Dominatrix System

Chapter 106

Kara fell asleep in the 'VIP' cell behind me as I left her there. She was smiling sweetly as she lightly snored a little before quieting down. I chuckled at the cute image only to realize how good Kara was at being cute and innocent without realizing it.

If she could keep up, this was something that would be deadly to enemies in the future. Even cynical, dark people like myself could find ourselves trapped in it. If Kara could turn this into a strength in the future, she would become a delayed asset. This would only be true if I could keep her loyal.

I sighed as I stepped out of the Secret Training area. My Slave Training for the day was done, and I would need to make a trip to get Cassandra to do some things for me. First, she needed to dispose of the butler in a way that was inconspicuous as possible. She would also need to bring Kara back without causing a scene.

I was happy that I could recruit Kara so easily to my cause for such a small price. Kara was really naive, though, and it was easy to take advantage of. Her lack of formal education hamstrung her on this and allowed me to find her sore point easily.

I smirked as I headed to the room with the Centaur and Jackie. Jackie was currently enjoying herself with that same slave having his balls in a literal vice. I must have come at the right moment as his cock spewed into the air with surprising force. Jackie exclaimed happily at the height it reached.

"You did it!" Young Mistress Jackie exclaimed, "I guess that means you get to keep them for the night." Jackie continued, and even I felt a little sweat over what those words meant. I liked to keep my toys intact most of the time. I also preferred women over men too. Jackie obviously didn't and loved to hear that slaves groans and screams.

I turned to the slave that counted the number of times the Centaur came inside the female slaves. "How many times did he cum in each of them?" I asked him.

The slave turned to me, his face pale, probably from the torture happening near him, and he spoke, "Mistress, the failure of a slave has only ejaculated seven times in each of the women, and the blonde he is currently trying to fill will receive and eight momentarily." The pale slave spoke with absolute respect. He trembled under my direct attention fearing he would become like the male under Jackie as she released his restraints with a grin.

I turned to Jackie, "I am guessing you played some game involving that slave's balls Jackie." I said as she stood up. She tilted her head as she noticed slight disappointment in my tone.

"Mistress Sally," Jackie began, "You seem to sound disappointed in me for some reason."

"I am but only a little, Jackie," I told her truthfully, "I never said it, but you need to remember that we are training the Centaur. I told you not to touch him explicitly, but I never said you couldn't touch the others. I have many tools around her to help along as well. You could have tried to get the Centaur actually to reach the goal I stated today." I told her my tone, lecturing, "Instead, you had your own fun the entire day. This isn't a bad thing, but I expected you to think about how to get that goal reached. You clearly didn't even put a second thought into it after having a slave count them."

Jackie's face dawned with realization. Throughout the entire time I was gone, I had left her with a task, and she had done the absolute minimum so that she could have her own fun. This reflected badly upon her when it came to my perception of her. She would also be correct in this assumption. I gave her slaves to play with, and that was all she did. All the property that I left to her workings, and she did only the barebones of what I asked. She did nothing to please the person that she was learning from.

"I am so sorry, Mistress Sally," She said quickly, "I truly didn't think about anything but myself," Her tone was remorseful, but I didn't care. I wasn't expecting anything huge, but I was expecting something. Jakie earned my disappointment, and I watched the Centaur cry out in pleasure, finally filling the Blonde that cried out herself under his workings.

I turned to Jackie, "Clean this up; tomorrow I will have to punish this Centaur now; you, though, have earned my disappointment. I was thinking of showing you some new things, but I think I need to go back to the basics of reading between the lines of orders." I left to go check on the cells to see the condition of the mother and son.

This was both unfair and fair of me to do. This Young Mistress needed to learn that sometimes you need to do extra to get it if you want things in life. These contracts were not something I needed to do. The mother and son contracts were fun and interesting to do. But the much larger thing they did, though, was create an excuse for me to have this warehouse built. If someone starts to look into my activities, they will learn about this project, and if there were no reason for it, it would become a huge red flag to check out. That was the main reason for accepting these contracts and created a practical cover-up for me.

This all tied itself together in the end, bringing in my disappointment in her. Jackie was an educated noble who wanted to learn the ropes of Training from someone who has started to earn a little renown. Her father wanted to train her properly so that they could play together, expected her to learn as much as she could. Instead, she played an entire day away instead of thinking of something for the number of orgasms the Centaur reached to be increased.

I put this in the back of my mind now, though as I looked at the Mother and son sleeping in the Cell. The Mother had her son's head buried deep in her breasts. He softly slept in his mother's bosom, and her arms wrapped seemingly gently around him. Even after twelve hours, they were exhausted, and I nodded before I left.

I arrived back in the training room, and the male slaves were helping her clean up as Jackie placed the antidote on the Centaur to enforce his erection to turn flaccid for the night. The Centaur seemed to be in a lust craze as he finally got to ejaculate and was humping Jackie's hand, helping her spread the antidote.

