Dominatrix System

Chapter 94

The water woke the cum drunk Hillary. Her blush was a deep crimson matching her discarded dress. It was cute, and I picked her up, putting her on weak legs as I started to tease her. I was initially not going to do anymore and pull her in slowly. Her reactions showed that, in her own way, she was just as hopeless as Stacy. Stacy, though, was a pervert for women in every way. Hillary was a masochist. As my arms wrapped around Hillary, her blush deepened. "Whore," was lightly whispered into her ear, almost inaudible in the shower. She heard it sending shivers down her spine to the tips of her toes. Her clit seemed to harden even more as I quickly swiped my fingers across, making her lean back into me even more.

With that, I let go of her body. With the sudden loss of her support structure, she fell to the floor with a surprised yelp. I grabbed her by the hair and twisted her head to look up at me. "Suck me off whore." I told her, pulling two gold coins from the inventory and dropped them in front of her. The surprise on her face was momentary as I forced her mouth to my clit. At first, she didn't do anything. I pulled her face back. Her face still showed surprise as my hand smacked her hard. "Whore, I paid you! Now get to work!" I told her harshly.

This time when her mouth hit my pussy, she immediately set to work. I smiled as I felt her clumsy attempts to suck me off. I watched her hand slowly reach down to her pussy. I thought only for a second before I pulled her face back. "Whore!" I said, slapping her rapidly reddening cheek. "Did I fucking pay you to touch yourself?!" I reprimanded her. The shame and lust on her face grew.

Her hand shamefully left her pussy. Her shame grew as I simply widened my legs. My hand still entangled in her hair, she thought I would put her back in place. "Whore! Do I need to do everything for you! Are you fucking stupid?" I finished looking down at her on her knees. The blush deepened, and I saw her hands hesitating to go down to her pussy.

Instead, her head moved on its own and started to please my pussy. She put much more effort into it now as she willingly started to lick and suck as best as she could. I moaned with the different type of dominance I felt now. Soon her clumsy tongue brought me to orgasm. I loudly moaned in the shower and used her hair to pull her head back. I looked down at the woman wanting more below me. I pulled her up by her hair. This furthered her want as she looked at me with lust covered eyes.

"Whore, You barely pass." I then threw her down by the two gold coins. "Take your money and go Whore. You will come back with Ingrid tomorrow." I finished. My pussy was wet with want, but I will think of this want as an investment. I could always get Freya to deal with it. The confused, wanting woman on the shower floor picked up the two gold coins. As she stepped out of the shower, confused with life, I tossed a towel at her.

"Dry yourself whore. Can't have the town thinking I paid for your services." I finished.

She dried herself off and put on the panties that immediately started to show stains around her pussy, showing how horny she was now. I didn't allow her to process her feelings as I wrapped a robe around my body and pushed her towards her clothes. She hastily dressed before leaving in a daze with a wet, wanting pussy. I smiled as she left.

I heard Stacy cooking in the kitchen. "Stacy!" I called out to her as I entered the Kitchen. Stacy turned to me with a start. "You will have an extra week of Chastity. I will also reduce the chances for a pain orgasm down one. You have one opportunity left while wearing chastity to cum. Do not waste it." I told her now horrified face.

The begging started right after asking for mercy. I ignored it, moving to my little tigers to play with them. They happily played with me as I gave attention to them without pause. We play wrestled for a while before Freya came back. The night went quickly. After eating, I made Freya eat me out before going to bed.

I awoke the next day early. I would usually start my training but today was a packed day. I took my tigers out this morning instead, doing some training that I had not done in some time. After a couple of hours, I brought them back and started to get ready for my day. I equipped myself with my new bladed whip as I was about to meet the nobility.

Dressed in the usual working outfit, I left for the first contractor's house. This was the daughter that the father wanted me to train in my profession. This would be like Sherry but someone hopefully fucking competent. Sherry is a wannabe. She didn't have the spine or the brains to mess with a person's psychology. She is just arrogant without anything but family to rely upon. I knocked to see a butler answer.

"I am here to start a contract with the Young Mistress. She is supposed to know I would arrive within this month." The butler nodded and left with the door open as an invitation to come inside. I walked into the entrance of the mansion. The young mistress's father was a viscount. She would inherit that title apparently as the Eldest.

This was one thing that surprised me in this world: the mix of both genders' equality with inequality. It shone through in different ways everywhere.

It was not long when I saw a short five-foot-six-inch girl come through a doorway. "Mistress Sally?" She asked with elegance.

