Dominatrix System

Chapter 61

The days rolled on with Cassandra and Carl constantly heading out towards the gangs. The City was in complete turmoil while I was finishing healing up after that fight. Guards on the east side of the city littered the street looking for people to blame for the dead bodies. The guards took the dead bodies to the mass burial site. When the bodies arrived our gang took them and 'Buried' them.

The Next night those bodies would then be in the Necromancers guild hands. This brought more coin into the gang to pay for the expansion. Informants in the gangs were being killed often as well as we found them. We would throw those bodies into a secluded corner where someone would find them. The guards would pick them up for us to take it to the burial site where we would sell them for coin.

It was pretty fascinating to see if I was honest. The bodies were littering the street from our gang causing a large public outcry within hours. Many thought mass murders were reaping through the city as the gang cleaned the house. The consolidation with a black wall shook the city. Finally, the governor of the city took action with nobility breathing down their neck. Impromptu raids happened throughout the east side. None came up with anything though. The old hideouts had been vacated and everything moved. Raids on houses swept the east side coming up with many minor offenses. At this point though the territory had been consolidated enough to impose a lockdown.

The Gang members still left in the Bloody Candies refused to leave home for anything but a summon by the gang. Firm orders enforced by the dead bodies of informants and suspected informants scared everyone to obedience.

"That is about the report on things happening in the City Mistress," Freya finished with a smile. I was petting my kitty pampering her a bit with attention like I had the last couple of days. Her attitude had changed a lot. My fingers ran through her hair petting her and a slight purr went through her. Behind her ears, she found particularly pleasurable. She laid her head on my lap on a couch. I absent-mindedly pampered her as I listened to Freya's report.

"How are Stacy and you doing with the business?" I asked now knowing the basics in the city.

"Mistress, It isn't going perfectly. Our bras are a smash hit among the nobility. The problem lies in the fact that many among them want a slice of the cake. We are being hounded by them to let them take control of it. If we don't do something soon we will be destroyed and taken over."

This was way more worrying to me. We had been only open for almost a week and we became too popular among women. Women want Bra's even if they can feel constraining. I like my sports bras for when I am exercising as well. I needed a backer. The reason we could work without issue in the Kingdom was the Ironstrands noble name backed us up. This was not to be so far in the Empire. I needed to talk to a noble and give them a small share. They needed to be a powerful backer otherwise it would just get worse.

"Freya, Next time a Noble of at least Marquis level asks about this send them to me." I simply commanded.

"Yes, Mistress, I do believe later today we have an appointment with a Marchioness. She is someone who is more tolerant and I was thinking she might be a good choice for a backer." Freya finished and she saw my happy smile.

"Good, See if she is interested in a talk. Make sure everything is ready for that as well. I need to give another lesson to this kitty today," I finished while my fingers ran through her hair. Her muscles tensed but soon loosened.

She had made great strides but that didn't mean that they were completely instilled into her psyche. Freya looked jealously down at her since I had been to busy to give her attention. Stacy needed some as well. They could wait though and be jealous.

I was thinking that and it dawned on me. What did the System have in store for me? I hadn't checked it in some time. I don't think I leveled up. No, I hope I didn't level up so I could purchase more things from the System. Freya excused herself from the apartment to get things ready hopefully for later today. My little kitty was tense still but I summoned up the System in my sight.


Name: Sally

Age: 15

Titles: Ex-Slave, Apprentice of Jack the Torturer, Martial Genius, Apprentice Wizard, War Provoker, Gang leader

Race: Beastkin - Phantom Snow Tiger

Level: 2

XP: 9555/10000

System Points: 32900

Energy: 1330/1330

Strength: 75

Agility: 130

Vitality: 55

Toughness: 67

Charisma: 22

Intellect: 81

Wisdom: 73

Luck: 16

Points to Spend: 0

Shop - Items Available;

Inventory - 0 Slots Available;

Lotto - No spins;


I was very close to leveling up after that night. The points on training new slaves drove my system points up. I was grateful that I didn't level up just in case. I looked at the shop to see if there were things I wanted.



