesitate to let us in. After all, the silver coin is enough to buy several of these boxes.

'Was one silver coin too much? Lately, my sense of money is atrophying...'

"We're about to arrive. Do you want to get off while the carriage is still moving?"

"Huh? No, let's wait for the driv-... No! Emir! We're going to fall off!"

I took Delia in my arms and jumped off the carriage. Since the carriage was still moving, I had to jump backward. At the very moment my right foot touched the ground, I started to run to slow down the speed of falling.

And so, we successfully got off the carriage.

"We could have fallen off!"

"But it was fun, wasn't it?"

"... ... ... A little bit."

'Ahh… I want to take her home to take care of her, protect her, and feed her well.'

Emir: "!!!!"

'At this rate, I'm going to purify myself without realizing it! I must be careful!'

"Here you have. Just like yesterday, you will fight with the spear."

"Mn, okay"

To change the subject, I took out the spear from the inventory and handed it to Delia. I conspicuously flashed the ring on my finger for her to look at it. When she did it, she nodded her head. She seemed to understand that it was a storage ring.

'Well, with this, I got rid of yesterday's suspicions.'

As we headed into the Altamira labyrinth, she swung the spear back and forth as a warm-up.



At the same time, I modified her status to add the 90% discount.

"..." Delia cautiously looked at the spear.

'No, Delia. It's not the spear that took away your strength; it's just a coincidence that yesterday and today I modified your status just while you were training with the spear.'

Smiling slightly, I continued with the modification of her status.

'[Priestess] and [Saint]... I won't be able to activate those classes because if they happen to level up, Delia will get suspicious. Classes don't normally level up overnight, and if she asks me to show her status with the Identification Tablet, it will be a catastrophe when she sees that Priestess leveled up again. Something similar happens with the Saint class. So, activating those classes together with the 90% discount is forbidden, at least for now. The only class I'll be able to activate without their level increase raising suspicion is [Believer].'

[Lancer Lvl 1]

'Yes, she met the conditions for the [Lancer] class!'

I was about to activate [Believer] when I saw [Lancer] appear in the class window. Apparently, yesterday she fulfilled the conditions to get it while giving the final blow to the monsters.

Yesterday, she also had the 90% discount active… It's just that I had so many things on my mind that I didn't think of the possibility of her acquiring the class.

'Well, with this, I'll be able to activate two classes directly.'

[Delia] [Believer Lvl 7] [Lancer Lvl 1]

We can see the entrance to the labyrinth. Delia, noticing this, looked all around and then spoke to me.

"How strange... In the temple, I heard that the entrance to the labyrinths was always full of life, with people recruiting you to their guild at all times."

"Ah, right. I didn't tell you the whole story..."

That time I only mentioned the conflict between the kingdoms; I didn't specifically mention the war going on at the borders right now.

"I see... Then it's certain that the other Saints are involved." Delia said, looking down at the ground.

After telling her about the war, Delia looked very depressed.

"In what way?"

"When I was in the temple, from time to time, very injured people would arrive. The emissaries from the temple would immediately bring those people to us so that we saints could heal them. Now with the war... It is for sure that the Saints are actively participating."

'I see. The priestesses can only heal a certain degree of injury, offering better results than ingesting an HP potion. But even they have a limit. Serious injuries can only be healed with miracle potions or by Saints. Of course, Saints are reserved only for important people. I've never heard of one saving the life of a simple soldier. Seeing Delia, now I realize that this is not because of them but because Temple Solus restricts the information that reaches their ears.'

Since, if it were up to Delia, I'm sure she would save any kind of person, regardless of their origin.

"Well, let's stop talking about it. We're about to enter the labyrinth; let's not lose focus."


Delia swung her spear again, but this time... Her face is very different from the previous one.

'- This spear... I originally thought it was bad, but now I realize it feels very comfortable in my hands!'

'From the smile with which she's looking at the spear, I'm sure she must have noticed that her skill improved a bit. [Lancer] is doing its job very well.'

In front of the labyrinth's entrance, I passed through it with floor 5 in mind.

[Fire Ant Lvl 5]

[Fierce Hyena Lvl 5]

After walking through the corridors, we encountered a group of two monsters. I didn't want to enter the 6th floor and above because of the groups of monsters. This will be a test day, and if we manage to level up without any problems, next time I will increase the difficulty.

"What level are they?" A little scared, Delia stopped three steps behind me.

"We're on floor 5, and as such, they have level 5."

"M- Mn! I- I see!"

'You don't have to exert yourself, Delia; you won't fight them directly. Hmm… Still, it's relaxing to see her nervous. So, I will stay quiet. Now then, these two monsters are annoying when it comes to fighting them with the bow… If it was with the sword, then there wouldn't be a problem, but I want to fight from a distance to support Delia whenever she needs it.'

'[Reset Status Points]'



[You have 15 points free]

I deactivated the 60% discount, thus freeing up all the points used on it. I quickly modified my status by adding and subtracting points to the other attributes.

[Emir] [Great Adventurer Lvl 1] [Archer Lvl 19] [Knight Lvl 1] [Sword King Lvl 1] [Leader Lvl 20] [Survivor Lvl 17] [Traveler Lvl 1]

HP=9 || MP=1

Agility=38 || Strength=38

Intelligence=20 || Luck=4 


Physical=1 || Magic=0 

Poison=0 || Curse=0 

[Do you wish to save the profile of this status?]


'[Agility + Strength]'

After saving the profile with the name 'Agility + Strength', it was activated.

Now I'm crossing my fingers. I'm praying to the heavens that my personality doesn't change.

Delia: "????"

After a few seconds, Delia became concerned and approached me. She looked at me adorably with her vertical pupil eyes.

'Well, her adorableness hasn't changed. Apparently, my personality is still intact.'

"We will begin the battle; get ready."

"Y-Yes!" She loudly affirmed the spear.

I took out an arrow from the inventory and aimed at the fire ant. Thanks to the bow, I quickly entered a state of full concentration. When the conditions were met to shoot, I stretched the string firmly and shot the arrow.


At the very moment I shot it, the wind roared like never before. The arrow swiftly flew through the air, barely visible to the human eye. In the blink of an eye, it found itself in front of the head of the fire ant, and, in the next split second...


A cracking sound was heard, and with that, the arrow pierced the monster's head, defeating it immediately.

Without wasting time, I withdrew another arrow from the inventory and pointed it in the direction of the Ferocious Hyena. This one, seeing the death of the fire ant, looked all around and then found us. Without a second thought, it started to run this way.

If it were another day, then its movements would interfere with my accuracy, but now it's different. My agility has 38 points, and I can track every move perfectly!

And not only that. My intelligence has 20 points, so my thoughts can catch up with the rapid movements of my own body. There's a slight delay, of course, but not enough to lose sight of the enemy!

At the same moment I finished blinking, I let go of the string.


The wind roared, and with it, the arrow went perfectly through the monster's right eye. Noisily, it fell to the ground, and golden particles began to surround it.


[Hyena's Paw]

I cheerfully looked in Delia's direction, and then I froze.

"Ah, sorry... I got carried away."

Delia: "..."


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