Dominatrix System

Chapter 84

It wasn't long, but I awoke with Stacy hovering over me. She was making sure I was okay. Her hands were a bit grabby, and I would punish that later but I felt the care she showed. It was good loyalty wise, but her full handed grasp of my left breast knew she was getting benefits as well—the little pervert. I got up with my muscles moving faster than both Stacy and I were expecting. My natural agility made me turn it into a momentum that I landed on my feet.

I stood feeling great but also out of control of my own body. I felt lighter, and the slowest movement was faster than I'd like. It wasn't good to be this out of control, and I would need to train. It was a good problem to have but still a problem. I looked at Stacy with a frown on my face.

"You enjoy yourself?" I asked her. The blush on her face was a deep crimson. I glared at her demanding an answer.

She looked down and started to stammer, "I- I- I- I-, Yes Mistress, I enjoyed it." she finished meekly.

"I hope it's worth the punishment I have in store for you. Now... Why are you here now, Stacy?" I asked, continuing to glare down at her.

"Sorry, Mistress, I brought the little girl that you requested to talk to yesterday night. She is outside in the living room waiting for you," She quickly told me. I took a deep breath and remembered it. I nodded.

"Perfect, I will go see her once I am covered," I replied with a look at Stacy. It took her half a second to realize what was up, and she ran out of the bathroom. I started to dry myself with a towel without trying to tear the towel by accident. My body was still out of control, and I dried myself off quickly as Stacy came back inside with another Black robe. I quickly wrapped it around myself, exiting the Bathroom.

I wrapped the robe around myself before exiting, making my way back to that couch. I looked at the couch and was happy. I left it when I did. It looked like I got off of it before my sweat started to drip off my body from the changes. I smiled and looked at the girl across from me. She was obviously young, but I saw the intelligence in her eyes. I nodded happily, looking at her. She had determination while being here and looked straight into my eyes.

"Stacy, what did you tell her the reason for her being up here was?" I asked.

"Mistress, I didn't tell her anything, just that the Owner would like to speak to her." She replied, and I was more fascinated with this little girl. She was only three years younger than my current body's age, but she looked determined and intelligent. I needed people here to look after my businesses, and I wondered if she had the ambition to go along with it.

I sat down, crossing my legs as I did so, making sure to show the girls to see if there was interest from her end. Nothing passed her face, and her eyes remained locked on me. This girl wasn't a closeted pervert like Stacy, who has currently had her eyes all over my legs.

"Stacy, Go, make tea. I am also still expecting a guest soon. After the Tea, you can go back downstairs. I will bring the girl down after our conversation." I told Stacy before looking at her. "Name, Young Lady?" I asked.

"I am Zee..." She answered, pausing for a moment, "Mistress," She added in a questioning tone.

"I am Mistress Sally. You may call me Mistress at this point as hardly anyone calls me by my name." I finished, and she nodded. "Now, Zee..." I started up again, and Stacy came up, setting down Tea for both of us. "Where do you see yourself in the next year Zee?" I asked.

The question took her by surprise. "Mistress, I do not know I am putting food on my family's table and that I can barely do..."

"How many people are there in your family?"

"Eight, Mistress, I am the oldest Female. My older brother works as a coolie at the Docks. My younger sisters and brothers do not have work at the moment. My parents are..." She stopped talking about that.

"Your parents?" I asked for clarification.

"My mother is a prostitute. I don't know my Father... We all come from different fathers..." She said through gritted teeth.

"Okay, Your family situation doesn't matter to me much..." I said clearly. "Your choice of birth means nothing. I was born a Slave, so I was born lower than you, and I am doing better. Do you know why, Zee?"

She looked shocked, her eyes widening. "No, Mistress, I do not know how you did it." She said with wide eyes.

"I refused to be the bottom, Zee. My attitude and talent scared the Marquis that owned me. If he didn't free me, he was scared I would do things to him and his family. Instead, he made a deal with a talented slave. This is now why I come to talk to you, Zee. I am here to change your life in exchange for a deal..." I finish, and she looked at me oddly.

