Dominatrix System

Chapter 117: Slipping out

Several hours passed, and Steel boots stomped into the inn into the early hours of the morning. I was slowly going through my training even as the steel boots stomped on the floor above us. I was well into my second movement, the cuts on my body already starting to heal after my dirty treatment.

The gang members stayed quiet, and many fell asleep. Anyone that started to snore was mercilessly woken up and beaten for his stupidity. Cassandra watched over them, ensuring things went well with them.

Hours passed, and I continued my slow movements at a glacial pace. No one bothered me, but I knew I was being watched as my body stretched in oddly flexible positions that had some of the gang members men gaping. They had Hard-ons thinking about what that flexibility meant, and I scoffed at those thoughts.

Soon though, I finished the movement, and I righted myself with sweat dripping off my body all over. The cloak hid my face, and I knew some of the movements came close to revealing myself if they came closer. Thankfully the gang members were all scared shitless of the cloaked lady that saved their asses. I moved my body feeling limber, and went towards the stairs. I left out the hidden wall we entered and exited into the back alley only to remember I was still wearing blood-covered clothes.

Still, I moved into the open alleyway. I saw no one, and I jumped up, climbing to the roof looking out onto the main streets. The morning was now coming in with the sun shining down on the city. People were moving towards their jobs under the eyes of the guards.

There were tons of guards all over, and they were Patrolling the streets on the lookout. They were even stopping some men that looked more muscular. People who resisted were beaten as I watched one male hit with steel-covered feet since he didn't want to be searched. I watched from my perch as the sun started to settle higher into the sky.

I cut back on the urge to curse and decided how to move forward. My clothes were covered in blood, both my cloak and my leather garments underneath. This made things difficult to move undetected in this atmosphere. It didn't make things impossible, although my race made things more difficult.

The blood could be washed off my skin, but my clothes needed burning, and some of the cuts could only be called marks from battle. One option was to beat myself up and looked like a beaten woman doing a chore for her man. However, my show white ears and fur would make that impossible. I was a rare creature that stuck out like a sore thumb in this environment full of humans.

I watched, and I knew I didn't have much time remaining. I didn't want to hide another day in the Inn filled with Gang members and guards littered the streets. I hopped down to the alleyway again, and I waited in a small cubby that lined the road of the inn, and I waited.

Soon the circumstances I was waiting for arrived all at the same time. A Guard on the other side of the street started to bark at a man looking to search him, and a woman around my size was walking by. I grabbed her, hitting the nerve on her neck while covering her mouth to stop any scream that might erupt. I then used my strength and agility to pull her into the alleyway like she was never on the street in the first place.

The woman looked to be in her thirties and looked to be in a poor house, but I couldn't care less at this point. I stripped her naked without reserve and put on her ragged clothes that smelled dirty. My snow-white hair and fur came out, and I wanted to curse. Still, it was better than blood, and I contemplated killing the woman to silence her forever.

I decided against it since I didn't need any more blood on my newly acquired clothes that stank. I picked her naked body up and climbed up a roof with her, and moved as stealthy as someone could on a roof with a naked woman on her back. It wasn't easy, but I deposited her in the backyard on the other side of the street away from the inn.

We may have burned a hiding spot last night, but there was no reason to advertise that we might still be there with the gang's leadership in it. The woman would wake up confused and thinking she was mugged for her clothes. She had a couple of coins in her pocket, and I was about to walk into the street just as I noticed the jackpot.

A cloaked traveler with a brown covering, and My eyes narrowed, and I hid again. The man moved past me, and I grabbed him. The man seemed to jump, and my instincts gave me a minor warning. I realized I just grabbed someone with a bit more strength than that woman. I punched him in the kidneys, and then the man's voice seemed to gasp, buying me a moment where I wrapped my hand around his throat. I gripped it, cutting off his airflow just as a shout was trying to escape his mouth. I pulled him into the backyard with the named woman and slammed him to the ground. The man tried to cough out more air, but my hand stopped him.

The man was now stunned and air-deprived with pain all over his body. I saw the cloak fall showing a scarred man with the scar running down the length of his face. The man had seen some shit, and my fist knocked him out. I sighed and questioned whether to kill this man. I needed his cloak, and I stripped him of it. I looked at the woman, and I smirked. I decided to strip the man naked, and I hit the woman a couple of times before putting them in a more compromising position. I then covered myself with the cloak.

I hoped that the situation I left the woman and man behind would solve itself. Dead bodies with the number of guards roaming around wouldn't be a good thing. The hiding spot sucked too. I moved under the brown cloak making myself look as small as possible, mixing in with the crowd moving through the docks in our territory, making it back slowly to the apartment. I sighed as I left the area that the guards were most heavily patrolling and started to move faster.

Once I was out of the area, the guards decided was where we disappeared around. I got back to the apartment while the girls were already working in the shop. Instead of coming in through the front, I leaped up onto the roof and opened a window. The girls were smart and left the one I exited through unlocked, and I swung my body in through it, jumping to the shower to clean myself up quickly.

It was a long night, and I needed to keep my alibi. I washed my body, taking off all the blood that I didn't catch before, and scrubbed myself clean as quickly as possible. I then got into my leather top and pants that seemed to be getting smaller it felt and grabbed my sadist's whip. I then realized I no longer had my leather whip and almost cursed again for its disappearance.

I would get another, I told myself and left the apartment at a brisk pace making sure Noblewomen saw me leaving. If any suspicion came my way, I needed eyes of this status to see me leaving. A normal woman would never be believed. A Baron's wife? A Marquis wife? They would be listened to if they started to suspect me.

I smiled and moved towards the warehouse of fun. I needed to play with my Noble girls soon, or they would forget my touch. I smiled, thinking of something fun to do as I strode towards the warehouse, purposefully not thinking about the organization that almost got decimated last night.

A smile that showed nothing of the anger I harbored broke out on my face.

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