Dominatrix System

Chapter 45

Ah, that expression was amazing as she looked at me as I continued to pet her. I could tell her want to immediately run for her life. Stacy and Freya were still begging to be the one tortured. I smiled as they never realized I had already decided who would be my doll for representation. I smiled and scratched the kitty's chin then a bit behind the ears. Her body was rigid for a bit and her horror showed but no one cared. I relaxed in the bath as I told my toys that I had decided. I left it in the air who I decided. I just gave attention to the new kitty and relaxed.

The new Kitty needed this hot water to help blood circulate. She also needed pampering to start changing her mindset to what I wanted so I let her recover as we also recovered from our journey in the bath. The conversations ended with us just relaxing in the bath. Kitty should be good soon I thought as I was starting to feel the exhaustion catch up. I released Kitty and told her to come up to the side of the bath. I grabbed a towel as she crawled out on all fours looking at me with that frightened look and my face was just so sore from my smiles. I started to dry every part of her making sure not a drop of water was left on her. Then I had Stacy grab me a brush she had and I started to comb her short hair and fur.

Slowly I pampered her and saw confusion settle into her expression. This was exactly what I wanted. I want her to start confusing things as I pamper her giving a taste of a pet life that she was soon going to enter whether she liked it or not. I finished drying her off and smiled. "Now who's a clean pretty little Kitty. My Kitty is looking how adorable our kitty is Stacy, Freya isn't she adorable?" I turn the question.

"Mistress she is adorable. What a pretty kitty although soon I think the Kitty should have a proper name." Stacy commented and I thought so too.

"You're absolutely correct our little adorable kitty needs a name. I can't keep calling her Kitty, Hmmm. I will think about it for now. Later I will find the best name for our kitty. She is just so adorable. Unfortunately, she isn't house trained yet I am scared of her running off. Tomorrow we will find a nice cage for our kitty. Tonight she can sleep at the end of the bed all tied up." I state my point I was working towards. I was slowly going to change her and the first steps were being taken.

I was loving this as I looked at her expression. Every little bit of horror and fear I looked at just endeared me more towards her. "Good Kitty now let's go get you some restraints. Can't have you run away the world outside is scary without Mistress. Never leave Mistress's side kitty the world is scary!" I stated and guided her while I used another towel while Stacy was eyeing me up. Fuck my face was hurting from all the smiling.

I was quick and efficient in the restraints that I put on the kitty so she was tied to the end of the long bed. Neither her arms nor legs could move. Since none of us was tall either she probably won't be kicked either. I would slowly train her the next day and I dressed in a night robe. I cuddled with Freya for the night playing with her butt plug a bit then slept with happy thoughts about tomorrow.

The next morning I awoke to Stacy between my legs giving my clit some much-needed attention. I had been horny the entire day after catching a new kitty with my thoughts. I also was going to punisher more later for not asking permission. I was happy with it though as she worked my clit. I was riding her face now and gave a low moan and my legs shook in orgasm. I pulled Stacy out of my crotch not too much later after I rode the orgasm. I gave her a stern stare but I pushed her off and got out of bed. I looked at my kitty sleeping peacefully all tied up to the bed. I checked her body without waking her and everything was fine. I stood up and nodded and went off to do my morning routines.

I went down to the Inn and got a lot of meat for my tigers and fed them. I then played with them a little spending some time playing around. I enjoyed some more time as my toys started to wake up. I smiled as Kitty awoke and finished my time with my lovely tigers. I approached her and gave another check. "Good morning kitty." I pampered her with some betting and some scratching in some spots I noticed her face started to twitch with. I think they felt good to her the more I did it.

"Now kitty we need to do something and can't take you out so I will have to set up some things for you here. I hope when we go out you will be a good kitty and wait patiently for us to return." I told her and she was in distress in her mind most likely hoping for me to leave as fast as possible. I laughed at a thought and walked away from my kitty. I let her think what she wanted I already knew what I was going to do with her and thoughts can be changed slowly.

All but the kitty were dressed now for the day and I brought Freya and Stacy downstairs to the Inn dining area. I had some more offers for the Cat-kin that I brought in yesterday from those that remembered. I was starting to get annoyed. I decided what I was going to do then and with a smile I jumped on the table and coughed loudly to gain everyone's attention.

