Double wear: Marvel and DC's Huaxia Superman

Chapter 46 what if Zombie Universe

"You mean you want to take me to a future universe full of zombies?"

Xia Yi nodded: "If you're afraid, don't go."

Then he looked at Diana, and when he was about to ask her, Diana answered decisively.

"I told you, I will always follow you."

Tony fell into deep thought. It wasn't that he didn't have the courage, but that he couldn't face the sight of his former friends turning into zombies.

"Um...when will this happen? Can you tell me the cause?"

Xia Yi could tell that Tony was serious. If he was determined to follow, it was necessary to make it clear to him.

"This is something that happens in a parallel universe, but I can't guarantee that it won't happen in the future."

"In 2018, Dr. Hank Pym shrank himself and entered the quantum realm in order to find his long-lost wife."

"Wait, Hank Pym?" Tony couldn't help but ask, "Is this the doctor who invented the Pym particle?"

Xia Yi took a sip of juice and said, "How about you tell me?" Seven

"Okay...I won't interrupt, you continue."

Xia Yi lit a cigarette and recalled the plot of the Whatif zombie universe.

"In that universe, Dr. Pym's wife, Janet Van Day, was infected with some kind of quantum virus that caused brain damage."

"After 30 years, when she reunited with her accident happened. After Dr. Pym returned from the quantum realm, he took the lead in attacking Ant-Man Scott."

"Have the ants become spirits?"

Xia Yi covered his head and resisted the urge to throw Tony into the sea and continued.

"After being infected with the virus, you will turn into a zombie, and the virus spreads at an alarming speed. The entire Pacific Northwest fell within 24 hours."

"Ironically, it was the heroism of the Avengers that led to this tragedy."

After saying this, Xia Yi knew that Tony couldn't help but ask questions.

"Avengers? Did Nick really form the Avengers in the future?"

"Yes, that's right! And you will die very quickly! Because once the most powerful heroes on earth are infected... there will be no hope for others to survive."

Diana asked: "Are there any particularly powerful zombies?"

"There are a few, first of all Wanda! She is a person who can use dark magic and so on...Should I say a mutant, or is it more accurate to be a superhuman who was transformed from day to day?"

"Anyway, she is very strong, and she will be a member of the Avengers in the future."

"The second is a guy named Vision created by Tony in the future. Although he is not infected, he is just a kidnapper who kidnaps living people and cuts off their flesh to feed Wanda."

Tony frowned after hearing this: "That's disgusting. Are you sure I created that guy? I will remember him, and I will strangle him in the cradle! Why would he feed that person named Wanda? ?”

"They're a couple."

After hearing this, Diana immediately said to Xia Yi: "If I am infected, kill me immediately."

Xia Yi didn't answer. He knew there was a way to turn zombies back into humans. If that didn't work, he could exchange it for serum or the like in the system.

He had checked the system mall before and found that there was such a thing for sale, so he dared to make up his mind to go to the Zombie Universe. However, the price was relatively expensive, and he got 1000 points as a reward.

Apart from Wanda, the only person who can threaten him is the zombie Thanos who possesses five Infinity Stones.

This is also his main goal for this trip, to kill Thanos and take away the Infinity Stones, so that he will be invincible in the Marvel Universe.

After the three of them were fully armed and ready, they stood together, and the sound of Tony's deep breathing continued to come from the helmet.

Even Diana's heartbeat speeded up a little unconsciously.

【4...3...2...1! 】

After the three people were involved in the space vortex, the next moment they were standing on a deserted street.

Tony opened the mask and retched twice: "I feel like vomiting...Is this New York? Is it a little too quiet?"

"Keep your voice down, zombies are very sensitive to human smells and sounds."

As soon as he finished speaking, a stream of light carrying a figure penetrated the roof of the house in front of him.

Tony stood there and looked at it and said, "If I read it correctly...that's the Rainbow Bridge and the Hulk, right?"

Xia Yi stepped forward and opened the door, and came to Doctor Strange's supreme sanctuary. The three of them watched a big hole open on the stairs and gathered around to watch.

Dr. Banner, who had returned to his human form, looked at the three of them in horror: "Thanos is coming! Thanos is coming! Tony? Thank God I can see you. Tell the Avengers!"

After Banner crawled out, Tony looked at him cautiously: "Dr. seems we haven't officially met yet, right?"

"What are you talking about Tony? Have you forgotten those days? Who can find me a set of clothes first?"

Banner looked at Xia Yi and mistakenly thought that Xia Yi was Tony's follower.

