Double wear: Marvel and DC's Huaxia Superman

Chapter 37 Into the Tiger's Den

After a day of silence, the US military took Lois Lane away for investigation.

At noon, Clark came to the sky above the US military base after questioning.

General Swanwick walked out of the base and looked at Superman: "Okay, you have successfully attracted my attention."

After negotiations between Clark and the US military, the US military contacted the Kryptonian fleet and handed Clark over at the agreed location.

A few minutes later, a small spaceship that looked like a Beetle flew in front of the US military at supersonic speed, and two Kryptonians got off it.

The leader was a female Kryptonian. Her mask automatically retracted to her chest, and her head seemed to be wrapped in some kind of energy field.

Seeing two strange aliens, everyone in the army became nervous.

Fiona came to Clark first, her eyes wandered over him and she smiled.

"Karl Ra'al, I am Deputy Commander Fiona Earl, and I would like to welcome you on behalf of General Zod."

After saying hello, Fiona walked towards General Swanwick: "Are you the supreme commander here?"


"General Zod wants this lady and... this other Kryptonian to come back with us."

Fiona took out a holographic projection with Xia Yi's avatar on it.

After hearing this, the colonel stepped forward bravely and said: "You didn't say so many demands, and we don't have any news about the other one at all; what's more, what you want is aliens, and you didn't say you wanted us."

Fiona didn't give in at all and looked at the two men forcefully.

"ヽ(`Д?)? Do you need me to tell General Zod that you are not willing to cooperate?"

The colonel also stared at Fiona very firmly.

"(`⌒?メ)I don't care what you say to him."

The sand and dust beneath Fiona's feet rose, and she slowly floated in the air.

"ヾ(??▽?)ノ, you know? This star is very suitable for our evolution! As time goes by, we will become stronger and stronger. Now... do you want to start a full-scale war, or hand them over?"

The colonel spat and made another international gesture.

"Bah! You are convex (`0?), fuxxyou! We are not disrespectful to you either."

Seeing his subordinates constantly provoking each other, the general muttered anxiously in his heart.

"(⊙▽⊙"I'm afraid you don't know how fierce the Kryptonians are, right? Just a dozen of them and you're so crazy, there are at least hundreds of them..."

The general immediately came out to mediate: "Everyone, please be quiet. Now that you tell us you are looking for someone, we can't find it for you right away."

Fiona ignored the general, frowned and looked at the colonel: "I think you haven't figured out your position yet? What confidence do you, a weak human, have to dare to talk to me like this?"

"What about me?" Xia Yi flew over at dozens of times the speed of sound and landed in front of Fiona.

The Gluttony Symbiote suit caught everyone's attention in the sunlight.

Many ten times began to whisper.

"Holy shit! ?(?'?'?)??????! What a cool suit!"

Even Da Chao on the side began to envy Xia Yi's suit.

Xia Yi's appearance undoubtedly made the two Kryptonians nervous.

He turned his back to the general and asked: "Mars... Bah, General Swanwick, if you are determined to start a war, I have the ability to kill these two Kryptonians now."

General Swanwick looked at Xia Yi⊙﹏⊙∥ with a confused expression.

(Did he just say the word Mars? Does he know my true identity?)

"Although I am a soldier, I have never advocated war."

Xia Yi nodded: "I understand, I can go with you."

Seeing Xia Yi's cooperation, Fiona quietly sent a signal to the Kryptonian main ship.

Zod immediately made arrangements after receiving the signal: "Change the atmosphere of the main ship to that of Krypton, block all sunlight, and when everyone is mortal, we can beat him in a group!"

After the people on Earth compromised, Fiona took the three of them onto the spacecraft.

Clark quietly handed over the "key" to control the spacecraft to Ryan. This scene happened to be seen by Xia Yi: "Clark, you didn't give me the key. You made me very sad. I will not teach you to use Turtle Style Qigong." .”

"Don't be like this, what time is it now?"