"Alright my fellow Slaver master's, Slavers, Fellow Degenerates and Sadist's I have my Cat-kin she is not for sale. I have a way I wish to train her and have already started," I looked at someone who was about to cut in, "Maybe after I finish Training her depending on results I will sell her and you can have a chance. What I would like though is until I put her up for sale for all my friends here to stop asking. I am trying to enjoy my training of her and my fucking food on my table. All of you can understand this. I mean none of this as a snub to someone here but if you think you can beat me in battle I will gladly take you up on that after a meal. Please leave me in peace though otherwise blood will flow and it will not be my own. I will not take any questions. Thank you for your understanding."

Some looked mad many were annoyed with the interruption but I got off the table and looked towards a waitress. She turned to me and approached and I ordered three meals for us then I order something for our kitty to be put into a bowl for after we finish eating. We ate in silence as everyone chatted around us in the loud Inn. I finished quickly and the Waitress gathered the plates and asked where I would like the last order. I took it and asked for a bowl of water as well. After I had the two bowls I went upstairs. In the room, I placed the bowls on the ground and untied my kitty preparing for the day. I told Freya to go grab the ring gag and she went off quickly as I tied up kitty till she could only walk on her joints. I wanted to make a more elaborate suit soon for her to protect her joints but a day or so should be fine while we grab the things necessary. I finished and Freya handed me the gag which I changed so she could eat and smiled at her. I then used a rope to make a leash that wouldn't be able to strangle her. With that most of my stuff was done then I remembered something and almost facepalmed and got Freya to run downstairs for another bowl of water.

She was prompt and I set another bowl down and talked to my tigers. I left a bowl and Zara stayed behind with orders to kill any intruders and to trap kitty if she tried to leave. She nodded and we left the room with my other tigers. We left the Inn and went into the Market to start looking for supplies.

We walked mindlessly through stalls and other things I stopped two pickpockets and more tried on Freya and Stacy but neither had coin. I walked along and went to the slave market hoping to find what I needed.

I finally made it to the Slave Masters guild and I happily walked in. I looked through some of their slaves and found nothing that really interested me. There was a couple of bunny-kin who I hear are pretty promiscuous to the strong. I saw a couple of wolf-kin. The most Beast-kin I have seen in a while. I was surprised by how many they had. One thing though is I saw no Cat-kin or tiger-kin. I asked the receptionist.

"Why are there not Tiger-kin or Cat-kin on your sales floor?" I asked simply.

"Ah, Mistress?" I answered with my name quickly, "Well MIstress Sally the thing is Cat-kin and Tiger-kin are considered the Nobilities playthings and are the current thing for all to have driving up their prices. We simply can't keep any stocked. We now auction any we find making them a commodity people are willing to go out and hunt for. This has started some tensions with the Beast-kin nation. But we hear they are currently in high tensions with the dwarfs as well so we do not know."

"Ah, That makes things clearer why everyone was so desperate. Thank Ms. now for my second question. Do you have Cages? I am looking to carry a new slave with us preferably in something easily transportable. Maybe lightweight and can go off-road.

She chuckled and laughed. "Of course we do are you an aspiring Slaver? We do have a couple of different types. Let me send one of my salesmen to show them to you." She called out to someone named Vinny and he was prompt and took us to the back area. I was keeping more guarded now though since I found out that I was high-profit species if enslaved. I didn't question my own strength though and laws here I would need to study but I saw some free Beast-kin in the streets. Not many but some and that was the point.

If a country flat out enslaved all beast-kin they would outright start a war with the Beast-kin country. They were a country many did not want to fuck with as they were superior to humans in some respects depending on the species.

I wasn't too worried but I wanted to keep a collar of my neck. That also reminded me of another need and I smiled. Vinny proceeded to show us many carted cages that only one animal would be needed to transport and I looked through them. I finally found two cages I liked with several enchantments on them. The one for when we are traveling was just a cage in a wagon to transport but with enchantment to protect it from wear and tear, To make it more lightweight and an enchantment to relieve fatigue from the animal to allow farther travel. The other cage was something so I didn't have to keep her tied up all the time and had several lightweight enchantments to make a person carriable and another to increase the defense of the cage for stronger beings. Though D-rank or less was recommended since C-rank no one would guarantee that unless you know what the person was capable of doing.

The second cage was really expensive but I purchased it quickly and asked Vinny to show the slave collars. I found a specialized black collar with a green emerald in the center. I loved it for my new kitty and I had the Enchantments set for the next user and the code words for both transfer of ownership and release. I took the collar and new cages and happily left to go shopping for more supplies.

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