Whips Enhanced - 10000 Points

Do you see me now? - 25000 Points




Grooming - 5000 Points

Eloquence - 1000 Points

Tea making - 4000 Points




Sadists Bladed Whip - 50000 Points

A bolt of Soft Cloth - 100 Points

Book of Enchanting with Energy - 20000 Points

Fruit of an Enhanced Apple Tree - 5000 Points




Instinct Candy - 15000 Points

Luck Candy - 5000 Points

Charisma Candy - 3000 Points

Breasts Enhancer Candy - 5000 Points


I wanted a lot on this list. I decided that I needed the Book of Enchanting with Energy. It would allow much more hopeful and it would be the most useful. I still had points after that I drooled over the sadist's bladed whip wanting that the most. I wanted the instinct candy as well. The luck should be crucial if I ever lottery so that's a must. The eloquence could be very useful though with what was about to come up.

Do you see me now? Was another thing I was lusting over. Plus Enhanced Whips. I wanted it all and it was so appetizing. Should I take some time and train slaves for nobility? Buying and selling after training? The early days of training make the most points. Whereas after they have been trained to a point the training is reinforcement and encouragement.

I was deep in contemplation about it but decided that I needed that Enchantment book. I confirmed the purchase and Ignored the congratulatory message.


Book of Enchanting with Energy:

This book was made by the Rouge Queen Jill. She grew tired of the mages having a stranglehold of the enchantment market and sought to rob them of this position with rouge-like abilities. She came up with this subsequently hunted down the method to destroy it. The book was saved through an unknown means but is still sought from the wizard community as heresy.


Interestingly it also makes sense. It is an industry completely dominated by wizards and an easy source of money. Protecting your pocketbook only makes sense. If I was a wizard I would paint this as the devil as well to uneducated. If I was lucky they might even put it into my hands so I know what it contained before I destroy it.

I then purchased the Luck Candy as a no brainer. Then I picked up the last of the skills. This left somethings I desperately wanted though but I put that on the back burner. I did not want to spend too much time here but things were going that way. If I did I would probably start training some slaves for entertainment and points on the system. Killing right now was a big no since my eyes were on that whip.

I looked to the new skills seeing their descriptions.



A skill all Beast-kin should excel at. This Skill is all about maintaining your body at peak state to be and turn it into a weapon.




Nobility will be jealous of how you handle yourself.



Tea making:

You are a professional Tea maker. In many places in this world, tea making is a show of being raised properly in women.


My eyelid twitches on the last one annoying me. I picked it up since I think if I stay here I would need to rub shoulders with nobility and it could come in handy. The way it sounded though pissed me off. Also serving others was not my style and the thought of doing so killed me a little inside.

I felt annoyed and decided I could take some out on my little kitty. I smiled in thought and was about to sit up when I received a message from Freya.

"Mistress, As I had told you earlier there might be a Marchioness coming this afternoon. She has arrived early. I have told her if she is interested she could come to talk to our MIstress. She seems interested and I have prepared for it. The food from a nearby restaurant though might take some time. She will be there in five minutes to give you some time Mistress." The message ended and my eyelid twitched more.

"Kitty, Go put on your little bra and panties and make it quick!" I commanded her harshly and moved to the bedroom. Kitty bounded as fast as she could knowing with that tone she had to be fast. She went and put on a special black bra and panties I had made for her. They would support her goods and the outside matched her fur perfectly. I dressed into something more than just my robe putting on my usual leather jacket and whips. I was a trained professional and I wanted to show that I was an adventurer with another profession as a slave master. Within four minutes Kitty was dressed and I told her to lay on the couch. She waited for me they're like a good kitty.

The door knocked and I opened it to see a Brown haired beauty. She was on the shorter side around five feet four inches. The way she held herself was with a great amount of self-confidence. Her face was only not symmetrical with a small mole under her eye. It did not detract from her at all. She smiled and I saw dimples appear on her young face.

"You must be the MIstress of the establishment. You little slave has directed me up here to see you since I am interested in this place." She finished I looked at her white sundress and I noticed the white bra underneath. She was a fan of our tailoring services.

"Do come to Marchioness, I was expecting you to come a bit later. My slave has only just told me you were on the way so I expedited the orders of refreshments." I moved to the side and showed her to our living room where she saw Kitty sitting there waiting for me and her eyebrows rose.

"Amazing you have a Cat-kin Slave? Those are rare and very trendy, Do you mind if I ask where you got this cute little thing?" She asked politely while sitting on the couch across from me.

