Dominatrix System

Chapter 69

Slowly my eyes opened to the world. I felt the supple skin of my women around me. Our limbs tangled together into a mess. The Marchioness was still wrapped up in my arms. I tried to move only to have them reach her breasts. My hand glided along with her breast, and a moan escaped her lips. I glided my hand up to her shoulder and shook her. She awoke no too much later. She turned to me with a smile.

"Mistress," She said naturally. Then It hit me like a truck. I still don't know her name. I tossed it out of my mind quickly. Her head turned to me, and I smiled at her. "Last evening was amazing, Mistress Sally," The smile grew larger on her face. I pecked her lips quickly than my expression no longer smiled.

"I need you to go now," I told her to see her face pale. I almost rolled my eyes. "I have important business, Marchioness. This is extremely important to me going forward. You may feel closer to me, but trust is not developed overnight." I finished simply telling truths of the world. She may be rapidly becoming one of my toys. That didn't mean she got into the places people I knew wouldn't betray me. That would be stupid.

Her expression was no longer pale like she was being thrown out. It was more understanding, as she knew I had secrets. Nobility knew everyone with power had secrets. She also knew that pushing would make her ass go out the door. She didn't want to mess up the current relationship. I also knew she needed some time away from me. Her thoughts were still a mess and the thrill over. This was still very early in the new relationship between us.

She got out of bed with none of the extra limbs blocking her way out. I was shortly behind her, getting cleaned up with her. In the shower, her hands found my muscles exploring as if they were new lands. She sighed, staring at me and was disappointed with the lack of another playtime. I saw her out the door in her once clean dress. Her carriage driver was awoken from a night of sleep there. He was probably hungry, but I couldn't care less.

I walked back to the bedroom. Seeing Freya and Stacy still knocked out cold. They were now snuggling in together. I gazed at them expressionless, before moving back to the training room. Inside the Mouse-kin sissy was chained up. Tears were leaking down the blindfold. Snot dripping out the nose. I winced at his disgusting state. I looked down at the floor to see a pool of dried cum.

I sighed and noticed that the sissy fell asleep with the vibrator still on. I was just about to reach him when I noticed his cock. It twitched, and with a roll of my eyes, I side-stepped. It proved to unnecessary as more cum just uselessly dripped down, slowly trickling onto the ground. I undid the bindings of the sleeping sissy. His body dropped to the ground after a night of hypnosis training. I didn't know what to do with this useless thing. I looked on the ground at the pile of uselessness. Disgust colored my face.

I stripped so my clothing wouldn't get messy. I hung it up in the training room and picked the useless person up off the ground. I took him into the shower and cleaned him up. I removed the vibrator and earbuds. I put them off to the side with the earbuds entering into my inventory. I cleaned up the dried sperm, the tears, and snot. I finished not too much later. I cleaned myself up from his cleaning and felt my stomach rumble. I carried the useless bitch out who was groaning. His whole body was useless after a long training session.

I exited the shower and noticed Stacy naked with only an apron cooking. I smiled and looked at her with a dark look. The gentle stuff last night left me more than a little frustrated. I wanted to dish out pain and punishment. The Maroniess needed to be guided into that slowly. She wasn't a natural masochistic pervert like Stacy. Stacy was preparing a large breakfast for the day, and I nodded in approval. She had four large steaks already cooking for my tigers as well.

I finished hauling the sissy into the bedroom. I laid him down in the bed and used some rope under the mattress to tie his limbs down. I looked at the kitty in the cage. She meowed in greeting to me. Her expression of want softened my heart a little. She was hungry. She had started to get used to her new life after much more training. She probably hadn't noticed it herself. She started to get really good at communicating in cat noises. I opened her cage, and she happily meowed up to me. I squatted in front of her with a smile. I started to scratch her in pleasure spots. This earned me quite a few purrs. They sounded even more natural as well. I ruffled her hair a bit, which distressed her. She meowed unhappily.

This was one of the weird things I had noticed with her. She hated her hair messed up. Each time she would distressfully meow at me. It brought a smile to my face each time. She was in the furred bra and panties as well. I brought her out for breakfast. It was quite harmonious today. I was in a great mood, and the night was going to be filled with blood. My blood started to pump in excitement.

My mood seemed to be picked up by Stacy, and my tigers showed up under my feet. Kitty was pushed out of the way as they took priority. The steaks for them were done, just cooling for them now. I got ready for breakfast and ate with gusto. I took some time and placed the food down for all my cuties on all fours. All of them remained disciplined, as they ate not making a mess. Freya woke up and ate with us as we were almost half done.

I finished with a satisfied burp, and the atmosphere changed seconds later. Cassandra walked into the room. Carl joined behind her. They picked there time pretty well since there were extras on the table. Stacy was great at knowing things going on. Cassandra and Carl got into it with gusto. Less than an hour later, they were finished.

"You are ready?" I asked simply with narrowed eyes.

"Mistress, the plan is ready. The gang has been split into fifteen teams. They are all lead by potential informants. They are all ready to attack the smaller gangs near us for more territory. They should be able to complete it with ease. This also means that those that don't complete the mission are either useless to our cause, or informants. Either way, no skin off our back. This will finish the cleansing of our gang. It will create a cadre of eternal gang members who are scared into submission or genuinely loyal. It matters little at this early point. We can take out the docks as the gang makes a much larger noise away from us."

This was the first time Stacy and Freya heard the plan, and they gasped. It was ambitious and borderline crazy. If we failed tonight, it would be disastrous. The thing is the core of the gang was only three people. Unless someone near us leaked the plan, it wouldn't be leaked. I kept only trustworthy people around me.

"Good," I started looking Cassandra into the eyes. I was planning a reward if this went perfectly. I turned to Carl, "How is the training of the new members?"

Carl gulped visibly, and I almost groaned, knowing it was going to be bad news. "Mistress, these new gang members are weak as shit. They need long term investment, at the least. They need at least three more months to become E-rank. This is if we treat them less than human. I have started to do so already. This should start the brutal pace you requested. It will take time along with that loyalty bullshit you told me to do. That cuts into training time, but I understand why it is needed." With that, he finished, and he watched as I stared him down. He knew I wasn't happy. I wasn't about to punish him. The whip doesn't work on every mistake. Forgiving things breed loyalty as well.

"Okay," I looked at Cassandra again with a smile, "I expected nothing less, from the both of you. You're not idiots, thank the devil for that. I will admit I am unhappy with the recruits. The cadre of gang members left after this will be a force to reckon with. The Necromancers guild is happy with the supply of bodies as well. The gang coffers can be separated from the tailoring business soon. This will speed up the other plans I have in mind. I want you both to be ready for noon. We will travel back across the city then in preparation." Both Carl and Cassandra nodded along. This city would become the new stronghold for our growing underground empire. The Kindom's capital was taken over, and knowing she would be expanding, I was at ease.

I started to get equipped for tonight. I was going to be playing support. I told Carl to get the kills. He didn't ask questions, just listened. That session a while back put it into his head to listen. The guy was mostly muscle, but he learned very quickly.

Several hours later, we were all ready to go. I got my tigers ready who knew a fight was impending. They were ready for blood. Kitty was caged up after a short walk in the back yard. Stacy and Freya were working in the shop with customers. Cassandra, Carl, and I left into the alleyways. We traveled across the city in dark cloaks masking our features. My tiger dutifully followed behind us. My smile was bloodthirsty ready for the massacre of tonight.

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