Dominatrix System

Chapter 63

My frustrations were gone and my smile was large as I finished with kitty's small lesson. She was exhausted and I cleaned her up quickly before settling her down in her cage. Her body was still micro spasming from the intense pleasure. I was interested in sticking around to play some more but decided against that.

I needed to meet with the marchioness and grab the slave she wanted to be trained. If this worked out I might be in the Empire for a bit. I was hesitant about if this was a good idea but put it into the back of my mind. I need more System points. This was the fastest easiest way about it. Training the nobilities slaves was cheap and they would pay me. The marchioness was doing me a favor and would show off my skills with this sissy to be trained. Depending on the slave this could take time though.

I sighed and started to get things ready. I realized as I was getting ready that if I was going to make this a full-time gig for a bit I'd need a better training facility. Nothing as expensive as here but something I could enforce privacy as well as sterile conditions.

I was thinking about it when I remembered this business weird layout when I purchased it. It had a weird backyard that nothing could see into. It was like there was something missing or hidden. I would need to inspect that again now that I thought of it. If it had an underground cellar or something that would be perfect. I put it instantly on the to-do list.

I got dressed in my normal gear to fight in ready to go meet with the marchioness. She would be expecting me to pick up her disobedient little slave soon. I was dressed and in a good mood when I left our small apartment. As I walked I tested my healing ribs noticing they were healing nicely. It would take at least another week before I was back in top fighting strength.

I arrived at the walls of the nobility section of the city. There was a steward there waiting with a coach. I approached and asked if the marchioness wanted me to pick up the slave myself or drop him off.

"My lady the marchioness would like to discuss specifics with you over tea before you take him." The Steward simply said before opening the coach he was beside. I held back a sigh as I entered in. The steward didn't take his time in making the horses move. The coach moved through the gates quickly.

Not too long later we pulled up to a large walled house. It was matching the rest of the architecture and completely forgettable in my opinion. The Steward had a collared slave take the reigns and escorted me inside.

Inside after a grand entrance, I was escorted to a small living room I would call it. All that was inside was some couches artwork and a tea set. I rolled my eyes already feeling the boredom that these halls are built to produce. I sat across from the marchioness who looked a little miffed.

"Sally my dear that isn't proper etiquette!" She mildly exclaimed and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"Lady marchioness I am a Slavemaster and Adventurer, I have little use in these things. If you want me to teach them to a slave?" I ask a more relevant question.

"I do, But you do not know etiquette how will you teach them?" I almost laughed at the stupidity of the question.

"Simple lady marchioness I will send an obedient slave to go learn. They will then teach reinforced with my whip." I stated and her eyebrows shot up.

"Does a slave master not need to teach each thing? Why wouldn't I just do the same thing myself?"

"Do you know how to properly reward a Slave? They need both positive and negative reinforcement. They need to be broken and put back together as a proper toy, Marchioness. You can get a slave to learn but that will take years of learning and experience. I have those already and talent at it. You can look for someone else if you please." I was frankly starting to get annoy me more and more.

"That's interesting and I completely agree. The Slave that I will give you is a younger Mouse-Kin. He was once an administrator in the Beast-kin nation. The Slavers picked up the untrained beast when attacking a village. He is supposed to be very good at his job in accounting especially. He refuses to do anything for me and tried to get my other slaves to rebel. This beast must be put in his place. I think him becoming a maid would be both cute and acceptable."

I nodded along with the marchioness until she specified what she wanted. After an hour of listening, I learned three things. The marchioness wanted him trained to be a sissy maid. She has nothing in her life to do and only invites friends for tea or playing with her 'toys.' Last and certainly least as if I had to spend another hour with this woman a knife would end up in her throat.

I was finally free of her and pulling along a Mouse-kin roughly in his twenties. He glowered beside me in the coach as I brought him back to my apartment. I was smiling knowing I was free of that woman for a couple of days. I regretted something for the first time in my life though. I should never have chosen this woman as a backer. She was insufferable to listen too. If she keeps showing up for tea parties or something else I won't be able to stop myself from killing her.

I took a deep sigh as we left the noble district. I took the disobedient slave up through the shop upstairs. Finally, I was back in my territory and I had control over this new slave. I sat him across from me on the couch. I sighed deeply and finally took a look at this Mouse-kin.

