Dominatrix System

Chapter 98

I stepped back into the room, hearing the now crying grunts from the Centaur as he desperately tried to ejaculate. The harmony of the woman crying out in pleasure was matched with the other voice of sweet begging. My smile grew as I again stood beside the Young Mistress Jackie. Her thighs rubbed together as she watched the plight of the fornicating slaves in front of her.

I smiled, and before she noticed, my hands were in her pants, feeling how wet she was. Her surprise at my action stunned her for a second before she was about to yell in outrage. I simply put a finger to her lips as I withdrew my hand. I Then held that hand, showing her wetness in front of her. This girl's pussy was dripping fluids waiting for some attention. The girl's face turned red as I showed her. I ignored the proceedings behind me, and I forced her hand into my pants, much to her surprise right after letting her feel my wetness using her hand after withdrawing it.

"Do you know why we do this?" I asked as she looked at my hand and her own. I didn't wait for her answer, "I love this!" I took her chin in my hand, pointing it back to the Centaur. "There are reasons for someone to do something. It would be best if you remembered the root of why you will be doing this. Even if you are making contracts, never let these scenes become just a job for you, Young Mistress Jackie. This isn't a job; This is an art! This is people's minds we are messing with. We create Living art pieces. Their misery, Depression, Happiness, Joy, Love, Hate, Any emotion you can think of! We use it to twist them. Mold them in the furnace of our training until we give these pieces of art back to their owners. We can keep them for ourselves or sell them. That is a Slave Master!" I said. Jackies confusion grew before something seemed to click.

"This is your motivation?" She said.

I smiled, "Yes. My motivation might not be your own. I am here to teach you what it is to be a Slave Master. Your motivation may be one person you want to see grovel and are satisfied with that. I do not know you and do not feel like wasting time learning your motivations. What I do understand, though, is the two female slaves there." I said, pointing at the Blond, Crying out in ecstasy. "She has been a slave for several years. How many doesn't matter; She has gone from owner to owner without a true home. She has anxiety about me and, with my words earlier, holds on despite the pleasure, only hoping that I will keep her and let her live. She knows if she is returned to the Guild anymore, she might be tossed out to die. She may be fed to pigs or something. It doesn't matter. She is growing older may have kids scattered or sold around the Empire. Still, she holds hope to live. I can use that hope to make her do things she would never do without it." I said, turning back to the Young girl in front of me. "You hold power in my position. You have more power in a Slave Masters position than you ever knew was possible. Properly trained slaves will do anything for you, just for your love. Or even just for your acknowledgment." I closed the distance to her.

"What is your motivation, Jackie?" I asked her, "You like the scene in front of you." I said again, showing my wet fingers to her blushing face. "You do not need to answer unless you are sure about it." I continued, "This is not me testing you. I will show you a scene that will make you masturbate when you get home." I finished and stepped away from a now confused Young Mistress.

I stepped up to the Centaur, "Pull out," I commanded, and the Centaur stopped humping the woman below him. The gasps and begging from both now came out, pleading for him to ravage their pussies. I watched the Centaur start to break down and turned to me with a sizeable raging boner touching the ground.

"MISTRESS, Please; Please let me Cum, Please!" He begged.

I watched as he begs on his knees for the sweet release. "You can cum now if you wish. But the girls may no longer be fucked." I said, and the Centaur looked up at me, astonished as the women begged in the background. "You cannot leave this room until you cum." I finished saying to his astonished face. "Oh," I added in like I almost forgot, "You may only cum once!" I said.

The Centaur looked at me with absolute misery on his face. He couldn't use his hands since they couldn't reach. His angry erection dragged on the floor as The Two slaves begged for him. The Erotic cries fueled his erection even more. The solution was the only one available to him. He started to rub his cock on the wooden floor. His grunts were sounding throughout the room as he slowly used the grains of the floor, and I heard a cry from him as he might have gotten a splinter. Still, he brought himself to orgasm as I watched his miserable face feeling my panties become soaked from his utter misery and pain.

He blew a massive load all over the wooden floor as his balls spewed out pent-up pleasure. Amidst the pain, his face melted. His raging boner didn't cease, though. He still humped the floor, hoping to spew again when my words cut in. "Stop moving." I stated, "Stand up," I rapidly started to say orders were bringing him to his feet, and I had him move to a cleaner spot in the training area. I then checked for splinters. I found two that had lodged in his massive cock. I heard his cries of pain as I took them out with a needle from one of my cabinets. I needed to make sure he wouldn't get an infection and brought him and the two begging women to the showers.

I watched the reaction of the Young Mistress from watching the training. She seemed to be self-reflecting on many things. She was watching but not truly watching what was happening in front of her. I applied the antidote to the two women used who seemed to be waking up now in the shower as they cleaned themselves off. The Centaur, instead of applying the antidote after getting him cleaned, I used another layer of the more mild aphrodisiac. I then stuffed each back into their cells.

The movement was quick, and I started to clean up with a young mistress looking at me confused the entire time. I went from dishing out pain and pleasure to looking like a janitor. Everything for her seemed to be changed so quickly. Finally, She spoke up, "Mistress Sally, Everything feels incomplete. Why didn't you continue to train?" She asked a good question.

"How much more training do you think the Blonde and Brunette could take before their Bodies gave up?" I asked back, "The Centaur is not the only factor, although the greatest. There are also other reasons not to let him mindlessly fuck those two slaves." I countered. I decided it was a good time to lecture her. "Tell me why you think I did everything I did today, starting from the beginning. The mother and son are too above your skill range at this point. Tell me only what you think of the Centaur." I finished.

Jackie's face blushed at the backhanded insult to her. "Well, The Centaur came into the room and wasn't attracted to the two begging women. That means the Aphrodisiac was for him to start developing an attraction to them?" She finished making it sound like a question.

