Douluo: Peerless Angel Qian Renxue

Chapter 481 Tang Hao: It’s nothing more than sacrificing some ordinary people

Tang Hao sat quietly under the eaves, with snowflakes floating on his shoulders.

He is currently located in the extreme north of the Tianhun Empire, in a simple village, so simple that there are only a few dilapidated brick buildings used to protect people from wind and rain.

This is one of the few remaining strongholds of the Shrek Supervisory Corps in the Tianhun Empire, and it is called the Far North Branch.

In the past time, the forces of Wuhun Palace began to enter the Tianhun Empire. In silent and secret fights, countless strongholds of the supervisory team were destroyed.

The Tianhun Empire's supervisory team headquarters had already suffered a major blow. That was two years ago. Ye Xishui came like the god of death. He took the disciples of the Holy Spirit Sect and killed the titled Douluo. Almost all members were slaughtered.

The person in charge here stared curiously at the man who claimed to be from the academy. Originally, they were also waiting for reinforcements from the academy headquarters. They were the kind of titled Douluo who could display their power and destroy the world, but in the end only this one person came.

His face was haggard, his beard had not been shaved for a long time, and his hair was extremely messy. He always looked wet in the windy and snowy weather, and the blown forehead hair could even cover his eyes.

Wearing a shabby robe, there is always a wine jar hidden inside. He always drank when he was bored. Judging from the smell, it didn't seem to be the old wine that would appear at a state banquet, but more like crude ale.

Originally, they should have questioned the man who came, but everyone acquiesced that he was the temporary commander. There is an elusive aura about him, especially when he looks at you quietly, that aura will be emitted involuntarily.

"Are you sure that not long ago, the soul beasts in the ice sea launched an offensive against the northern part of the Sun and Moon Empire, but were finally repulsed, and even the aura of the so-called evil soul master appeared?" Tang Hao asked.

The person in charge hurriedly stepped forward, nodded and said, "That's right, in that battle, even if we were very far away from the battlefield, we could clearly feel the aftermath of the war. The beast wave didn't last long. It only took a short month from the beginning to the end..."

He explained the situation to Tang Hao in detail, because their branch was also attracted by the battle and observed the situation from a very distance, including undead creatures that appeared for no reason.

It turned out that when Qian Renxue arrived at the place where the Second Ice and Snow Emperor was, the sea spirit beast had actually attacked the coast several times, but without exception they were blocked by the sailors. That's why the sea princess family chose to use singing, Use spiritual formations to control sailors and fishermen to commit suicide.

Tang Hao's expression was serious.

He knew that the so-called Holy Spirit Cult was actually a secret move by his son, but what he learned during this trip made him particularly frightened.

The reason why the Shrek Supervisory Team was able to find the branch address of the newly born Wuhun Temple in a short period of time was because the Holy Spirit Branch provided information.

These branches exist in various empires. If the Holy Spirit Religion rebels, it can also explain why various secret killers appear on the southern battlefield for no reason.

However, the Sun-Moon Empire cooperates with the Evil Soul Master and the Holy Spirit Cult. This is something that almost all high-level officials in the empire and high-level forces know, so they will not find it strange.

Tang Hao looked into the distance. About thirty kilometers further west, you can enter the Sun and Moon Empire. That's where the Poseidon helmet last appeared, but now he hesitated.

Because he knew the high-level combat capabilities of the Holy Spirit Religion. Long Ye had two extremes, the leader and deputy leader were both at level ninety-eight, and they even cooperated with the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord, the second largest leader in the mainland. He is still injured and there is no guarantee that he will be able to come back intact.

Why did Poseidon Douluo choose to go to the northern part of the Sun and Moon Empire? He couldn't figure it out.

If he wanted to contact Poseidon Douluo using the artifact helmet, he had to enter the territory of the Sun and Moon Empire.

<divclass="contentadv">However, the Blue Silver Emperor that Ah Yin needs is also in the northern part of the Sun and Moon Empire.

"How much combat power can we muster now?" Tang Hao asked.

"I don't know about the other strongholds. Now there are only twenty-eight of our members left here." The person in charge shook his head, "Including me, there are a total of eight soul saints, thirteen soul emperors and seven He is a Soul King. The rest of the low-cultivated ones... have already died outside for the glory of Shrek."

"Do you want to launch an attack on Wuhun Palace?" the person in charge asked worriedly.

"No." Tang Hao shook his head, "I want to take you into the Sun and Moon Empire to find the escaped Poseidon Douluo, who was the one who fought at Hansong Cliff before. Find him and destroy the Sun and Moon Empire. The breadbasket of the north.”

The person in charge felt a slight chill in his heart.

Tang Hao's decadent appearance was not vicious or aggressive, but when he said that he had entered the Sun and Moon Empire to destroy the granary, a quiet but ferocious aura leaked out again, just like the kind of thug who regards human life as nothing.

The person in charge had no doubt that many people would die during this trip, whether it was the group of members in the stronghold behind him or the famine caused by the destruction of Dongyang City.

"Ordinary people in the northern part of the Sun and Moon Empire may fall into famine because the granary in Dongyang City was destroyed." The person in charge said in a low voice.

"I'm sorry. But they were involved." Tang Hao's eyes seemed to be filled with snowflakes. "This war is about the faith of Poseidon. No one is innocent. Sacrificing some disrespectful people is also a necessary price. .”


This discussion went on for a long time, but no one noticed that in a corner of the room where they were, there was a [dot] that was too small to be seen. About ten miles away from here, red Lycoris-like eyes slowly opened.

That tiny point was quietly broken when they left.

"Is it true that the few strongholds left behind by the young master's order were not discovered on purpose?" Lin Mengtong said expressionlessly, "The strongholds near the far north were originally intended to let you know about the exile of those sea soul masters. , thereby catching more fish hidden in the dark.”

"Xiaoye went to the southeast of the Tianhun Empire..." Lin Mengtong twirled her fingers, "It seems that it is time for the real overlord of the sea to appear again."

At the same time, the Tianlongmen family, who had been expelled from Dragon City and the Tianhun Empire, traveled a long way on the border between Tianhun and Dou Ling, came to the south of the Dou Ling Empire, and became a disciple of the Nine Treasure Glazed Sect. .

There was no way, even though all the sect disciples' cultivation had been abolished, in order for the martial spirit of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon to continue to be passed down, they had to find the Nine Treasure Glazed Sect, which was also reclusive and had appeared not long ago.

Ning Li, the leader of the Nine Treasure Glazed Sect, accepted them to join. At this point, the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect thousands of years ago and today's Tianlong Sect have completely disappeared.

Because the condition for the Nine Treasures Glazed Sect to agree to their joining is that they must become an affiliated family, just like other small clans that join the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, they are generally used as personal guards to protect the soul masters of the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda.

And two days later, a bunch of level 7 fixed soul-guided artillery shells dropped from the sky and smashed into the former Duke's Mansion...

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