Did she already know what I would ask her for?

Ch 87: The beginning of a combat nun

Behind the Solitary Temple, there is a flat piece of land where Delia and I stopped to train.

"Since you are a person who has never received any kind of physical training, we will start by warming up..."

Even when her condition should be good enough to fight in close combat, at first glance, her body doesn't seem to have developed enough muscles to directly start practicing with the spear.

So, to avoid fractures and tears, for 15 minutes Delia stretched her body according to my directions. At the same time, I helped her in certain areas that she could not physically reach. At the end of this, her body was surrounded by sweat.

"When piercing with the spear, you should not necessarily move forward. But in most cases, you should move the soles of your feet like this... While your upper body should turn like this..."

With a spear in hand, I demonstrated the movements in front of her. So that she would first understand them and then replicate them. The spear I am using is one of the weapons I got from the thief extermination, but it looks low quality compared to the one Delia has in hand.

As I said before, I'm not an expert with the spear. So, my explanations may fail here and there, but...

"Like this?"

"Perfect, very well."

Miraculously, Delia understood every one of my words, carrying them out perfectly. 

'Is this how my parents taught me how to read and write? The luck stat is really tricky… as long as you want something, you'll get it.'

For 2 hours, I taught her all the moves Alessia performed when fighting, and Delia successfully replicated them all. However, fighting is not a matter of remembering moves but of knowing how to use them as the situation warrants. In the next few lessons, I plan to make her understand this.

In the meantime, it is time for lunch.

"... Medium Energy Recovery!" She performed the magic, and all the fatigue from the training vanished into thin air.

'Hmm, perhaps warming up is useless… If she gets injured, she can simply use her healing magic, and that's it... But doing such things leaves out a very important point, and that is stamina. For Delia, using such magic on her is fine for now. Since the beginning, she has had a weak body. So, such things will improve her performance. But in the future, when she wants to perfect her fighting style, such magic will be forbidden in her training.'

"Since we have two rabbits, this time there will be... Grilled rabbit!" Her three tails swung swiftly from side to side.

'Hmm, if she continues, at any moment she will start to fly.'

Time later...

On the table are two tender golden rabbits. The meat exudes an aroma captivating enough to make anyone hungry.

"This is the first time I've ever been so humbled and proud of this meal." Delia lifted her chest to emphasize her pride.

"Let's see how it tastes..."

I planned to play with her a bit. Being the one who will give the food a thumbs up, I had planned to praise her food to the skies, but...

'I swear to God... This meat is super delicious.'

"I swear to God... This meat is super delicious."

"Don't swear in vain!"

"But I was telling the truth!" 

Delia, who didn't believe me, cut some meat and tasted it.

Delia: "!!!!"

Delia: "Did... God guide my hand?"

I wanted to say, 'Don't exaggerate!', but she speaks the truth.

Without even speaking, we ate the two rabbits without leaving any leftovers. Then, as if a luminous stone lit up over my head, I understood the reason for this whole situation...


'As expected of someone with 60 points in luck.' 

I returned my status to 'normal' to avoid any sudden miracles.


In front of the Altamira labyrinth.

I activated the [Agility + Strength] profile and entered the labyrinth with floor 8 in mind. Yesterday, I realized that this profile was more than enough to fight solo while Delia was applying overkill to the monsters.

This time, I want to check if it's possible to perform the same feat on floor 8. It's worth noting that from this floor onwards, the adventurer groups are 4 people minimum, reaching even 6 people sometimes. So, fighting solo really is a great achievement.

[Snow Wolf Lvl 8]


Delia immediately took a step back the moment she saw this, because she must have remembered the bully monster that took her rabbits.

"Relax, Delia, you can do it."


'Ah, for a moment, the hallway lit up at the appearance of a new sun.'

"Cof Cof..." Coughing a little, I returned my concentration.

With my bow in hand, I aimed at the wolf's head. Specifically, at its eye. I watched it for a few seconds and then nodded. I have the confidence to defeat it in one hit. All thanks to the [Agility + Strength] profile, since it would be impossible with my normal status.

This is a very important discovery since, thanks to it, I will be able to continue with Delia's training.

Aiming at one of its front paws, I shot an arrow.


The air roared at the shot.


In the blink of an eye, the arrow pierced the wolf's right paw, and the monster roared from the pain. 

Without wasting any time, I shot a second arrow into its left foreleg.

Just like the first one, this one went through its paw, leaving a large hole in it and preventing the wolf from being able to move and attack with them. The only weapon left on it is the monster' snout.

"Delia, now the monster is completely weakened and will only be able to attack with its snout. I want you to attack with your spear without getting too close and defeat it. Do you think you can do it?"

"...M- Mn, I will try."

Her nervousness returned. Yesterday, after giving the final blow to some monsters, she managed to gain some confidence and be able to handle the spear in a better way. But now she is again holding it with both hands, without confidence in her ability.

"Remember what I taught you today; you don't necessarily have to move forward. As long as you move your body and the soles of your feet correctly, you can attack with your spear!"

From a distance, Delia nodded at my words.

While she is only a few meters away from the wolf, I am dozens of meters away from them. This allows me to get a better view of the situation, and to be able to shoot without fear of hurting her in the process.

Delia took a deep breath, calmed down, and prepared to attack.


Looking at her menacingly, the wolf hinted that it wouldn't let her get any closer. Delia, for her part, trembled a little but still continued to approach.

At a distance of 1 meter, both Delia and the monster attacked at the same time. The wolf opened its snout wide while Delia pierced hard with her spear. At the moment the two attacks collided...

The spear broke several of the monster's teeth.

Delia: "!!!!"

'- Can I really do it?'

With this result, Delia gained a new kind of confidence. Not in her spear but in fighting at close range.

Again, she attacked, and so did the monster.

The clash between their attacks always resulted in Delia's victory. And this is because the spear allows her to attack from a distance long enough to avoid all of the wolf's attacks, making only her attacks the ones that hit the target.

Besides that, the spear possesses two abilities, which are [Rock] and [Feather], making her attacks deadly.

First, it was the teeth, then the nose, and finally... the eyes.

The moment the spear pierced its eye, it did so in such a way that it completely penetrated its head, killing it instantly.


Happily, she picked up the loot and approached me.

"I was able to do it!"

"Congratulations!" I stroked her head.

Since I've known Delia, she's never liked me petting her head, either out of embarrassment or discomfort. But this time she started smiling, and at the same time, her three tails wagged to indicate they were happy too.

'Ah, I want to take her home to take care of her and protect her.'

Even when this sentence came back into my head, there was no more purification involved. She is a Saint who strayed from the path after all. Her purification no longer affects me. My chivalry quickly hid deep inside me, waiting for the moment to make its counterattack.

What a pity, I couldn't completely eliminate it.

"Shall we continue?"

"Yes, let's continue." She nodded with a different confidence than yesterday.

'I'm slowly turning Delia into a combat nun. It doesn’t matter that she only defeated a disabled monster; I shouldn't rush things. The current result is still good.'


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