Fiona took out a mask and put it on Lewis: "The atmosphere on the main ship is not suitable for human survival. This is for you to breathe."

When everyone entered the cabin of the main ship, Clark immediately felt weak and dizzy. He endured the discomfort and walked to Zod.

"Kal-El, you have no idea how much time we spent looking for you."

Clark asked unceremoniously: "Are you Zod?"

Fiona added from the side: "It's General Zod, our commander."

Zod looked very magnanimous and said: "It doesn't matter Fiona, we can forgive his negligence in etiquette. He is unfamiliar with our ways and should express congratulations instead of conflict."

Zod then looked at Xia Yi: "Can you tell me your Kryptonian name?"


"So it turns out that the Lott family was quite far-sighted and sent you to Earth before Krypton was destroyed."

Xia Yi made up a name at random, but he didn't expect it to match.

At this time, Clark could no longer bear the uncomfortable feeling. He said unsteadily: "I... feel a little uncomfortable."

As soon as he finished speaking, Superman crawled to the ground and vomited blood.

Ryan asked anxiously: "What's going on?"

"He is repelling the atmosphere of our spacecraft." Zod looked down at Superman: "You have spent your whole life adapting to the earth's ecological environment, but you have not adapted to ours. Now you can only rely on yourself."

Da Chao's consciousness gradually disappeared and he fell into a coma.

Zod looked at Xia Yi: "You have strong abilities, and the reconstruction of Krypton needs your help. If you are willing to return to the embrace of your homeland, then I will make you a councilor in the future."

"Well... don't do it (=?w?=)o"

Zod sneered: "Hmph~ Think about it carefully first and take him to the solitary room to lock him up."

Xia Yi didn't resist and walked away followed by a few Kryptonian soldiers.

Superman passed out, but his consciousness returned to the farm. Zod stood opposite him and said, "Do you still prefer the name Clark? The people on Earth gave it to you."

Superman looked around to determine his position. Zod, wearing a black tights and a black robe, said: "I used to be the military leader of Krypton. Your father was our chief scientist. The only thing we agree on is the destruction of Krypton." .Despite my best efforts to protect our civilization and planet, I failed."

Zod was telling the story of his group. With the destruction of Krypton, he and his men were released from the Phantom Zone, as well as the Kryptonians who had been imprisoned here for generations. Zod regained it with his strong strength and beautiful promises. He recruited such Kryptonians to strengthen his team.

They then searched for Krypton's ruins, weapons, equipment and spacecraft wreckage. It wasn't until 25 years later that they received a signal from the Earth, which was inadvertently triggered by Superman, which attracted Zod and his team.

At the same time, Zod is also investigating information about the Earth. There are extraordinary beings on the Earth who can rival Kryptonians, and the Kryptonian skills also come from here.

At this time, in the Superman environment, a spaceship landed heavily on the farm. Zod said: "You brought us here, and now you have the ability to save your race."

"Every genetic template of life that will be born on Krypton is encrypted in the citizen registration office. Your father stole the registration book and stored it in the spaceship sent to you."

Superman asked, "What's the use?"

Zod smiled and replied: "Kryptonians can be reborn on Earth!"

At this point, the huge spaceship sent out a ray that reached the ground, leveling everything around it.

"Where is the tome?"

Superman frowned and asked, "What will happen to the Earth if the Kryptonians are reborn?"

Zod was silent for a while and said: "Reconstruction requires sacrifice, and even your father realizes this."

Superman slowly sank to the ground. He lowered his head and saw countless skulls swallowing him up. He said anxiously: "No! I can't participate in this plan!"

"So what are you getting involved in? Coexisting with humans?"

Superman was completely engulfed, and at the same time he woke up and found himself lying on an operating table with his limbs fixed.

Zod stood beside Superman and said slowly: "Your father's honor has paid off his sins..."

Superman looked at him seriously: "Did you kill him?"

"Yes, not a day goes by that I don't regret it, but if I had it to do over again I would still do it, I have an obligation to my people. And I won't let anyone stop me!"

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