Dominator In Naruto

Chapter 41 – June 17

"Jun Nii-Chan, what are you doing?"

Yuzu was blinking, looking at Jun sitting on the floor near the sofa, tying on the keyboard of the bulky laptop on the table.

Jun glanced towards the digital clock, seeing eleven am on it, "I was...I am writing a story."

Yuzu blinked, seeing him answer her half-heartedly; she puffed her cheeks.

Karin scoffed, "You know how he gets when he is busy. Don't waste your time."

Jun got up on his feet, shutting his laptop, turning around to kiss their head, "Stay here. I'll be back."

Karin and Yuzu blinked, blankly nodding, when Jun walked out of the room. The moment he closed the door behind him, his body moved at high speed, appearing in the air above the house.

"Why is there a bad feeling in my heart?" Jun raised his head, looking at the dark cloud, the raindrops falling on his face.

Somewhere else,

"Ack!" Ichigo covered his face, feeling the water getting splashed on his face.

"Oh no, that meanie old truck," Masaki looked down with a worried look, "Are you ok, Ichigo?"

She took out a hanky, wiping his face, "Sorry, sweety. Let Mommy walk on the side of the road."

"No, I am fine. My raincoat keeps me dry," Ichigo tilted his head, feeling his mother scrub his face.

He grinned, "I will protect you from stuff like that."

"Oh my, what a brave boy," Masaki chuckled, "But wait, roadside duty isn't for someone who can't even beat Tatsuki once." 

"Ah wum ba ubber day!"


"I won the other day!"

Masaki took away the hanky, grinning, "There, you are all clean."

She walked in front of him when Ichio dazedly looked at her, "Mommy, hold my hand?"

"Ok," Masaki gave him her hand, walking with him with a smile on her face.

Ichigo hopped, walking with her, looking at her, when he reached the mountain down. They were walking on the upper road when his eyes fell on a young girl, standing at the edge, seemingly contemplating whether to jump or not.

"Oh," Ichigo took away his hand from Masaki, climbing the railing, "Wait here, Mommy!"

He jumped over the railing, running to the road below, making Misaki's eyes widen, "Ichigo!"

Even though Ichigo had been able to see the ghost. But he didn't know the difference between a ghost and a hollow. He couldn't tell, but she could; this one was a hollow disguising itself like a young girl.

She was about to use hirenkyaku to reach him when a bluish-white light covered her, and her powers started to disappear.

She used the fumes of her powers, appearing above Ichigo, covering his body, with the hollow about to kill her when suddenly the rain stopped falling.

The raindrops came to a stop, the hollow attack came to a halt, making Masaki blink in surprise.

She sat up, holding Ichigo, looking around, seeing the young girl float in the air, "Ichigo...are you ok?"

Ichigo was confused with his mother's sudden tackle; he raised his head to look at her face when his eyes widened. He pointed at the sky, "Mommy, look!"

Masaki looked up because she understood what had just happened. She was worried about Jun when her eyes widened as well.

There was a massive eye in the sky, covering the whole of Karakura Town,  moving as if searching for something. Masaki was familiar was this eye; it was the deep red eye of her son, which made others feel like looking into the abyss.

As soon as the eye came to a stop, the time started moving again, and a Quincy arrow came flying, injuring the hollow that was hiding.

Grand Fisher came out, screaming as it ran away to the Hueco Mundo.

Masaki let out a breath of relief, "That boy...he's fine."

Rather than being surprised over the fact that Jun's eye was in the sky, that her boy stopped time, or he used a Quincy bow and arrow. Masaki was more relieved about the fact that he wasn't deemed impure.

Kurosaki Clinic,

Isshin's body slumped over the table, with him standing beside it, wearing a black shihakusho. His hand was on the zanpakuto, but there was a stunned expression on his face.

It wasn't until he heard the sound of someone clearing a throat that he moved, looking over to his left, "Kisuke."

Kisuke didn't look at him; his eyes were fixed on the roof, seeing the eye in the sky, "That boy of yours is something else. Did you two teach him to control his powers?"

Isshin scratched his cheek, "Are you kidding me? I didn't even know he had powers. Let alone powerful to this extent."

Urahara narrowed his eyes, "He's talented...but he has inherited the Quincy lineage...a strong one at that. You understand what that means, right?"

Isshin's face became grave, "There is no way that Jun can survive with the hollow in his."

Suddenly, fright appeared on his face, "I dread to think about what would have happened if Jun had the hollow in him. He might have..."

"Died before taking a single breath...but that is not what you should be worried about. If the hollow isn't in Jun...then it's in Ichigo. A Vasto Lorde level hollow, a Captain level Shinigami...that's very similar to what."

"Aizen wanted to achieve...even might have achieved by now," Isshin furrowed his brows.

"Aizen is bound to be interested in's just a matter of time. Probably when he has grown up...the war is reaching its starting point."

Isshin's aura sank when he abruptly jumped up, "Fuck that! Why is Masaki's spiritual pressure dropping?!"

Kisuke hesitantly glanced towards Isshin, "That part...even I don't know."

Near the river,

Masaki was hugging Ichigo when a voice called out to her from behind, "Mother."

Masaki stroked Ichigo's head, kissing his forehead, looking back, seeing a nine-year-old boy stand there. There was undiluted spiritual energy on his palm, with blue blut veins on his body. They stopped at his neck, with only a single vein on the right side of his face passing through his eyes.

"Thank you," Masaki softly whispered, raising her hand as if asking him to come in for a hug.

But Jun just walked closer, confusedly watching her, "What happened to you?"

Masaki hugged him, kissing his cheek, "Don't worry about it; Mommy is going to be fine."

Even as she said that her gaze became blurry, fainting, making Ichigo widen his eyes, "Mommy!!! Mommy!!! Mommy!"

Jun narrowed his eyes, feeling the weight of Masaki's body, looking up at the sky.

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