He was around five foot two inches tall. He was petite if I used feminine terms. She was right he would make a cute maid. He was dressed in nondescript brown clothing that probably scratched the skin. He had dirty brown hair with little brown round ears poking out. He was a pure breed Mouse-kin. The fact that he was raised in freedom and probably an official meant intelligence. I needed to use that against him.

I couldn't care less about how he got here. Now he was mine to train and I was going to do so with gusto. I started to look him over even more and notice about a half meter long tail behind him as well with a light covering of brown fur. It barely jutted out of the skin as well. Maybe shaved?

I do not know much about most beast-kin anatomy. That would be fun to cut open a couple and see how it worked. I threw the thought out as fast as it came. Anatomy was never close to a strong suit except knowing where to stab.

"Strip," I commanded and saw his resentful gaze as the collar forced him to obey. He was naked in seconds and I saw that he was fit. He had a six-pack but I felt no mana. He was trained but never broke into knowing how to control it in any way. His lower half showed well-developed muscles as well. Between his legs was a four-inch flaccid cock. He wasn't huge but he wasn't small either. I could see the shame on his face with increased resentment.

I let him stand there for a bit and watched his reactions without talking. He watched me back looking to see my reactions. I showed none giving nothing away as he was glowering at me.

This would be fun I thought to myself as we had a staring contest which he eventually blinked first. I never made a sound for minutes straight as he squirmed in the spot. He wasn't used to the silent treatment after dealing with the marchioness. She could make me want to slit my own throat with how much she talked. She would never know how much silence could be worth it.

After what must have felt to be an eternity to him I gave a command again, "Turn around, Lean forward and spread your butt cheeks." The collar went into effect and I no longer saw his face. Instead, he turned around and presented his ass. It looked cleaned up and never before used. A little virgin ass waiting to be plucked by me. I smiled in the thought as I let him sit there like that.

He no longer had any idea what I was doing beside him. I just sat there though thinking about how I was going to proceed. Finally, I had decided while he was still leaning forward presenting his asshole to me. I slapped his ass hard hearing the smack sound throughout the room.

I stood up but didn't end the order. Instead, I went downstairs leaving him in that position. I told Stacy to come up for my customer. She smiled and followed me without question. She saw the little Mouse-kin and realized this was a new slave to be trained. She started to take his measurements and left swiftly.

With that done and things ready for the next day I let him stand straight again. I pointed towards the couch and let him sit down. This took him by surprise and he was confused about what was happening. I sat down across from him.

"You are a slave. A terrible one at that. I know you want to say something against that and frankly..." I looked into his eyes with seriousness, "No one gives a fuck. You are not in the Beast-kin Country anymore. You are in the Empire. The Empire lets their slavers run into the beast-kin country to enslave other countries' citizens. I am sure that war or whatever will erupt soon because of it. Thing is little mouse-kin," I paused looking at him, "It doesn't matter anymore for you. You are FUCKED!" I told him straight up, "You compounded this by FUCKING this up. If you were obedient held your head down and waited for your country to start an attack or something. You might have been able to come out of this is a couple of years with stories to tell." I stopped for a couple of seconds and crossed my legs.

I sighed before continuing, "Problem is you ran into me. I am not some Noble, I am not some Dumbass with a whip. I am a Sadistic Mistress the loves the pain of others. I fucking love it!" I smile as I say that speaking my mind, "I love it so much hearing your cries, Your screams, Your suffering you cant imagine it. That's not the point though. Your Owner has sent you to me and I told them I would provide a service. That means you will become who I tell you to become. You will learn what I tell you to learn. You are a Slave and you will accept that. When I am done with you Freedom will look like chains to you." I finished my little rant and saw the raw anger, resentment with hate mixed in. I smiled as I got up and closed in on him grabbing his face.

"This is your last hours as who you think you are now."



Hey guys, Thanks for enjoying the content I bring out. This is about release delays for the next week or so. My work is changing and I am going from days to nights. I do not want to drop the quality of my chapters so I will not be forcing myself any chapters at this time. Thanks for your understanding. I will be attempting to put out at least one chapter next week for each of my stories but no promises. Thanks for reading and please Vote Comment, and Review.

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