Dominator In Naruto

Chapter 43 – Quincy Blood

Ichigo's mouth was hanging open, seeing his father's body slumping on the chair and his father standing beside the body wearing a shihakusho.

Jun was blinking, "So...Ichigo takes after you and is a Shinigami...I am...a Quincy? And the Quincy King that Uncle Ryuken talked about is the Progenitor of our Race?"

Isshin scratched his cheek, "Yeah, something like that. The only reason I am telling you all this is because I will have to start training the two of you."

Jun suspiciously looked at him, "Can you even fight? Old man?"

Isshin felt a vein pop, proudly looking towards Jun, "Hahaha! Are you kidding me! I was a Captain!"

Jun tilted his head, "Squadron-Captain? Like the grunts in the army?"

Isshin became annoyed, "No!! No! I am really strong!! Like very!!"

"Fufufu, he isn't lying."

Ichigo nearly jumped from his seat, turning back, seeing a man with a hat and cloak, "!!! Where did you come from!"

Isshin nodded towards Kisuke, "This is Urahara Kisuke. He will be the one that will be helping me oversee your training. Also, there is Ryuken, who's a Quincy like your mother."

Jun and Ichigo turned their eyes towards the sofa from the dining table, seeing a man sitting there, sipping tea.

"Mm?" Jun jumped down from the chair, running over to Ryuken, looking at him from the left, right, up, down.

"What?" Ryuken finally couldn't take it when he asked.

"Mm, nothing...just seeing how you are different from a Shinigami."

"It's not visible on the surface."

"Uncle...the power of Quincies comes from their blood, right? Unlike Shinigami's whose powers come from their souls?"

Ryuken opened his eyes, nodding at Jun, "Technically, yes."

Jun's eyes darted around the room, rushing off towards the clinic, "I'll be back."

Isshin rubbed the back of his head, "Sorry about this...I never know what is going in the head of that kid."

"I think it's pretty obvious," Kisuke shook his head with pity, "He's going to be disappointed."

Isshin looked up at Kisuke, glancing towards the clinic's direction when Ryuken stood up, walking in the same direction, "Let me handle this."

Ichigo pulled on his father's arm, "Dad, what happened?"

Isshin rubbed his head, "Nothing...come on, let's go see your brother being punished."

By the time Isshin, Kisuke, Ichigo, and Ryuken stepped into Masaki's room.

Jun was sitting on the bed. He had pulled down Masaki's chin, with a cut on his wrist, dripping blood in her mouth.

"What are you doing?" Ryuken coldly looked at him.

Jun didn't look back, "Mom's powers are all she needs is blood with powers, and she will wake up."

Isshin sniffed, clenching his jaw, feeling his eyes well up, but it was Kisuke and Ryuken who noticed something strange.

Jun hadn't just cut his wrist; he had put a scalpel in his wrist, and yet, the bleeding was minute. It was like every portion of his wrist, but the place where the scalpel was inserted had healed.

Which was why there was only a drop that had to slide down the scalpel before dripping into Masaki's mouth.

It was almost as if his body had high-speed regeneration, something that made Kisuke hold his hat, narrow his eyes, "That's...unexpected."

He just said when blue veins started to appear over Jun's body. And the scalpel that he used to cut his skin broke into pieces.

Jun just took out another scalpel that he had pocketed when Isshin appeared behind him, stopping his hand, stroking his head, "No need. That's not how it works."

Jun tightened his jaw, looking down at Masaki's face, " has to..."

Isshin pressed his lips, picking Jun up, "Come on, let Mommy rest."

He turned around to leave when Ryuken's eyes widened, seeing blue veins spread all over her body. From inside out, covering her heart, spiritual pressure came crashing down on everyone in the room.

The sound of her heartbeat echoed in the room, causing their bodies to vibrate with the sound.

It wasn't just that the sound of her heartbeat had become louder; it was the spiritual energy that it was creating that made their bodies vibrate.

Soon, the blut veins started coming out of her body, creating a semi-circular shield around her, throwing all of them out of the room.

Isshin was holding Ichigo and Jun down, covering their bodies until the things behind him settled down.

Kisuke had taken out his zanpakuto from his walking stick, creating a red shied, defending himself, Ryuken and Isshin.

Once the spiritual pressure died down and everything came to a halt, Isshin stood up, hesitantly looking back. His wife was sitting up on the bed, with a confused expression on her face.

She felt overwhelming strength coursing through her body as if all her strength had been restored, even enhanced.

Masaki came down from the bed, standing up. When Isshin rushed over, falling on his knees, hugging her. He buried her face in her stomach, "Wife!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Jun and Ichigo were stunned when Jun nudged Ichigo, "Now I know where your sneakiness comes from."

Ichigo had a brooding look over his cute face, "I am not sneaky."

Jun patted his head, "Yeah, yeah. You totally are."

Ichigo puffed his cheek; his eyes met with Masaki, who called the two over.

Ichigo rushed over, hugging her legs when Jun turned around, leaving the room.

Masaki was confused when Jun returned, with Yuzu and Karin, who had been trying to peek or listen from nearby.

Soul Society,

Jay let out a relieved smile, closing his eyes. It would have been much simpler if he didn't have to wait for a month for Isshin to come out and tell him about him being a Quincy.

If he didn't tell, then Jay was going to start pushing him, ask him so that he had a reason to do what he did. It was troublesome to have so many intelligent people around.

Every single step that he had to take was fraught with trouble. He needed a different cause for the reasons why he did something. Or there was bound to be trouble if someone...especially if Aizen figured out the truth. If he hadn't already.

"Well...she's fine...that's what matters. will be soon."

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