Dominator In Naruto

Chapter 29 – On Move.

Jay's Inner World,

In nothingness, there were seven thrones in between. Their backs against each other, forming a circle, outward one. Six thrones were darkened, with light shining on only one.

A young man with middle-length messy black hair, scarlet eyes was sitting on the throne. In front of him was a woman, covered in golden light, as if her body was formed of golden light, her hair flowing. There was a touch of a smile on her lips, "You zanpakuto got destroyed."

Jay put his elbow on the throne's arm, supporting his cheek with his long fingers, closing his eyes, "Yeah, right."

His zanpakuto spirit chuckled, "Why are you here?"

"I was wondering...there is hollow energy in our surroundings, right? I was wondering if you can use it to activate one of the other six thrones."

"Are you sure you want to do that? Don't you want to use this chance to laze around?"

Jay lightly smiled, "Not now."

"There is special energy which was infused in this hollow...the result might be unpredictable." 

"I don't mind. This would keep things interesting."

Just as he said, another throne was lightened, with golden light shining on it. A globe of hollow energy appeared on the throne.

"Now, it's just a waiting game. But...I just might have to give them a little push."

A few days later,

Captain Soi Fon held her head, standing in front of Jay, "Say that again?"

"Well, a hollow attacked, and it had a unique ability. If a shinigami's zanpakuto touched its tentacles, then it would be destroyed. I lost mine."

Tsunade worriedly stroked his arm, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, yeah. I am fine," Jay shrugged, raising her palm from his arm, kissing her fingers, "There is no need to worry."

Captain Soi Fon shot a look towards him, "You really think everything is alright? Losing a zanpakuto means you will never become a Captain. You could be provided an asauchi to do your duties as a shinigami. But you would never be able to use a Shikai again."

Jay shrugged, "Doesn't matter."

Captian Soi Fon shook her head, "Tell me everything about it on the way."


Jay was walking with Naori and Tsunade, "So how did the negotiations go?"

"As well as they could be," Tsunade whispered, "A few things have been decided in the negotiations. One, the Akatsuki would be trained in the ways of Shinigami. And in return, they would share Kago, Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, Taijutsu arts with Seireitei. After being trained and gaining an asauchi, the Akatsuki members would become a part of the emergency task force or reserved units. If a disaster in which numerous Captain and Shinigami's are lost, then this reserve force would become a part of this Gotei 13, to fill in these positions."

"Hmm, that sounds like good news," Jay whispered back, "Then why does it feel like someone died."

Captain Soi Fon, who had been walking in the front, stopped, looking back. But more than that, Kenpachi had a brooding expression on his face without reacting. He wasn't the only one; everyone else in the ground grave expression as well.

"They agreed to most of our demands, but they put a single demand for us," Captain Soi Fon furrowed her brows.

"What demand?" Jay curiously blinked. He was wondering what they said that put these people in such a mood. Even Kaien Shiba, who was usually jubilant, seemed distressed.

"Uchiha led by Itachi Uchiha, Senju's led by Hashirama Senju, Hyuga's led by Neji Hyuga, Uzumaki led by Nagato Uzumaki...and lastly..." Captain Soi Fon hesitated, but Tsunade completed her sentence.

"Otsutsuki led by Hamura Otsutsuki, these people will be granted the status of Five Great Noble Clans. Giving them the same status and the right as Five Great Noble Clans, making them Ten Great Noble Clans."

Jay parted his lips in surprise, looking back, "Huh...Hamura...I didn't feel his presence at all. that why Kenpachi is brooding?"

Kaien shivered, seeing Kenpachi's piercing glare towards their direction. He scoffed, walking off when Naori whispered, "Kenpachi challenged Hamura, but got crushed without being able to do anything. That guy...Hamura...he's on another level entirely."

Jay put his hands inside shihakusho's, wondering, "So? Do you think it's possible? Giving them the same right as the Five Great Noble Clans?"

"Impossible!" Captain Soi Fon shook her head, "The history of Great Noble Clans goes far deeper than you think. There is no way that they would be granted the same right."

"I we are at an impasse," Jay rubbed his chin, with a twinkling expression in his piercing scarlet eyes, "I wonder how long it would last...this impasse."

He had an idea that might put an end to this impasse much faster, and he could release the second part of his zanpakuto. He chuckled, "I can't wait to meet my Captain."

"What are you planning now," Tsunade let out an annoyed sigh, "Don't you like peace and quiet?"

Jay half-heartedly looked away, lying badly, "I totally love peace and quiet."

Tsunade shook her head, rolling her eyes, "And I totally believe you."

Jay widened his eyes, "You totally stole my line!!"

Tsunade curled her lips, crossing her arms, puffing her breasts out, "I didn't!"

"You did!"

"I didn't," Tsunade shot a look at him.

Jay was taken aback, looking at her glare, backing off, but not without putting in the last words, "You totally did."

Monitor Room,

The atmosphere in this room was deary as well. When Aizen smiled, "I thought that pushing forward my plans and experimenting with hollows was good enough. But now it seems something unexpected has happened. It seems I might need to go to Hueco Mundo as well. Tosen, Gin, we are going to start preparing."

"What about my dear seated officer? He's bound to keep an eye on me. I can't move as freely as you."

"Him? Don't worry about him," Aizen smiled, "He won't say a word to anyone even if you tell him that you are going to destroy the Gotei 13."

"Heh," Gin smirked, "You seem quite assured about that."

"You'll understand soon enough." Aizen walked out of the room, with Tosen and Gin behind him.

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