Chapter 30: meteor dodger part 1
end cretaceous.
Dinotopia was waging war on every continent against every country on earth.
They were the biggest army on earth. the biggest economy. They were the undisputable superpower that owned the earth we lived on. the water we drank. the air we breathe. They owned everything. but still they wanted more and more.
They were the dominant species. dinosaur reigned supreme over everyone else. but it wasn't enough.
They wanted more.
A small frog looked up at the sky. It was finally here. relief. sweet relief. The pain was almost over.
1 year ago, they told us there was a small chance the world would be hit by a meteor. I couldn't help but smile. It wasn't my world they would destroy. It was theirs.
They destroyed my world a long time ago. He closed his eyes; he could see it in his mind's eyes. a deep internal memory that rang true across every species that could remember. back when life was new. The world was beautiful.
maybe after the blast. The world would return to that. Things would be renewed in the fire. and maybe the dinosaurs would finally be toppled. and other animals would be able to take back their place in the world they were kicked out of.
It was here. not much longer. He could see it. the burning red of the sky, the panic in the air as everyone around him screamed in terror as they all fled in vain.
It was the scream of someone who had never screamed in their life. It was a roar of terror of people privileged to be the ones terrorizing the others that they would never comprehend the fact that one day it would be them. One day the tables would turn. and that same look of fear on their victims eyes would reflect back onto their stupid faces.
I couldn't help myself; I smiled. for the first time in my miserable life. watching my species slowly go extinct day by day. watching everyone else's species get wiped out in front of me, and the dinos gloat and laugh and turn around and call for diversity and tolerance when they were the source of all the hate in the world. all the murder. and slaughter and genocide. It was them who caused it all, but all they could do was apologize. and then do it again the next day. How many times have they said sorry to us? How many times would they say it again over and over?
generation after generation. century after century. another president. another government. another civilization. and it would still be the same. People never change. They couldn't change. It was in their nature to be like this.
I just felt so much peace as the giant red rock in the sky came hurding towards the world. ready to destroy all of its corruption and abuse. I prayed for this day. My parents prayed for this day. their parents and those parents before that. for years and years. My ancestors prayed. and the stars have answered.
I would not die alone like they wanted. My species wouldn't be the only one to die. This time all of them would come with me. I cant believe it. Never in my life time did I feel I would ever have justice. Was this what faith felt like? For once in my miserable, short, painful life, I felt that there was reason in the universe. that everything wasn't meaningless, that bad people got what they deserved, even though all my life had convinced me that it was the opposite, and they get rewarded for hurting us again and again. but I guess I'm ready to change my mind now.
Maybe I was wrong...
and then it stopped. It stood there in the sky. just staying in place.
I couldn't believe my eyes. I was in disbelief. This can't be happening...
everyone around me, especially the dinos. gazed up and on their faces. THAT SMUG SELF-SATISFIED GRIN APPEARED AGAIN.
NO NO NO NO NO. This wasn't happening. I said it in sheer terror of the realization. that the pain wouldn't end. that the world would continue.
and Dino kind felt more invincible than ever. that in their moment of greatest weakness. in the moment of everyone else's final triumph against them. Their savior had showed up.
to help them oppress us for the next 66 million years. i screamed. It's all a child could do; it's all any non-dino could do. and I heard them. I heard them laugh...