"What Talent?" She asked.

"For someone with a spine like you, that is a very self depreciative thought. You have mathematical talent, and everything else can be trained. My toy Stacy says you have a talent in sales and mathematics in running the company. I need someone willing to be loyal and talented in running my businesses in the Empire. I need you to grow my business empire here. The better you do, the more money and power you will have in the future." I finish a mini sales pitch to her, and her eyes narrow.

"What's the Catch..." She said, looking at me, and I was surprised.

"Smart..." I unconsciously said and now knew she was shrewd. She was more talented than Stacy led me to believe. "Good, you're getting better in my eyes. You don't just look at the benefits. The Catch is simple. Betrayal will be wishing for death, Zee. If you steal from me, you and your family will be enslaved. I will train them to make to my wishes or sell them. Depends on my mood that day. I will make you wish you were dead and destroy your personality. Loyally follow me, and your life will become better. Money and power will be within reach as you do more for me. I will scale things with how much you contribute to my cause. The more you accomplish, the more you receive. I will be straight with you, Zee. I need talents like you. But the world is dark and murky. This conversation is the difference between heaven and hell for you. Now Choose. Swear loyalty to me for the duration of your life or go back downstairs and continue doing work as a temporary worker, never knowing if you can feed your brothers and sisters..." I finish. The dark look on the face of a twelve-year-old was different.

I took this time to get a good look at her. She was young, and her face made her look younger than twelve. Her breasts had just started to grow, but they were growing fast. She was already a small C-cup breast. Her face was sharp, though. She looked in command even with her innocence clearly still there. She was a girl of this current world, growing up faster than she could age. She was still short, around four foot five. I wondered how this young lady would grow.

I didn't want to stagnate this girl by making her a slave. I needed subordinates that will do my bidding on more than just lust. I needed driven people with ambition and focus. Lust or slavery was the worst people for these. Stacy only wanted to please me and lick my pussy. That was the reason she worked so hard. The second lust is sated; she works slower until her sex drive brings her to wanting more again. Granted, her sex drive was high and constantly was horny, but that was beside the point.

I focused back on Zee. She was deep in thought, and I noticed her hold her chin as she sat on the opposite sofa. The silence in the room was deafening. I waited for her, and finally, I could tell she came to a decision. "Mistress, Sally... I think I will take you up on your offer. You see something in me, and I will make it true. I want to have my brothers and sisters thrive even more than me!" She announced, and I smiled.

"Good... Since I like your attitude and decision-making at this point, I will do one more thing. Your brothers and sisters will be enrolled in schools. Local schools or abroad doesn't matter to me. They can choose, and I will give them a scholarship. After that scholarship, they are on their own unless they come under my wing, Zee... This is for you to be loyal to me, Zee. I want you to see that no other employer in your life will be as good to you as I will be. But remember Zee. Betrayal will be pissing off the devil. I am not a good woman to piss off..." I finished. I glared, and her eyes didn't flinch as I glared at her.

"Yes, Mistress, Sally. You will never have me betray you." I nodded.

"Good. Now, this talk will be useless, and your real work will start as soon as possible. I will have something drawn up for you. You still need an education, but we will run through it—one last thing though, Zee. I can tolerate mistakes. You can Fuck up even by the numbers. What I do not tolerate, though, is Failure by ignorance and dishonesty. Ignorance is a failure of knowledge that you should strive to annihilate. Dishonesty is a failure of character and cant be fixed. Leave and tell Stacy to bring the Desperate girl downstairs up to me." I finished with a smile. She looked sober and nodded seriously.

"Thank you for this opportunity, Mistress. I will not let you down." She finished and got up, walking towards the door. She promptly exited, and I looked at her empty teacup. There wasn't a drop left. I was in thought when the door opened again. I heard harsh breathing, and I looked up to see Marchioness Ingrid with a flushed face looking desperate. She was rubbing her thighs together and trembling lightly.

