Douluo mainland II peerless Tangmen

Chapter 602: Death of Extreme Douluo?

Orange was following Xu Tianran, and she and Xu Tianran designed this plan together.Of course, the plan was already there, she just helped Xu Tianran perfect it.Make the entire plan more seamless.It was precisely because of this plan that Xu Tianran made up his mind at the last moment.

The plan was perfectly displayed, and even the Dark Holy Dragon fell into it. The two extreme Douluo of the Holy Spirit Sect all fell into the trap. After the Holy Spirit Sect was over, even if the remaining strength ran away, it was no longer in Xu Tianran's eyes.Without the two Ultimate Douluo, the threat of the Holy Spirit Cult is no longer a big deal, and it is not too difficult to destroy the remaining evil soul masters.

The Imperial Dragon Soul Instructor Group stayed with Xu Tianran to guard him. The other three Beast King Level Soul Instructor Groups were scattered in the sky around the palace. Various detection soul guides were all locked in this area. Once the Dark Holy Dragon and If the Death God Douluo can really survive in death, then he will definitely encounter their devastating attacks.They are the final step in this dead end.

At this time, a large number of troops had poured in from all directions around the palace. The people were dispersed. With the palace as the center, martial law was enforced for dozens of miles around.

Huo Yuhao and Tang Wutong were naturally not included in this list. Under the protection of simulated soul skills, they easily entered this range.

The orange-red glare was still continuing, which showed how terrifying the explosion inside was. Huo Yuhao was absolutely unwilling to try it. The ultra-high temperature inside was likely to reach several thousand degrees, which was simply not something the human body could withstand.Not even if he is the Ultimate Ice Super Douluo.

It's too cruel, it's really too cruel

Orange, is this your plan or Xu Tianran’s?

In the sky, Orange was also overlooking everything happening on the ground, and there was also a smile on the corner of her mouth. Different from Xu Tianran's sneer and complacency, her smile was very warm.

In the palace, all the important people had already moved away, including her son. All that remained were some servants who were used to confuse Death God Douluo. If Death God Douluo was to die, some people would have to die, right?

They must die. If they don't die, Yuhao will face them in the near future.Death God Douluo will not let him go, and he will not let Death God Douluo go. The only solution is for one of them to die.Yuhao, I have helped you kill two powerful enemies again, so you will be much safer.

Orange smiled happily when she thought that the man in her heart was safe, but there was still a bitterness in her happiness.Because this man can never belong to him.But she would still be happy doing things for him.Even though she knew he didn't want to do this.

Orange always likes to use the simplest way to solve problems, and the problem of the Holy Spirit Sect should be solved soon.The only pity is that Xu Tianran's strength has not been weakened too much.There are still a large number of masters around him.Of course, another plan has also begun.

At the expense of the palace, this plan is really good.Without the palace, there would be no high-energy compression array soul guides. As for using Mingdu's high-energy compression array soul guides, that would not be an easy task. Not all of the energy from the four of them had been transferred in under his own instigation. Are they inside the four palaces? Otherwise, how can we ensure that the power of the explosion is not leaked?

The so-called conspiracy is to use what must be done and what must happen to complete one's plan.He is upright, but he is not afraid that others will not be fooled.What drives the plot is the power of fate.

Thinking of this, Orange smiled even more happily.Even if that man never belongs to me, there is still one man who belongs to me after all, and that is, my son.

His name is Yu Hao, Yu is opposite Yun, Hao is Han, so my son is called Yun Han.

Of course, Xu Tianran didn't know that his wife beside him had such thoughts in his mind. At this time, he was completely in an excited mood.Being able to kill Extreme Douluo, and there were two of them, was definitely the first time in the Sun and Moon Empire.Even the last time he killed the original Douluo Du BuShu, he was not so excited. Du BuShu committed suicide, and besides, Du BuShu was not a Ultimate Douluo.

This ban will definitely go down in history.This is my achievement.

"Haha, hahahaha" Xu Tianran looked up to the sky and laughed, the laughter was deafening and startled the orange next to him.

