Doctor goes back to Joseon

Chapter 99

Chapter 99: Divine Doctor in a Slum [2]


The doctor who introduced himself as Dongpa was making herbal medicine by boiling them.

Therefore, they could smell the herbs when they entered the building. Yeoju recognized some herbs in his medicine.

“Sir, most of them are licorice. Others…I see nothosmyrnium root, too. Others…it is hard to call them medical herbs. They are just grass.”

“Heum, licorice…”

He did not want to criticize him as he used a lot of licorice.

Almost every doctor used licorice in their prescription.

In Joseon, an indispensable thing or a Jack-of-all-trades in the clinic was licorice.

‘But it is not desirable.’

When did they use licorice in all prescriptions?

It was because it had effects. The secret of licorice was glycyrrhizin.

The effects of glycyrrhizin were as follows.

It was good for detoxication, especially detoxication of snake venom.

It was good for the reduction of swelling and it also had effects as an anti-inflammatory and as a painkiller.

If there was a good thing, it always has a bad side too.

‘If you have too much glycyrrhizin, it inhibits removal of steroid in the body.’

Of course, it was hard to have much licorice to have side effects.

It was said when one had more than 50g of licorice every day they would start showing some symptoms.

However, if the patients had an extra steroid, that could cause complications.

Considering the patient’s appearance, the prescription of this doctor had problems.

‘The patient had round faces, thin skin, and slim limbs…’

He must be a resident in the slum given his attire.

Then it was hard for him to have a round face with food alone.

It must be the side effect of a steroid.

“Eum, can I ask what you prescribed for the patient?”

Ganghyuk asked.

The doctor was not a nobleman, and he was not a good doctor either.

Ganghyuk had no intention of respecting him.

“It is my secret, so I cannot tell you.”

The doctor refused to let him know, and the patient pleaded for the doctor.

“Doctor Dongpa is a good doctor. I had pains all over the world. However, after taking his medicine, I do not feel pain. I have stamina too.”

He said this from the mouth of his round face making him look like a talking full-moon.

Ganghyuk recognized the symptoms of the patient was the effect of high doses of steroids.

‘Heum…He is intoxicated with steroids.’

Ganghyuk remembered the time he was working in the hospital in his world.

‘Yes, steroids made a lot of problems…’

However, it was difficult not to use it.

It was particularly true in the private clinic.

Since patients thought they were cured, more patients came rushing in. The one that did not use steroid might have to close their clinic because patients would go to the other clinics prescribing steroid agents.

If it was used at a low dose for a short time, it would not cause any complications.

There was a public rumor that the secret to being an excellent doctor was to use steroids.

‘Many doctors stopped using it as side effects are reported in seminars and conferences.’

Some old doctors still used steroids, believing it as a panacea.

Young doctors have a mind to be aware of its side effects.

However, Ganghyuk could not expect such awareness from the doctor in front of him.

This doctor thought the side effects of steroid was his arcanum.

“How long have you had this medicine?”

At the sudden question, the patient closed his mouth.

Ganghyuk observed his appearance closely.

Fat on the cucullaris, swollen abdomen, slim limbs.

All of them were side effects of steroids.

It was Cushing Syndrome (It is caused by excessive administration of steroid such as cortisol-like medication).

“Eum…Maybe around half a year.”

“Half a year. Quite a long time. How do you feel?”

“I feel strong when I take the medicine.”

“If you do not take the medicine? Do you feel helpless?”

“Ah…Yes, but when I take it, I am quickly recovered.”


Ganghyuk nodded his head, and Dongpa looked at Ganghyuk with a displeased face.

However, he did not make a claim because of Makbong and Yeoni.

If it were not for Makbong and Yeoni, he might say something to protest.

Ganghyuk nodded his head and looked at the lower body of the patient.

‘Yes, all men in Joseon had interest in it.’

At least up to then, nobody did not have an interest in the medicine.

Regardless of their class, all men were extremely interested in their symbol.

“Can you get it up well these days?”


“I mean your night-life.”

The patient could not answer.

Ganghyuk observed the patient closely.

He could see him shuddering because of shame and anxiety.

‘He must have impotence.’

He did not say anything, but Ganghyuk understood his status.

Sometimes, body language could tell more than the words coming from someone’s words.

After some time, he nodded his head.

“No, I cannot get it up well.”

He was almost crying and looked at Ganghyuk to see if he had a solution.

“Eum. The time you could not do that well is after you took this medicine, right?”

“What are you talking about?”

Dongpa said angrily.