"How was your week?" I asked, taking a sip of the tea in front of me.

I looked up to the desperate woman standing there. Her eyes pleaded for mercy of the slow torture strapped inside her. "Mistress, please have mercy on me..." She pleaded, and I smiled.

"How was your week? Describe it to me, Ingrid, or you may go home..." I finished leaning back, enjoying my tea.

Ingrid looked both desperate and livid that her torture would continue. I saw a bit of rebellion, and I just used a remote to turn up the vibrator, and the rebellion died as she cried out.

"Mistress, not fair!" She yelped.

I laid back, "I am your Mistress what I want is what you want..." I said, "You will describe your week without complaint, Now." I commanded, pointing at the couch.

She moaned as the vibrations stimulated her further. She sat down, making it worse for herself, moaning again. "It was a long week, Mistress. My servants tried to take me to the apothecary and an Alchemist the entire time. My blush made them think that I was sick with a fever. I insisted that I wasn't sick but couldn't do any official business. My friends showed up and tried to get me to spill the reason..." She seemed to trail off, and I guessed what was next. "I broke down from the constant stimulation, Mistress, and told my friend what you did to me. She- She... She wants to meet you, Mistress..." I raised my eyebrows and stared at her.

"Title and name?"

"Baroness Hillery... She is more important than many would think as she and her husband's land area at the Borders of the prairies to the south and has a large town on it. Making it a large trade hub between the Empire and the Prairies." She stated, and I looked at her. She keeps bringing me women, and I didn't know why.

This was something I needed a better intelligence subordinate to do. This was one of the things Fluffy did for me, but I hadn't installed something like that here yet. I had so much to do but so little time to do it.

"Go into the Training room, and I will join you soon..." I stated surprise on her face as I ordered her. "Your punishment for saying things better left unsaid will be soon. Prepare yourself. I expect nothing but that chastity belt on you when I enter. Go... Now!" I order, and Ingrid moved with purpose into the room, and I sighed, leaning back. I needed another massage, and I pinched the bridge of my nose.

This Ingrid toy was annoying. She was doing good things for me but putting more onto my plate. It was both annoying and refreshing. Without realizing it, she was helping me out...

My mind came to a stop, and I realized something. How was she constantly bringing in things I would need, if not later but soon? A southern Baroness might not sound important until you realized it would make smuggling easier. A Duchess in complete control of her family was a huge asset. How was she bringing these masochists and toys to me? These are all key Nobility that, after years of research, I would seek to subjugate myself. It was as if she knew that I wasn't above board with everything I did.

I would have to think about this later, and I checked my status since I hadn't had the chance yet.


Name: Sally

Age: 15

Titles: Ex-Slave, Apprentice of Jack the Torturer, Martial Genius, Apprentice Wizard, War Provoker, Gang leader

Race: Beastkin - Phantom Snow Tiger

Level: 2

XP: 9555/10000

System Points: 30000

Energy: 1340/1340

Strength: 105

Agility: 161

Vitality: 85

Toughness: 87

Charisma: 22

Instinct: 67

Intellect: 82

Wisdom: 73

Luck: 26

Points to Spend: 0

Shop - Items Available;

Inventory - 0 Slots Available;

Lotto - No spins;


I was amazed at the ninety Stat points that came from that point boost, and I wondered what the Stat package would bring. I needed to get control of my body first before I used it. I was still out of touch and putting more speed and power into things than was necessary. Ingrid was also more of a soft touch toy... I would train her sooner or later, but for now, I needed a gentle touch. I got up and started a routine, increasing my energy, but it also allowed me to control my muscles. This allowed me to regain control of my body.

Time passed, and I started to get a hold of my body again. My routine was completely off, and I was all over the place. I heard a Cry out for me in the Training room that I ignored, letting Ingrid sweat in there with a vibrator in her pussy teasing her. Soon I will have my fun for now, and I need control, let my toys wait.

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