Dominatrix System

Chapter 49

I arrived just as they were taking up the food to my room. Things at the guild went longer than I thought. I also spent more than I thought I would. Maybe setting up some businesses will be a good idea. I sighed with emotion at the thought of finances running out. I will see many adventurers make then I will decide. Stacy also wanted to open a business here maybe I can do both? If I do start laying roots in the Empire I will need a steady flow of money and Bras make a ton in this age.

I ordered food for two more to be brought up to my room before I came back to my room. Everything was set in there with my kitty now sleeping. The blissful look on her face and looked so innocent. I smiled but realized I preferred her looking at me with a reverence like Stacy and Freya.

I had a lot on my mind at the moment and we reached the Inns room. I brought my new slaves inside and the room started to feel full. I sighed and gave my tigers some food for them to eat while went to go sit down.

The Large wolf-kin sat down while the Dog-kin stood looking bored. They both needed training and a lot of it for them to become truly useful. I sighed, Stacy and Freya were awake behind me dressed looking at the new arrivals. They came out of the training room. Probably cleaned it to my standards, I would check to make sure just in case.

"Freya, Stacy meet the new slaves. I have no Idea their names yet. You big wolf what's your name?" I asked while Freya and Stacy waved and smiled.

"Carl. Now, we have an agreement I am not your slave till you beat me in a fight!" Carl told me and I laughed. Someone a foot taller bulging with muscles trying to look intimidating with me. I was looking forward to the fight.

"Carl, I am looking forward to stretching my muscles and finding out what you are made of. Thing is to me our battle is a foregone conclusion with you still being my slave. There is no other outcome I can see. Now be quiet I want to talk to the puppy whom is more obedient." He became quiet under my command but I see the snarl. I will fix that attitude later. I think force won't work on him. Whipping and normal tortures would just piss this guy off. I will think of something later.

"I am Cassandra, Mistress," She stated very politely and I had a vibe from her that I hadn't felt in a long time. This puppy was hiding. Not a narcissist no something more sinister I think. She ended up here working with necromancers. She might be the type of person I need around. I think this person isn't pitiful like she shows I think she is reading me like a book. That introduction was polite to the point and in the address, I liked to be called. She read me like a book from when I brought them from the guild. This was a sociopathic schemer my instincts told me. No, they cried to me.

My eyes narrowed at her and the collar around her throat. "You were picked up for colluding with Necromancers. I do not care about that, Cassandra. What I care about are the things you kept hidden. My instincts are acting up as soon as you spoke. Something tells me that the collar on your neck is just another tool for you. You can use it for your own devices and garner sympathy if possible. The Nobility thing I half trust your some nobles dirty secret that you made to guilty for them to throw you out."

Her eyes narrowed and her demeanor changed instantly. She no longer looked like a pitiful obedient dog but more like an equal preditor. This doggy scared me more than the Wolf. "Well, You are the first to recognize me! I never had my mask stripped before but the way you talking to me I feel that there is nothing I can do that will make you trust me. Fine, I am Casandra I was a Nobles pet's daughter. They didn't teach me shit now I took the chance to learn and put my hands in many pies around this Empire. Better, Mistress?" She addressed me disrespectfully and I was surprised how fast she gave up the act. Everyone else in the room was surprised at the quick change.

"You gave up the act faster than I thought but whatever I have dealt with your kind before." She looked surprised.

"My kind?"

"Sociopaths, People who have no emotions and can do anything in what they pursue. I do not think this is a bad trait mind you. It's just not suitable for the top of an organization in my opinion. To be honest I am happy I purchased someone like you. From what I can tell you do not need any training from me. Your acting is good too. The only thing is loyalty. You will betray me as soon as you can think you can get away with it. This is troubling in only that respect."

"What do you want me trained for, Mistress." It irked me how she spoke with disrespect when she called me mistress. I will fix that later but I was annoyed at her questioning.

"Shush now," I heard a door knock and I told them to come in. Food was placed on the table and we all started to eat. I looked over to my kitty still in dreamland and sighed. I put it off to the side for now.

"Now Cassandra for now I will not tell you. You also will be quiet and listen. The most dangerous weapon you have is your mouth. I will talk to you later without my toys so that you do not try to worm your way in. I will talk about your purpose later. If you are not interested I will just take you back. I care little, I will say one thing though for you. The task I have for you will be with a high degree of freedom with only me as your higher up. That is all. Now you Carl.

"Carl you and I will fight today there is no worry about that. I hear there is a training area behind the Inn for people to train their slaves. This is fine and I will use it with you later. Ground rules though before we fight. These three are my toys touch them and I will kill you. If I permit you will it ever be, My word is the word of god around here. Anything done against me will be met with death or severe punishment. Now I am done talking. Carl, you may talk for now."

I hear a growl from him, "Fine I understand. We must fight soon little tigress."

I hold in my anger as it would be showing weakness to him. I ate breakfast quickly, Freya and Stacy were not very happy with the new slaves I noticed. These two new Slaves could be very useful especially Cassandra. I was looking forward to using her like a blade to cut down my competition in the Empire.

"Stacy, Freya you both have things you want and need to do today do them. You know what to do and how to do it. I will leave my pets here so that they can protect the room. Fucking Innkeeper cant be trusted either. Something tells me someone is aiming for me since I am Tiger-kin I think soon someone is going to come looking to die. Macho Wolf Carl, We will go right after you finish your food. Cassandra, you will be confined to the Training room. You are not to touch the equipment in there. This is an order. You may read but you may not speak and you may not touch anything other than your books that you have brought. That is all. If I do not find you in that room in the corner quietly reading like a good puppy I will find something you will hate and continue doing it." I finish quickly as I finish my thoughts and people started to move around the room.