He could not accept his accusation of causing the patient’s impotence.

However, at the hand gesture of Ganghyuk, he could not help keeping quiet.

Actually, Makbong pushed him once Ganghyuk raised his hand.

“Keep quiet. Master is talking.”

“How could you treat me like this?”

“Do you want to be beaten?”

“No, no.”

Ganghyuk looked at the patient again, leaving Donpa at Makbong’s hand.

“You did not answer the question. Tell me.”

“Ah. Yes, it began after I took the medicine.”

“I thought so. How much of it had you taken?”

Ganghyuk sat in front of the patient.

The patient had had the medicine for 6 months, so he knew about the prescription quite well.

“The medicine Doctor Dongpa is making now is meant to be used for 10 days.”

“10 days…”

Ganghyuk looked at the medicine on the stove.

It seems the licorice in that pot was over 20g.

‘It is difficult to make Cushing syndrome with licorice alone. It must have other herbs containing much steroid content.’

He could not guess which herb had steroids, and how much steroid the herb had.

If he knew about the herbs well, it could make his work easier.

He smacked his lips.

“You must reduce the medicine. Then your body would recover and your little boy could be erect again.”


The patient was not concerned with his slim limbs, but he showed great concern about his symbol of manhood.

“Yes, you must reduce the amount to half. Where do you live.”

“I live here and somewhere around this place.”

“What do you mean with ‘here and somewhere around’?”

“I don’t have a house. I work for them then I will get food and accommodation.”

To make a long story short, he was a beggar.

“Why are you taking this medication?”

“I have so much pain, so I cannot help it.”

“Reduce the amount to half, okay?”

“Then my body will be in so much pain!”

The patient complained.

Ganghyuk could understand him.

Once the patient had steroids, he could not give it up because of the good effects it wields.

Ganghyuk gave him an anti-inflammatory from his bag.

“Take this instead. Come here tomorrow. If you don’t give it up, you can be cured.”

“Ah, yes, sir.”

The patient went out of the room with half of the medicine.

Ganghyuk looked at Dongpa.

“I am sorry to let your patient go, but it is better for him to follow my prescription.”

“How can a doctor slander another doctor and snatch their patient away from them?”

“It is because you are a quack.”

“Quack? I know you are a nobleman, but you cannot say something like that. I am a doctor too.”

“I cannot help it because it is the truth. He is my patient from now on. Also, do not give this medicine to anyone anymore.”

“Don’t slander my arcanum.”

Dongpa was a high-spirited man.

He spoke what was on his mind even though Makbong was pushing him.

Ganghyuk thought of the straw mat rolling, but he decided not to do that.

It was his first day, he did not want to hit a doctor and make a scene.

People knew him as a doctor who came here to serve for the poor.

However, he did not want to let this doctor keep doing what he did.

It was noisy and irritating.

“You talk too much.”


Dongpa was surprised at the attitude change of Ganghyuk.

Ganghyuk shook his hands toward Dongpa.

“Makbong and Dolseok, take him away.”

“Yes, sir.”

The two of them lifted Dongpa and threw him in the room beside theirs.


There was a dull shriek, but it went quiet soon.

It seemed one of them threatened him.

Maybe he was told he would be dead if he kept making noises.

“It’s done, sir.”

Makbong returned.

“Okay. Good. I will see patients now.”

“Yes, shall I tell them to come in?”

“Yes. Tell them my door is open for patients now.”

If he found a patient who would be dead soon, he would admit him.

If he died, he would call Heo Jun.

It was his real intention for coming here after all.

“Here are the patients.”

Makbong stood in front of the door with the man with a wart.

When Ganghyuk looked out, there were many patients waiting.

They must have heard the new that Baik Ganghyuk would see the patients in the slum.

It was also known that he would not take a medical fee.

It must be more attractive than the examination of Dongpa who took money at the backdoor.

“Ok. I will send light patients to you.”

Dolseok and Yeoni nodded their heads at his remark.

They seemed to be more confident after the lecture in the Naeeuiwon.

Ganghyuk started his work with a smile.


There were not many patients who suffered from grave conditions.

When he started to doubt why he had come here, he heard a shriek.


It seemed very urgent. The origin was the examination room of Dongpa.

“What is it?”

At the shout of Ganghyuk, Makbong opened the door.

“One of the patients in the room said he could not see anything. He was in pain too. He is rolling all over.”

“Okay? What is Dongpa doing?”

“He applied acupuncture, but it didn’t help at all.”

“I see. He is a quack. I am going.”

“Yes, sir.”

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