"The Holy Spirit Religion has perished. Next, our goal is Dou Ling and Xing Luo. Orange, I will give you one year to rest and reorganize the army, replenish soldiers, and replenish soul mentors. One year later, I will order you again to conquer the world." Marshal, you will take my place and unify the continent. I will make the entire Douluo Continent tremble under the iron hooves of my X-Moon Empire. Let them fear in the light of the soul guide. When the last country is also destroyed, This continent is no longer called Douluo, but Sun and Moon."

"I will not destroy Shrek Academy. Although it has always been against me, in my heart, it is the supreme palace of soul masters, and I am also a soul master. When we unify the continent, Shrek will also Surrender to us. When that time comes, I will wear the school uniform of Shrek Academy, attend classes in the best classrooms in the academy, and realize my biggest childhood wish. I will bestow Shrek Academy as the Royal Academy of the Sun and Moon and let it last forever. Become a part of my x-yue empire. Help my x-yue empire to be passed down for thousands of years."

"Long live your Majesty, long live, long live your Majesty." The soul masters of the Royal Soul Master Corps, led by Ju Zi, shouted long live.

Xu Tianran's eyes were filled with enthusiasm, and he could not control his excitement. He seemed to have seen the scene of the entire Douluo Continent trembling and surrendering under his feet.

Kong Deming floated silently behind Xu Tianran, with a faint light shining in his eyes. There was also excitement in the light. Yes, as long as he is a member of the Sun and Moon Empire, who would not be excited by Xu Tianran's words?

After the orange-red light lasted for a full quarter of an hour, it finally began to fade.The rate of attenuation is very slow, and the colorful shield formed by four high-energy compression array soul guides has actually become dim, so thin that you can only vaguely see the flickering of the colorful light.

It was so terrifying. The big explosion inside was so terrifying that even the soul guidance shield formed by the high-energy compression array soul guidance device could barely withstand its power.

"Orange, you are right. Fortunately, we transferred most of the energy from the high-energy compression array soul guide in the outer city. Although it took a long time to recharge the outer city, it was finally completed and resisted. If we let If the terrifying energy inside leaks out, I'm afraid one-third of the Ming Dynasty will disappear. You have made great achievements, how can I reward you?"

Orange smiled slightly and said respectfully: "Being able to follow His Majesty all the time and witness His Majesty become the emperor who unified the continent through the ages.

, is already the highest reward for oranges. "

"Haha, well said, very well said." Xu Tianran laughed loudly again. He had not been so indulgent in a long time.Not even when he first ascended the throne.

Because now is different from back then. Back then, he was not able to fully control this land, but now, he is the truly supreme king, controlling everything in the country, and all the officials and military generals worship him.Completely incorporate the Tianhun Empire into the empire's territory.Now even the two ultimate Douluo of the Holy Spirit Sect, who are like thorns on their backs, have been destroyed.How could he not be excited?

He is no longer allowed to suppress his emotions, because, in this world, there is no one who can question his voice. One emperor for all eternity, one emperor for eternity, I will be that one emperor for all eternity.

Xu Tianran's heart was filled with fanatical emotions, and he clenched his hands into fists. If it weren't for the problem with his legs, how he wished he could lead the expedition and witness with his own eyes the feat of the Sun and Moon Empire's army conquering the entire Douluo Continent.

The orange-red flame continued to decay, and gradually the situation inside the high-energy compression array soul guide mask could be seen.

The inside of the photomask appears to be very clean, with no mess at all that should appear after a big explosion.Even the ground is clean, because there is no ground anymore, only a huge deep pit.The area around this deep pit was completely red, as if magma had just flowed through it. At the bottom of the pit, the fiery red liquid was flowing and sinking continuously.The light inside is completely distorted due to the high temperature.

The only thing that can still be seen in the original palace is the high-energy compression array soul guide outside the high-energy compression array soul guide shield at the outermost four corners.They were the only ones that were still well preserved, but bursts of black smoke began to rise from above. It was obvious that they were not bearing the heavy load and were about to be completely damaged.

Being able to defeat two Extreme Douluo a few times, the Sun and Moon Empire could afford such a loss.Xu Tianran didn't mind this at all.

What a terrifying big explosion, ten of them, a total of ten level nine fixed soul-guided artillery shells.It was used to bury two Extreme Douluo, and they were worthy of pride.

These ten fixed soul-guided artillery shells all have the same attributes, high energy, explosion, and high temperature. This is their function.

