Dominatrix System

Chapter 103

I headed back into the room with the centaur while surprisingly still hearing Jackie taking the male slave I 'gave' her for a ride. He could no longer arch his body in the air like a stool. He looked tragic as she took him, and I watched her stand just as his load released uselessly into the air.

He was exhausted, and his sperm landed on his stomach and face. It joined other recently ejaculated sperm that covered his body. Jackie seemed to be very lively as she giggled above him. My cough put a damper on her, much to her disappointment and the man's relief.

I contemplated for a second to let her continue to torture the man for my entertainment. I cut it off coldly, though, as I needed to clean up and pack up for the night. I did not want to be on the streets of this city at night. I knew things were going on in this city, and I couldn't care less how powerful or weak I was. I didn't want to disclose my strength to the public yet, if ever.

B-ranks and C-ranks were utterly different. When I was still a C rank, I thought I would have a fighting chance against someone a rank above me in the back of my head. Now I am glad that I was never in that situation. My respect for B rankers was at a whole new level. That also meant that governments in this world paid more attention to B rankers when they cross borders.

A C rank didn't mean a threat to a government, but a B ranker represented a threat that could do a lot of damage if it wasn't dealt with swiftly if they decided to create a problem. I never realized that when in the Adventurers academy when they told me that. This world made me smile as I thought about it. So much individual power was incredible. Many could move with impunity and snub the laws. The only people they had to worry about were other people around the same strength. They were hidden, and were nations hidden trump cards. They were rare supposedly and deserved the utmost respect; otherwise, they could kill you before you knew it.

I sighed as I worked with Jackie cleaning up around the centaur as he cried to continue fucking the two slaves. Maybe a little longer, and he could ejaculate, he desperately pleaded. I ignored him and placed him back in the cell. Instead of leaving him with the erection, though tonight, I applied an antidote and his large cock became flaccid. I needed him to want it all the time. This antidote also blue balled him, and he groaned in pain as I locked the cell behind me as he cried out for mercy.

I stepped back with a smile and returned to the training area where Jackie had just come back from locking up the other slaves. I pointed to an actual stool and told her to sit. She complied, looking at me. "Now, Young Mistress Jackie. You are doing a good job." I started with the good news. Her smile brightened. "The main thing is that you are enjoying yourself. Training slaves are supposed to be fun for people like us. Otherwise, guilt will come and consume you, and the slaves will kill you without doing anything." I said. This earned her confusion.

"That doesn't make sense." She replied, and I realized that Psychology wasn't a thing in this world. Talking about depression and other mental problems was something not thought about.

I sighed and shook my head. "You don't need to understand. Just remember if you don't enjoy it. Stop it. There is nothing worse than forcing yourself to do something you are unwilling to do when it comes to slaves. Suppose something tells you to stop. Do it. I have little scruples, but there are things even I shy away from Jackie. The world is fucked up. I just enjoy fucking it up a little more myself. But!" I stopped looking into her eyes. "We must have a bottom line. Now, Go home. Try out some stuff on someone at home if you choose," I said with a wink. "But, Go home. I will finish up, and I will see you tomorrow." I told her, and she left out the main entrance. I watched the warehouse doors closed, and I sighed.

I still had much work to do.

I took a moment as I stepped into the second room as the mother and son desperately swung their hips to fuck each other. The cries echoed out into the room, and they didn't even notice me as I walked past them. I heard a grunt as I stopped past, and I saw a dollop of semen leave her ass out the edges as they continued to fuck. I ignored them and stepped towards the cabinet. I opened it up and pulled open a sliding mechanism, and pulled the lever inside. A click came out, and the cabinet opened on a hinge. I smiled as I stepped into the opening. I closed the wall behind me into a small training area. It wasn't suited to many training forms, but it was valuable since the room was secret.

Inside I saw three people that I had Cassandra round-up for me. I smiled as I looked at the toys with a short lifespan with a malicious grin. The three were in a cage, and I walked over to light up some candles, and they were illuminated. With the room aglow with the lantern, I turned on more, so I could see correctly.

Three people's eyes watched me. They looked at me with resenting stares, and I smirked. This was my first time training slaves to cover up my crime for a couple of days while I broke an entire family. I felt euphoria hit my head as I smiled. I had already started on them and was depriving them of things. Inside their cells, they couldn't see anyone else. Or hear anything else. They were enchanted to isolate themselves from the entire world. The only thing that could fill their time with entertainment was themselves and whatever lay beyond the bars. They couldn't hear me, but they could see me as I started to get things prepared.