"Yes, Young Mistress Jackie?" I asked back.

"Yes," She responded.

"Good, Follow me." The surprise but she stepped up as I opened the door outside. "I have many things to be doing today," I stated.

"Yes, Mistress Sally." She replied obediently.

"Good, You may call my Mistress Sally. Only slaves will only call me by my title. When you train slaves of your own, this is a rule that you may set or not. Your name gives power, though. Remember that now come, and I will show you the contracts I have signed." I stated.

She stood beside me as I walked through the noble district. I took a look at her without her noticing. Young Mistress Jackie was still short but around the same age as myself. She looked very sure of herself, and I saw her demeanor. She was confident but surprisingly not confident in that confidence. This was a no-no. When you are superior to someone, you must first show it. That was easiest done by showing confidence. As we neared the next mansion with the Marquis that wanted some entertainment trained, I took in the young woman's modest bosom. I guessed her breast size to be just at the B range. That was me being nice, though. This wasn't a problem, though. The body didn't make the dom; it was attitude. She was an attractive young woman with the right attitude. I would reserve judgment at this point, though.

I walked up to the next mansion and knocked. This time a maid opened the door, and I asked for the Marquis. The maid asked who I was, and I told her. I turned to Jackie while we waited. "You are not bad so far. You must show the confidence you are hiding, though, Jackie." I stated. She was surprised at my criticism.

"What do you mean, Mistress Sally?" She asked.

"I mean, I know you are more confident than you are showing. You are hiding it behind a very fake sheer of Modesty. I don't care what you have been taught before. Confidence and trust in yourself being confident is the best, even if faked is the best. Do you understand?"

"Not really, you didn't provide new information to me, Mistress Sally." She retorted. I rolled my eyes.

"You will know what I mean later. For now, I don't give a fuck about your facade of modesty. Lose it." I commanded.

I then turned to the Marquis. He arrived with a large smile coming to greet me. "Mistress Sally! I am so happy to see you. I positively wished you came earlier so I could bring these two to my next party." He said before turning to Jackie. "This is the Viscount's daughter... Young Mistress Jackie."

What happened then was a bunch of pleasantries exchanged between noble houses. This went on for a bit as he brought me to the slave house. Inside I saw a caged older woman and a young man. I was surprised thinking that the boy would be fourteen or fifteen. He was instead seventeen. I shrugged as I looked at both their naked bodies. The young man had a five-inch flaccid cock. That would grow large, and he was weak looking at this point. You could see old muscles underneath. I nodded to myself, looking at the dirty older woman. She was in her thirties. I would say mid, so she probably had her son in her early teens. She had a stacked chest, almost F cups. Her shoulders slumped from carrying such a load. I continued to appraise her as she was an attractive woman with a motherly charm. I opened the cage and grabbed the mother by the throat. I hoisted her up and watched her choke. The young man reacted with angry shouts and attacking me.

This was good as the relations between the boy, and his mother was good. I dropped her and shoved the boy quickly against the wall pinning his throat against the wall strangling him. The mother only gasped for air before attacking me herself. A vicious smile grew on my face as I let them go before ignoring the two. I walked back out of the cell to the Marquis.

"They are in great shape. I will start training them immediately with my new facilities ready to go." The smile on the Marquis's face grew.

"Excellent! When can I expect the training to be finished?" He asked politely.

"Depends," I said, thinking about it. "The condition therein I can fulfill the requirements in the contract in one of two ways. The first way is with minds broken filled with lust. This would take one to two weeks. The second I can probably pull off making them madly in love with each other. They will lust for each other everywhere." I pause, thinking how I could do it. "This would take more time and would take anywhere from a month to a month and a half. This would leave their minds intact, though." I turned to the Marquis. "How would you like it?" I asked him, leaving the ball in his court.

The Marquis was in serious thought now. Jackie turned to me, her face puzzled.

"Mistress Sally," I stopped her with a finger to her lips to stop her talking in front of the slaves.

"Not here. You may ask these questions later." I told her. She seemed confused before looking at the slaves, and realization dawned on her, and she shut up.

"You have put me in a conundrum, Mistress Sally; I have a party next month that I want to show them off..." He trailed off, wanting to see if I could move up the timeline.

"Look, Marquis. I can only guarantee between four to six weeks. The second option requires more work. I am already doing this without an increase in price for more work. I want to create a long-lasting product for you. The first option will give you two mindlessly fucking slaves, where the second option will give you two slaves that will love each other and may be useful other things as well." I stayed true to my timeline.