But Xia Yi didn't bother to say that much, and directly split a piece of the symbiote and threw it on him, turning it into a one-piece tights.

"Wow! Is this nanotechnology? You really have your Tony."

Tony watched Xia Yi's face gradually darken, and immediately reminded Banner: "Listen, I'm not the Tony you know, and this isn't nanotechnology, either!"

Tony pointed at Xia Yi and introduced: "This is my eldest brother, Xia Yi. You can call him Xiangri... no, Superman!"

"Superman?" Dr. Banner looked at Xia Yi in confusion: "Don't be ridiculous, Superman always wears red underwear outside of his tights."

Then Banner looked at Diana: "If she wants to say that she is Wonder Woman Diana, she will be more convincing."

"I'm Diana! Who is this annoying guy?"

"Wait a minute honey, what do you mean?"

Tony also asked: "What do you mean? Is Superman also being removed from the anime?"

Seeing the three people looking at him seriously, Dr. Banner replied with some embarrassment: "It's comics...DC comics, Tony, we have discussed Batman together before."

Xia Yi took a step forward: "Listen carefully, Dr. Banner, if you say one more word about DC, I promise to stuff your head into Thanos' dermatitis."

Faced with Xia Yi's threat, even Tony, who was full of curiosity, did not ask any more questions.

At this time, a gust of wind poured into the sanctuary, causing Xia Yi's bangs to sway slightly.

Tony's mischievous energy came back and he pointed at Xia Yi's hair: "Aren't you moving your hair on purpose?"

"I hope you won't say this a second time."

Xia Yi came to the street in an instant and saw two figures, one tall and one short, landing with a ray of light.

Several other people rushed out immediately. Seeing the strange appearance of the other party, Diana asked: "What is this? You seem to like recruiting aliens."

"Black Dwarf and Ebony Maw, if they really get into a fight soon, leave the older one to me, and you guys can take care of the younger one."

Xia Yi knew that Ebony Throat could do magic, so he would not ask for that hardship.

Ebony Throat said to several people: "Listen, you should feel honored that your ant bodies can also balance the universe..."

Before Ebony Maw finished speaking, Tony shouted loudly: "Earth is closed, Squidward!"

Being interrupted by Tony to show off made Wu Muhou very unhappy. The next moment, a space portal opened behind Wu Muhou.

Then an arm armed with a steel suit stretched out from inside, aimed the energy cannon in the palm of Ebony Maw's head and knocked him down.

Then a door to a larger space opened, and several people could vaguely see Tony, Strange and Wang coming out.

But only Xia Yi could clearly see that the face of Tony opposite him had rotted away, and most of the muscles in his face had been eaten away.

"Tony?! Two Tonys?"

Tony also noticed something was wrong and pulled Banner back. Diana drew out her sword and shield and prepared to fight.

A fierce battle broke out immediately between the two sides, but soon Zombie Tony and others gained the upper hand, knocking down Black Dwarf and Ebony Maw and then began to gnaw at them.

Banner whispered: "Um... isn't that a bit too much?"

Tony said sullenly: "Dr. Banner, can't you turn into a big green guy?"

"I want it too! The guy inside me doesn't want to come out!"

After the thick smoke dissipated, the zombie Tony had just finished chewing the ebony throat and turned around to look at everyone with a clear face.

Tony and Banner shouted in unison: "Gift crab!"

Tony's mask closed and immediately sprayed a high-temperature beam towards zombie Tony.

Zombie Tony dodged sideways and jumped towards Tony.

Tony was so frightened that his legs went weak. He didn't know how to act for a moment. He stood there and cursed: "Fuck me..."

The next moment, a heat vision swept across zombie Tony's head and cut off the green, rotten head entirely.

After Xia Yi used his x-ray vision to see that the urine filtering system in Tony's armor had started to work, he did not forget to make a few jokes.

"I thought the filter you installed was just for decoration, but I didn't expect it to be used so quickly."

Tony blushed while hiding in his helmet, and immediately said to Xia Yi: "1000 million, don't tell this matter. I just didn't prepare myself mentally just now. Now let me take care of them all by myself!"

The zombie Qi immediately used magic to create a golden whip, tied Tony's arm and tried to pull him over.

But unexpectedly, Tony pulled him over and punched him in the face.

Xia Yi used perspective again to look at the jewelry on the zombie's strange chest and found a green gem hidden inside.

He immediately rushed to the zombie Strange, cut off Strange's head with a hand knife, then took the Eye of Agamotto and crushed it.

A sparkling green gem appeared in the palm of my hand...

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