Jackie then let go and did the same for each of the girls begging for the Centaurs cock. They quickly quieted down after her help. I watched her supervising the entire process until she completed it with the help of the slaves. I then added, "Clean it all yourself now," I said, my tone cold, "The slaves did a shit job, and I expect better from an aspiring Mistress." I finished as I took the two pale slaves along with the females. Jackie was surprised at my cold orders but set upon them as I closed the doors.

I placed each Slave into their individual cells, with the female slaves having a hard time walking straight. I chuckled in my mind as I kept a stern face. I then went back to the Training room to supervise the proper clean-up of the training room.

When Jackie finally finished it, to my satisfaction, did I lock up the place for the night. When I left, I went my usual route until I got home. I then cloaked myself and took off things that might identify me. I then left, trying to make sure no one spotted me as I disappeared into the growing dusk.

Soon I arrived at the hideout, and Cassandra was out, but Carl was there. He worked some trainees to the bone, bringing them up, and I could feel the Mana slightly coursing through their bodies. I nodded in the satisfaction that progress was being made with a host of new E soon-to-be D grade fighters to join our ranks. This would be insanely helpful to the gang as a whole, and Carl noticed me.

He knew my orders not to out me as the true leader and eventually dismissed the class. He also knew that I didn't need to talk to him but Cassandra. This was more of a surprise as he only nodded before heading off.

Shortly after that, I went to the meeting room, and Carl joined me with Cassandra. "Mistress, You have orders?" She asked unceremoniously.

I nodded under my hood before speaking up. "Yes, Where you put that personal slave take her back. You will bring her back in the condition you find her. She will be remarkably useful to our cause. The butler needs to die in a way that looks like it has nothing to do with us. Bring the girl back before it becomes suspicious that she is gone." I finished before asking a question, "While I am here, is there anything I need to know?"

"Mistress, I was going to come to inform you of this, but we do have a hiccup in our plans. The Gang's here, since the reinstatement of harsher guard patrols, have backed off. One group, though, has continued. I believe the other gangs are hiding under their banner and are taking some of our more valuable territory on our outskirts. By your orders, we have been ceding the territory, but that has only increased their aggression, taking it as weakness." Cassandra started to get into more territory they have taken, and I noticed the same things she did.

To make matters worse, we were not spreading out their forces as they would leave the area after they were done, only enforcing things on the ground if they came back to us. This became an issue as they were taking territory in an intelligent way. More people might fall in line with the enemy if they kept this hands-off approach and no fighting was done. We would show ourselves as a paper tiger if this continued.

It seemed we needed to make one last power move. I could do it on my own now that I broke through to become a B-ranked individual. With that thought, I started to get excited about it. I hadn't done some combat, and I no longer needed to hold back because of the system level up. I could kill with enthusiasm to finish that rank up. I could do it tomorrow night if I had a proper target and some minions to clean up the mess after me.

With my thoughts coming to a close on this, I turned to Cassandra, "Tomorrow night, You and Carl be ready. I will go out and make an example. You will deal with the clean-up afterward. Make sure that you have all information on the target or targets that are needed so I can decapitate this problem in one swoop." I stood up, knowing Cassandra understood. Her grin told me she was extremely happy with my decision.

This would significantly reduce the amount of pressure much of the gang was having with the pause in conflict. The guards were just a stop-gap measure, and the actual cleansing would happen after they leave. Still, I suspected that the Necromancer guild would make a move before then, and the guards would be obligated to help us if I was correct in my assumptions.

With that thought, I left the hideout and went back to the apartment to contemplate my next steps. Tomorrow I would need to train that male that was in the center cell. He witnessed the interaction between Kara and me so that I would have to dispose of the body regardless of the plan, but no plan is free of risk.

With that, I set out into the night, arriving with the moon rising in the sky. I came into the apartment to see some food from Freya or Stacy. I ate it without thought and made sure to feed my precious tigers. They all happily ate with me, and I knew I needed to take them out to train more often soon. It had only been a month, but I could tell they would become lazy if I didn't do something soon.

I ignored that part and laid down to sleep. The next day would bring many troubles and many solutions.

The Next morning I awoke to Freya lovingly licking my pussy. I moaned softly and turned my head to see Stacy. She looked forlorn as she watched me receive pleasure, and she wasn't even allowed under the covers to look. If Kara saw this expression, her heart would break for Stacy. Instead, Stacy saw my sadistic smile, "Stacy, Are you looking for another week of punishment?" I asked her.

Stacy yelped, got out of bed, and left. I heard her begin to prepare food outside while I enjoyed the Head Freya was dishing out. Freya was quite skilled after many years, and I was quickly brought to the edge before erupting in her mouth.

I tapped the back of Freya's head, and she removed herself from my snatch. I smiled before standing up to leave with Freya to the kitchen.

Soon I got myself ready to depart after breakfast to head out. Today I was too busy, and I told Freya and Stacy to take care of Kitty today. Freya nodded with a smile, I looked at that smile, and I was reminded of years ago when she still wasn't trained.

I left with a final word to Freya, "Kitty is a pet Freya," I told her sternly, easily earning her attention, "You may tease her a bit, but she is not Stacy, Understood?"

"Yes Mistress," Freya even bowed but I knew she understood.

"Good, Enjoy the Day," I told her before setting out to get things started.

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