First, I gathered the trusted butler of the house. He was on vacation since his 'family' was sick. The way she gathered this butler was fantastic as she intercepted him as he was about to leave the city. I got everything ready and some props for the fun I was going to have with him today. I already raped his ass on the first day, and I noticed he liked it. This was a setback since the man was probably closeted gay. He had a wife back home, but I think she was a beard or someone that enjoyed ramming rosebuds. All was good as I set down an assortment of knives on the side and some needles. I didn't need to disfigure the man, but I needed to engrave fear into him quickly. This was a quick and dirty operation with many in key positions being held with mentalities that could be changed at any time.

However, addictions were a complicated thing, and they were still in the hiding stage, not ready to acknowledge they had a problem. That didn't even get to the point of whether they wanted to fix it yet as I prior mob boss and Gang boss Addiction was a scary motivator. You can do things that you would never do otherwise.

I sighed, thinking about human nature, and smiled as I finished my last preparations. I opened the cell, and the Butler ran to the back of the cage. "Crazy fucking bitch. You are pissing off the City LORD!" He yelled, and I ignored his cries as they fell on deaf ears. I slowly subdued him as he fought me crazily.

Finally, after a couple of minutes, I locked him in a pillory and latched it shut. I loved pillories, I thought, as they were much more convenient than rope somedays. I wasn't going to keep him in it today, though. I started to tie his legs to two posts I latched into the ground. I couldn't leave everything out with such a small space, so I had latches and hinges placed on the ground to diversify.

I tied him to each post before I put a spreader bar behind his head and tied it to the posts as well. The pillory made my life easier as I finished quickly despite his pointless fighting. I proceeded to open the latch before pulling the knots tight. His body swung up, and his arms were forced apart, making him look like a dinner table candle holder for three candles. His legs spread to leave his lower half-open. I looked at him coldly as I inspected him for injuries.

I nodded when I noticed no injuries on his body and proceeded to step over to my cart. I started to use a whetstone on the knife in front of him, making a show of sharpening it. "What's your name?" I asked him.

"I am the Head Butle-" I hit him across the face with the back of my hand and went back to sharpening the knife.

"I asked you, What is your name? Not who you are. I don't give a single Fuck, About who you are." I replied. "Now, What is your name?" I asked again.

"I am the Head Butle-" My hand this time landed on his stomach. I shook my head, knowing that they must have trained him to withstand torture in case of capture.

Again, I asked the same question and the process repeated instead of him in the balls with my hand's back. He tried to move, but the ropes stopped him, and he was groaning in pain. I sighed, knowing I would have to do this the hard way and break him mentally instead of just fear. I needed to tear a hole in his mentality and loyalty.

I smiled. "Do you know why you are here?" I asked him.

He looked at me with defiance, and I shook my head. "You are here because the family you so loyally work for sent me here!" I said with a large grin.

The butler's eyes widened, but he said nothing. I shook my head and placed a watered-down light regeneration potion. "Do you know what that is?" I asked him as I continued to sharpen my knife.

He shook his head, and I stopped sharpening the knife anymore. Instead, I dragged it lightly across his chest so he could feel its sharp edge. "It's a watered-down regeneration potion. This means I can have some fun. Please don't die tonight." I finished talking and let the blade talk.

This wasn't that much fun for me, though. The Butler was the first tonight, and I could only torture him for the others as they watched me cut into his skin and start an anatomy lesson on him. I made sure to keep it to spots that would regenerate with the potion as I played for a couple of hours, listening to his screams and groans. I then forced the bottle of regeneration potion down his throat.

I sighed as his skin started to regenerate and tied his hands and legs together before throwing him back in his cell. The man was trained to take a beating, and worst-case scenario, I would have him die outside the city by bandits willing to kill Noblemen servents. It wouldn't be that hard to frame in this world. I scoffed as I started to clean while being annoyed at the butler's determination to be killed.

I finished cleaning up the blood with a sigh as I turned to the other two. My grin turned larger as I saw the fear in their eyes. These two were going to be easier to train.

I moved towards the personal maid that the Count liked to keep as a personal pet. She was a tiger-kin that was surprisingly free. She had orange hair with black stripes that made her look cute. I pulled her out of the cell as she was terrified.

I tossed her into the middle of the floor as she shook. I hadn't done any training for her since I put her in a cell. I watched her as she looked up meekly. "What's your name?" I asked.

I took this time to look at her more thoroughly. Her hair was striped just as her fur was, and I looked at her breasts as a modest C-cup. She was the perfect image of cute and innocent. She would look adorable in a maid costume, and I remembered Cassandra's brief about her capture. She was out on her two days a week for clothing and other things. She needed to be returned before the end of the week to place her back into the household successfully; as she was currently taking a spa week, one of the junkies convinced her to do so. This was time I also needed to pamper her, and I could tell from her stare that she would be the easiest of the bunch.