Any one of them can easily destroy a medium-sized city. But now, the power of ten of them are compressed together and compressed in this small space. With the terrifying high temperature and explosive power, even the gods may not be able to destroy it. Just survive.

Xu Tianran smiled happily. The next thing to do was to clean up the mess.

"Bang" amidst the deep muffled sound, a high-energy compression array soul guide finally became overwhelmed and exploded.Thick black smoke rose into the sky, and the seven-colored light barrier in the sky disappeared. Then, a chain reaction occurred. The high-energy compression array soul guides in the other three corners around the palace exploded one after another, sending up bursts of thick smoke.

After all, they were still damaged, but their role had been fulfilled. This time, the Sun and Moon Empire paid a heavy price. Two ninth-level soul masters died, a large number of servants were buried with them in the palace, and four of the latest high-energy compression arrays were used. Soul guidance device, ten level nine custom-installed soul guidance shells.If these things were measured in terms of money, they would be enough to build a big city.

But Xu Tianran is still very happy, because if the two Extreme Douluo are allowed to let go, the destructiveness they can bring is definitely not comparable to that of a city.

Without the protection of the colorful shield, the high heat spurted out instantly and dispersed around. In a short period of time, the temperature of the entire Mingdu increased a lot, especially the places closer to the palace, which became even more chaotic. high temperature.

There was nothing that could be done about it. Fortunately, Xu Tianran had already been prepared. The water dragon team had already started to spray jets of water around them, pouring them into the huge pit in the palace.

Thick mist suddenly rose up and turned into a huge mist, which was spectacular.

Xu Tianran, who was suspended in the sky, said with a smile to Orange beside him: "By the time our palace is rebuilt, the underground palace will no longer need to be excavated. It is already deeper than before, and the surrounding area has been baked by the high temperature. It’s bound to become more solid.”

The piercing alarm sound of "Didi Didi" suddenly sounded. The alarm came unexpectedly. The Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Group, who had already been somewhat relaxed in the air, released the linkage defense shield almost immediately to protect Xu Tianran, Orange and others. Inside, the emperor's safety is undoubtedly the most important at this time.

"What's going on?" Xu Tianran shouted sharply.

"Your Majesty, there are soul power fluctuations and mental fluctuations appearing below. It is very large and covers the imperial palace." Someone immediately reported that the most advanced soul detection devices of the Sun and Moon Empire are here, and any disturbance will be discovered.

Xu Tianran's face instantly turned gloomy, "Attack, attack with all your strength towards the palace." He couldn't imagine what would happen if the two Ultimate Douluo were still alive.

The water mist turned into a dance of snow, and large snowflakes were flying above the palace. The cold breath dissipated the scorching heat and blocked all soul-detecting devices and sight lines.

Violent roars continued to sound, and the deep pit exploded by the palace continued to become deeper amidst the violent roars. Various rays of light shattered the snowflakes, and the terrifying explosive force made the entire Mingdu tremble.

Orange clenched her fists unconsciously. Of course she recognized the origin of the snowflake. Fool, what are you doing here at this time? Are you going to save that Death Douluo? Why?

Huo Yuhao would not give her the answer, because when the thousands of guns were fired, he had already quietly escaped with Tang Wutong and two other people, and fled towards the distance.Under the influence of simulated soul skills and mental interference fields, the military's martial law is just a joke.

The clothes on Long Xiaoyao's body were completely gone, replaced by black dragon scales that were burned into dark red.

Ye Xishui's whole body exuded an aura full of light, as sacred as a holy angel.However, her body turned out to be somewhat transparent.The original aura of the Blood Soul Demon Puppet has completely disappeared.

The second volume of the hardcover version of Douluo Dalu with a brand new extra chapter is now available on our Taobao store: Xuanshi Tangmen. Welcome everyone to buy it.

Yesterday I went to a movie script discussion meeting. The detailed outline of the script has been finalized. The next step is to refine the details and start building the visual effects team.The original progress remains unchanged.The good news that I can reveal to you in advance is that our Douluo will all be shot by a Hollywood team. The screenwriter, visual effects team, and director are currently all Hollywood teams.The total investment will be the highest in the country.I must work hard to produce a series of fantasy blockbusters in the Douluo series dedicated to everyone r1152

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