I nodded, "Correct on your initial presumption. The Centaur wasn't attracted to human women. That is in direct disproportion to what I have been contracted to do. That means he needed a push. Tell me what you think about the next parts,"

"Well, After the aphrodisiac was applied, you made him watch while the women egged him on. This increased his want to stuff them with his massive erection. The pain of not being able to bring them to the brink of insanity. I think that brought down his defenses and gave him a sense of relief and gratitude when you allowed him to mount the two slaves." I nodded to this presumption, but there was more to it than that. "You then gave him the order not to be able to cum. I am not completely sure, Mistress Sally, but that lies where most of the training began." She finished looking for confirmation.

"That is correct. Everything you need to do to train someone has a path. There are even multiple paths to that destination. The one I took here was to make the Centaur 'Need' to cum." I emphasized the word need. "The critical thing here was developing the need to be all-encompassing. Right now, I applied more, Aphrodisiac. It is a mild one, but right now, I guarantee in his metal cell he is rubbing his cock on the Metal floor while I stand here cleaning." I explained. "This need will build and cannot be created over one time. If he can cum another time before I give him his dinner, that will be his luck. When I bring him, dinner I will condemn him for the night to be unable to. This will make sure he is up to all night masturbating." I explained. "Now tell me what you think of then end." I finished.

The Young Mistress now looked a lot more intrigued about what was happening and started to think even more. The ending was still fresh in her mind, and she looked to be thinking hard on it when my voice cut in. "You will stop thinking about this for now," I said in the silent room. "You will assist me in one of the most important activities we can learn," I said.

Her expression showed shock and looked very interested. "What would that be, Mistress Sally?" She asked respectfully.

"That is cleaning," I said. Her expression showed that of extreme shock.

"How is that the most important thing?!" She expressed that shock loudly as I took homemade Disinfectant to the Pillories.

I turned to her with contempt on my face. "Cleanliness and clean work areas is the show of a professional. I could have my slaves clean and often do. That does not mean I cannot be able to do it myself. If a slave gets sick, that is time resources and lost trust from a slave." I said, chastising her. "We are putting things into a person's body!" I roared. "Would you like something that might have dirt on it entering your Pussy?" I asked. "Would you like something that you didn't know what it touched being in your mouth?" I started to increase my pace, and the Young mistress seemed more confused, and I stopped rapid-firing questions. I let out a heavy sigh.

"I get it," I said, looking at her shocked face. "Why should I learn to clean is a question pasted on your face. The point is when we are training, we get into it. You just watched some very hands-off training. This is your first time watching, and I do not see how personal some of this training will get. I often participate in training my slaves. It allows them to feel closer to me and has a positive influence on yourself as well." I then pointed out the slightly wet spot on her pants. "It also takes care of our wants and needs. I love watching my slaves mixed emotions when I play with them. That does mean I have needed to take care of, as do you." I told her sternly. "As women, we do not have a convenient cock to use. We must use toys or other objects to play with. I don't mind a cock once in a while, but I prefer to be pegging someone else. This may not be true for you. This leads to the end. What will you use on yourself if you don't clean." I finished in the most straightforward way possible. "That is why you need to know how to clean yourself. That way, you know when something is dirty or clean just from touch. You can choose to disobey this later at your peril. That will not happen here, though." I said, tired of explaining myself, frustrated and wishing I didn't take the contract. "NOW CLEAN WITH ME!" I roared, and she no longer watched but followed me.

Soon I guided her through cleaning all the objects we used and proper cleaning. Soon both training areas became completely clean without a speck of dust or semen in sight. I nodded at the completed job and told her to go home for the night. She left with thoughts on her mind and left me alone to sigh. She was young and didn't understand her kink. I am not sure she completely understood herself and what she wanted to see. She was OK watching from behind, looking at me doing this to the Slaves. She didn't feel the need to involve herself. I decided what needed to be done in my head and moved on. I went into the cells with food. I grabbed and started to feed the slaves that I had. I came across the Centaurs cell. He was bent, trying to use the metal floor to get himself to cum. His erection was angry, and he felt the dying need to cum.

I commanded the Slave collar, something that made this distress reach a new height. "No erection!" I commanded. The Slave collars may have limited use. The fact that they can force bodies to do one command was terrific, though. The angry erection slowly shriveled as the Centaur desperately tried to bring himself or orgasm before it disappeared back into his body. His constant cries and begging were music to my ears and a terror to any slave in a cell near him. I dropped the food in his cell and moved on to each cell. Each slave looked at me with fear as I placed the food in their cell and moved on.

I reached the cell with the mother and son, who seemed to be on opposite sides of the cell, looking down in shame. I smiled as the depth of things that happened today repeated in their heads, furthering their shame. I placed food for both of them before adding a few more enchantments to the warehouse and locking it up. It was a great day and exciting. I headed back early to know that I would play with a toy and get off myself; otherwise, my frustration would grow.

I walked quickly through the streets on the way back home when I felt a shiver up my spine, and my instinct cries out. I jumped backwards, frightened from the sudden spike in fear. I looked around, seeing nothing happening around me. The fear was still prevalent, though. I bumped into a random person who started to yell at me. I ignored that as I searched every building near me. My hairs stood on end, and I desperately looked around.


That building window.


I ignored the angry cries from the person I jumped into as I searched.











'What is going on?!' I thought. I decided staying here was the worst thing and left that part moving faster without running in the mid-afternoon crowd. Still, my instinct perked for a mile as I moved closer to home before the feeling disappeared.

As I entered the apartment, my brain was running a thousand miles a second. All I knew was something was happening, and I didn't know what it was. That scared me.



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