"I am Kara," She said meekly. Her shaking increased as I stepped forward and helped her to her feet.

I smiled softly at her. "Are you scared, Kara?" I asked her this time. She nodded vigorously. "Kara, As you can see, I am also a Tiger-kin. I am a phantom Tiger-kin." She nodded again very meekly, and I continued my soft smile.

"Kara, Let me reason with you," I said as I guided her over to the posts. "Kara, I need something done. I have to be brutal to achieve this goal. Do you understand what I am saying?" I ask.

"No..." She replied.

"What do you think of your Master?" I asked her.

"He is my master, and I cannot disobey him. He only treats me nicely after he fucks me for an hour. I then stay in my room most of the time. I am not allowed to leave except for two days a week to look good for him..." She trailed off as if unsure of her statement. I hid a smile and decided to continue.

"Kara, Where are you from?" I asked her.

"I'm from the Beast-kin Nation to the west."

"How did you end up in your master's hands?" I asked, leading her.

"The Slavers attacked our village and took many of us, including me, in cages. Then Master purchased me?" She said very meekly.

I guessed that quickly, I thought in the back of my head. "Now, Kara. What if I told you that I could free you?" I asked her.

Her eyes lit up, and I could see happiness for a split second before it diminished. "That isn't possible. Master owns me, and I cannot disobey him." Kara replied.

"What if I told you I could change that?" I countered.

She seemed torn. "Kara," I began. "I can free you. You can follow me, or you can strike it out on your own. Or do whatever you want—no longer confined to a room with a bed for days on end. Free to see what is over the horizon. All you need to do is grasp this opportunity, Kara." I told her a beautiful dream.

"Look, A dark cage or the open skies forever, Kara. I can give you that." She started to cry, and I wrapped her in a hug. "Tell me what you want, Kara," I told her.

"I don't know!" She cried out. "I don't know!" Kara screamed right afterward. I let her cry into my arms as the tears dripped onto my leather shirt. I easily held her as she sobbed, knowing I would get snot on it as well. She just chanted she didn't know into my arms, and I waited.

She wanted out, but she was trapped mentally. All she knew was service to her Master. I darkly smiled behind her back as she cried, knowing I was burning issues in her mind to the ground. I became something her 'Master' Never did. I became something emotional to hold on to while she cried. "Kara, did you know I was a slave too at one point?" I told her.

I could feel her sobs stop. Her eyes still leaked more tears as she looked up at me, surprised. "What?" she asked.

"Yup, I was a slave when I was born," I said with a grin. "I was born into a Marquis family as a slave. My mother is still a slave to his house, as is my dad." I told her complete truths as I decided to spin a tale. "I was owned and raised to be a noble's personal maid," I told her as she listened with increasing intensity. "Derek was that boy's name. He was a sadistic kid with love for torturing his maids. My mother was scared when she learned that I was to be his personal maid for life." I continued as her tears dried up. "I was educated with him and cleaned for him. I watched him do things to other maids while I watched." I left out the part about how much I enjoyed the scene, "I learned that if I wanted to be someone in this world. To be on top, I needed to do something." I said. I looked down into her eyes.

"Kara, I studied. I learned and used the resources available to me day in day out. For me to be a better personal maid, they even taught me combat. I showed talent in whips and became the apprentice to Jack the fucking asshole." I couldn't help but curse Jack. "For years, I learned everything I could. I became better educated, and I grew with strength. Then I started to do things to the kid I was gifted to." I started to say half-truths. "I started to learn a love for training people to be the way I like them to be. I became strong at it and changed my 'Master.'" I smiled as I recalled the night Freya succumbed to the sissy earbuds. "I became the Master in our relationship Kara," I told her, looking into her fascinated eyes and seeing the spark of hope. "The Marquis learned of this and saw my potential. He freed me because he was scared to own me, Kara." I said with resolution.

"In this world, Kara, only the Free has the right to gain strength unfettered," I told her conviction in my voice. "Tell me, Kara, Do you wish to regain your freedom? To see beyond the horizon? To grow unfettered by any Masters whims?" I saw her shining eyes as she looked up at me. I closed the distance and kissed her soft lips. "Do you want to follow me and be free?"

Her eyes shone with the hope of the future and lust. Her lips closed on mine again. "Yes, please let me be free," She softly said, requesting her freedom.

"Then help me help you Kara," I finished and I took her lips again kissing her into bliss.

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