I sat back thinking while Carl finished his food in haste I could see the thrill of battle in his eyes. He wanted to fight a worthy opponent. This guy was easy to read. I will admit I haven't stretched my body with a good fight for some time. As the room cleared out I checked on Cassandra in the Training room. She was in the corner looking miffed. I stopped checking in on her and I placed Zara with her. Zara was happy that I was giving the task just to her and I told Zara not to pay any attention to her actions unless they were to leave or touch the equipment. She should growl only if she attacked subdue not kill. She licked my hand in acknowledgment. I happily walked away after petting her head. I pointed at the only remaining conscious soul.

"We will go now to fight. Although I am giving you a handy cap just to let you know." I smiled as he growled at me. "Good you have fought in you." I simply stated and I carried my sleeping kitty into the corner and placed the bowl of food and water into her cage before checking if it was secure again. With everything in order, I walked out with the huge Carl behind me. I put down a small amount of silver to use the outside training area to the Innkeeper's delight.

We walked outside to see two or three groups practicing. I walked up to them and frowned. "Trash get out of the fighting area we are going to be using it!" I yelled out getting their attention. They all looked angry than noticed the six-foot Wolf-kin with rippling muscles. They file off to the sides and I started to stretch my muscles. I noticed they were tighter than they should be. I started a routine to loosen them up while I thought about why they were so tight. Then I remembered I haven't had Freya or Stacy massage me lately. I will change that after this working through my routine as Carl stared at me.

"Okay, what weapon do you want? Any armor?" I asked as my muscles were all loosened up.

"No, My claws are my weapons my body my shield." He growled to my question and the bloodlust started to get thicker and thicker. I started to get excited. I pulled out my bladed whip from under my cloak. His demeanor changed and so did my relaxed one as I got ready for the battle. We could both feel the other was strong and a worthy foe. We were both strong and I was ready to pull out all stops on my first worthy battle since being schooled by my teachers.

His claws extended out of his hands and went to a long three inches out. We started to circle in the small arena as we both looked at each other. The people we just kicked out started to become our crowd watching. Some cheeky fucks even got some food from inside and watched. Someone started to set up a betting pool. The pure weight of our auras coming from my energy and his type of mana started to fill the crowd with excitement.

Carl was the first to launch an attack closing the distance and my smile emerged as I bent my body to dodge. His movements came fast and fueled by his type of mana. My body fueled with energy moved quickly and deftly as I barely dodged his claws. I was showing my speed and flexibility. A dance of battle started and he growled as he continued to miss while I only dodged. I found the opening I was looking for after he furiously swiped at me from different angles. I moved between them horizontally jumping through closing the distance and pulled out my claws dragging them up to his abs to his chest leaving a trail as he retreated. I took first blood with my claws in a way he hadn't expected.

I smiled as blood dripped from my claws. He looked at me with more respect now as he towered over me. This wolf was too honest in my opinion. He was a straight-up fighter and came at me with no feints his speed and strength made this a tightrope walk though. One hit he can do serious damage. This wolf though needed serious training in combat. His straight forward personality lowered his effectiveness. Again he came at me with his speed up a notch. I moved with a speed that surpassed his finally I lashed out with my whip that he promptly dodged and countered. Finally some fun! I moved to dodge and counter. With this, a new dance started with us dodging and countering. This was fun I thought but this wasn't true combat in my opinion. I started to use my energy speeding up my whip as I unleashed at him then mixing in throwing knives to stop his dodges. He moved with speed and grace but I started throwing many things at him at the same time.

His movements were great as he dodged until he couldn't any longer as a dagger hit his arm. The whip finally found the flesh of the other arm and tore into it. I made no pause and dragged it back taking a large chunk from his arm receiving a growl from him. This started a new bout with him moving even faster and I realized he was a melee berzerker. He moved and I realized I had to subdue him before he lost all sight of himself in the building Bloodlust. I traded weapons while dodging claws as he tried to hit me. I moved around finally my whip was back to my hip and my leather one became my main weapon. I moved around him and used his further loss of thought as he moved deeper into his bloodlust. I moved and moved as he barely missed. I bent at angles most would consider impossible for a human and they would be right. I finally got everything in place and pulled tight.

Wolf boy yelped as his legs became bound while he was in the middle of an attack. I moved in with a rope quickly as he was recovering quickly. I bound an elbow restraining one hand. He recovered quickly and swiped. My stomach moved on its own without most of the rest of the body moving. He missed by less than a millimeter as I felt the wind pass by. I punched him in the face a couple of times to stun as we were now on the ground as his feet were bound. His strength though and will were strong as we tussled on the ground. I received two hits to the stomach as we sparred on the ground with his remaining arm. I finally finished a makeshift binding over is arm to attach it to his back. Then I started to tie his legs binding them better than my whip could.

Finally, I stoop above Carl as he snarled at me. I punched him in the nose to show who is boss but he turned back only to get punched again blood coming out. I sighed and stepped away from the blood raged wolf. He had fully lost it in his bloodlust and needed to calm down. He was still snarling and growling and I went to the side to find a chair to sit in. The crowd around me looked startled how I handled the much larger wolf. The wolf continued to be pissed off on the ground and no one dared to step near.

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