I sat on the couch and heard Kitty meow for me and lay her head into my lap. She knew how happy I was after this might change her fate later. My fingers went into her hair and a slight purr erupted. "This little kitty tried assassinating me and my slaves on the way here from the kingdom. No Idea why nor could I care why she did. Now she is an obedient little Kitty." I smiled darkly before looking down at her with a look that I could visibly see the chills through the Marchioness, "Isn't that right little kitty?"

"Nyah!" She acknowledged scared of doing anything else and licked my hand a couple of times before laying her head back into my lap. The Marchioness looked spooked and impressed.

"So you are a Slave Master and adventurer?" She asked probing for more information on me without shame.

"Yup, Trained in the Arlin kingdom with a Noble backing freed from Slavery when I showed my temperament and talents," My smile was dark with malice, "Someone with my temperament is not the type of Slave you want around."

"Yes, Some nobility do not understand some refuse to bear the yoke of slavery. Lets put this dark talk behind us... Mistress?" She finished changing the topics.

"I am Sally and since you are not under me you can address me as such Marchioness," I spoke with calm and confidence in my position.

"Perfect, Sally you have a business that many want a stake in. I am also interested if you have not noticed," I waited for her to get to the point, "I would like to purchase this entire business from you."

I put up my hand to stop her, "Marchioness I understand that you want the entire business for yourself. That could be a plan if I didn't need a constant flow of cash for other things at this point. I will have to decline unilaterally if you seek to buy me out. What I can do is a twenty percent cut of all profits for one thing in return." I told her. She looked a little irked I interpreted her.

"Well you didn't have to be rude about interrupting my Sally," She huffed for a second and I realized the words had not settled into her head yet. Her head snapped to me after a second with a raised eyebrow, "Wait what do you mean twenty percent for just one thing?"

"Simple this is a one-time offer Marchioness," I pause from theatrics, "If you decline I will go to another noble with the same level or more sway then you and make the same offer. I will give twenty percent of all profits for using your noble name to protect our assets here. You protect my property and you make free money as long as that protection is in place. If that protection disappears so does the free money." I finish with a confident smile on my face.

She looked at me and frowned a bit. There was a hidden threat in my words and she noticed it. "You threatening me Mistress Sally?"

"Nope, I will also tell you the consequences of forcefully trying to take my property if you wish."

She looked mad but stopped and was thinking.

The door opened and Freya came in putting down refreshments into the room. She left back to work right after and a modest lunch with drinks was left behind. I took a cup of water and leaned back into the couch. I was scratching behind Kitty's ear and her purr filled the silence.

"Fine, What you say makes sense. You look like you have been around the block despite your age. Although I question why an adventurer from Arlin is here. You need my service and that is the only reason you are even talking to me isn't it?"

"You are correct Marchioness. Any rank with Marquis or higher is suitable for me. You though are the first and the first to receive the offer. If another of the same rank or higher showed up they would get the offer. Do not take that as an insult though. This is mutually beneficial for both of us." I smile happily. "I have other services I offer like training slaves as well. I can take a disobedient slave and make them loyal in weeks at the most. Please let me know if you wish to use my services, Marchioness!"

She paused on that and smiled, "Yes I do actually, I want to test your services than to see how good you are. I have a little toy that has been extremely disobedient. Also, he wasn't that good, to begin with. I met with a duchess the other day and noticed she had a male maid. I am very interested in this and wonder if you could train this disobedient male slave?"

I broadly smile with a hugely happy face, "No problem! " I announce, "This is no trouble for me. Did you see the girl serving drinks earlier?"

"Yes cute little slave she is and very obedient." She told me and I was just happily smiling.

"Well, that 'Girl' is technically a man." The amazement on her face was priceless.

"No way! I thought if I wanted these services I had to be at least a Duchess. I put this out as a test to see what you were capable of," She put a hand to her mouth like she said something she shouldn't have.

"Don't worry Marchioness, This will not be a problem. Let me add something. I will train this disobedient slave for free for you. Take this as gratitude for protecting our store here!" She was extremely happy and I realized I needed to change plans after this.

The night rolled on with the Marchioness gabbing my fucking ear off. My smile remained no matter how impatient I was to see her leave.

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