He thought more before he sighed. "I would like them with the mind intact. Please." He finished.

"Okay. Give me their collar command, and I will take them with me." I stated.

With their enchantments now bound to me, I took them out of the cell and leashed them like dogs. They strolled through town with cloaks draped over them. They were hidden from the noble eyes. These two were supposed to be a surprise. Wouldnt ruin that now.

Jackie looked at me, confused why I didn't want to speak in front of them. "Young Mistress Jackie. You must be mindful of your words in front of lesser beings." I stated. Her confusion seemed to grow, and I stopped myself from commenting further. These two would require a lot of manipulation. I needed a foundation that was there to remain. At this point, these two had been confined together, sold together, bought together. They were building an us against the world mentality. I needed that mentality to stay. Their resentment towards me treating them like dirt would grow along with their worry and anxiety. These were all things I needed to foster for now. Letting them worry about their fate would only increase their training speed.

We arrived at the next mansion that I promptly knocked to see another maid. This maid was dressed quite slutily. I liked it too; I let it pass, though, asking to see the Centaur I was contracted to train. The Maid nodded, showing me inside. The man I signed a contract with joined me, telling me how much he looked forward to when I was finished.

The Centaur was a horse body with a muscular man from the torso up. I decided to check him later. With the Collar now bound to me, I left with the three new slaves and the Young Mistress. I needed one more stop and stopped at the local Slave Masters Guild. I purchased five clean women and two clean boys. I didn't have anything to do with them and spent some gold for the Centaurs training.

An hour later, I arrived with all of them in tow at the warehouse. I put each slave into a cell, making sure to put the Centaur in the reinforced cell I had made. I then took the Young Mistress Jackie to a separate area where I could talk without being overheard. Inside was a small office I could meet with potential clients. This was set up with some basic furniture that was hastily made. It was solid, though, and I sat behind the desk inside the Young Mistress across from me. I sat down with a sigh.

"Okay, now before we begin training, you can ask questions," I said.

"Why couldn't I ask questions about the mother and son in front of them?" She asked.

"Easy," I said with a monotone. "You would be giving them information. The mother and son are close. Right now, their feelings need to be taken into account. When training someone, you need to understand their weak, feeble mindset. The mother is worried about her son. The Son is concerned about the mother. This is a mindset I want to grow at this point. There are many ways of doing that. I want them to grow closer until they start to develop not only maternal love but actual lust. This takes a steady guiding hand. Reckless words can make them understand what I want to do. I need them malleable and anxious. These leave holes open in their mentality. It's called grooming Jackie."

Her confusion grew. "Why didn't you just start that here?" She asked.

I sighed," Training doesn't start when you choose to, Jackie. Training begins at the first interaction. First impressions are critical. Tell me your first impression of me, Jackie."

"You are a powerful Trainer Confident in her craft." She replied.

"If you saw me with slumped shoulders?" I asked her.

"I would think..." She seemed to realize what I was going for. "You're saying that when we even find or purchase a slave, first impressions are needed?"

"Correct. When I have a slave introduced, that is when the battle for who the supreme being is. You must remember that even nobles in a higher position don't call me my name. Instead, they call me by the title I choose even though they don't have to. They do it without thought, wanting to be on my better side." I told her, looking at her seriously. "You must remember this lesson right here. Every time you mess this tip up, you start to make your life harder. You can recover, but you're going to be starting from a disadvantage no matter what. You are an Heir to a Viscount. You are a superior being. Act like it, and others will think you are."

She turned thoughtful. I watched as she grappled with it, and she no longer acted modestly as she looked up at me with confident eyes now. "I understand." She said.

I nodded, "Good, Today we will let the slaves stay in their cells. I will throw in some basic food and let them settle in. Tomorrow you will be here two hours after dawn. That way, we can have some fun."

The young mistress nodded. She thanked me with a more confident stride. I could tell that she wasn't used to it as she walked away. I shook my head lightly before I prepared the enchantments quickly. I then tossed some food from my inventory into each of the cells. I now had eleven slaves to play with. Only three I had to care about what I did with them. I watched each seeing their worry. I ignored it only to see the Centaur look at me with disgust. I decided that I would deal with him tomorrow. I had things today to do.

I left with a spring to my step. I only had elemental enchantments on the building, but I wasn't worried. I went towards home, thinking about pampering my little kitty before my visitors showed up.


Bonus Chapter! Enjoy and thanks for all the Support. I appreciate it!

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