Douluo: Peerless Angel Qian Renxue

Chapter 8 Thousands of years of time, changes

Chapter 8 Thousands of years of time, changes

When Qian Renxue fell into a deep sleep, earth-shaking changes also occurred on the continent.

The Tiandou Empire was enveloped in a jubilant atmosphere, because they defeated the Wuhun Palace, and Tang San, the emperor of their empire, became the God of the Sea and became the new faith of the continent!

Although Poseidon seemed to have encountered a disadvantage in the previous battle and was sent into the sky by the angel god, Poseidon was still the one who survived in the end!

Poseidon said that he had successfully killed the God of Angels, and the mainland would have a bright future, because Poseidon's favor would come to everyone. Although people don't know how the god of the sea brings his blessings to the earth, this does not prevent them from thinking that the god of the sea is a great being who has saved the people of the mainland.


The second year after the war, Shenhun Village.

Old Jack, the village chief, straightened his back. A god appeared in his village, which made him very proud. When facing the village chiefs of other villages, he felt several years younger.

He knocked on the door of a villager's residence.

"Xiao Zhang, the day for the martial arts awakening this year has arrived! Let your Zhang San come out quickly!" Old Jack was in high spirits.

"Village Chief Jack, the Wuhun Palace is gone, who else can help my mistress awaken the Wuhun?" The door was opened, and a man with an unshaven beard appeared.

"What is the Wuhun Temple? It is the darkest force and the darkest place in the continent! Now it has been overthrown by Poseidon!" Old Jack said proudly, "How could an evil place like Wuhun Temple be allowed to do this? The children are awakening their martial spirits!"

Lao Zhang waved his hand impatiently: "Then tell me, who can help my children awaken? Originally, my wife's and my martial arts were an ax and a harpoon respectively. After awakening, I guess it's just someone who can help go up the mountain to collect firewood or go down the river. A fish catcher. It doesn't matter if he has a martial spirit or not."

Old Jack glanced at the polite little boy behind the middle-aged man and thought to himself that this was simply the second mistress!Is there a second god coming out of their village?

"It doesn't matter! Let the child follow me, and I'll take him to a nearby city to ask! Poseidon will definitely arrange this! It's just that our village is relatively remote, so the information hasn't spread yet."

In this way, Old Jack took Zhang San to Notting City.

"What? You want to awaken the martial spirit? Do you think this is the martial spirit branch?" The guard at the door of the City Lord's Mansion gave them a disdainful look, just like the concierge of Notting College many years ago.

"We are from Shenhun Village!" Old Jack puffed up his chest and said proudly, "A god has appeared in our village! He brought the new order to the mainland!"

"Was the Wuhun Palace destroyed by people from your village?" The soul master guard looked at Old Jack carefully, and then said disdainfully, "That's none of my business. Do you think the city lord's palace is a welfare institution? Free of charge for people to awaken martial arts. Soul? Get out!"

Old Jack took Zhang San to Nodding City next door to Notting City in embarrassment.

"We are from Shenhun Village!" Old Jack puffed up his chest and said proudly, "A god has appeared in our village! He brought the new order to the mainland!"

"Fifty gold soul coins, otherwise there is no need to talk." The city lord of Nuobing City said with a smile.

Old Jack finally arrived at Nojia City. It was already dark at this time, and they hurried from morning to night.

"Grandpa Jack, forget it if it doesn't work. I think I'm quite strong. It's enough that I can help my father with the farm work..." Zhang San could also see that Old Jack had run away continuously in order to help him awaken his martial spirit. After four cities, I was exhausted and out of breath.

"Xiao San, you have to remember that we are from Shenhun Village!" But Old Jack still forced his chest to stand up and said proudly, "Our village has a god! He is the one who brought the new order to the mainland! You Just like him, we are all mistresses, so you both have a bright future!"

When they arrived at the city lord's mansion in Nuojia City, they heard bursts of crying coming from the mansion.

"Little Niangpi, just obey our city lord. He is from the hidden sect of the Tiandou Empire, the Dou Sect!"

"The strength is even that of the Four Ring Soul Sect, so terrifying!"

"Follow our city lord and eat delicious food and drink. I guarantee that you will be happy for the rest of your life!"

Bursts of voices and laughter came, and the words that originally showed strength now became disgusting.

"Grandpa, why can they bully others like this?" Zhang San suddenly asked.

"Mistress, don't be fooled by this phenomenon, you have to remember..." Just as Old Jack was about to puff up his chest, his words were interrupted.

"Why? Because in this world, strength is the most important thing! Why can't we soul masters enjoy it? Not to mention that the city lord is the lover of the wife of the nephew of His Majesty Emperor Tiandou's second uncle, third brother! In other words, he is our Tiandou A natural nobleman of the empire! Why can't you enjoy it?" The person who spoke was a guard captain of the city lord's palace.

Zhang San listened to his words with bright eyes, which seemed to have opened the door to a new world for him.

"Are you here to beg to awaken your martial soul?" The guard captain glanced at them sideways.

"Yes! We are from..." When Old Jack heard this, he quickly straightened his chest that had just been halfway raised.

"It doesn't matter where he comes from. It's impossible to awaken for free." The guard captain said lightly, "You don't look like rich people, so why not let this kid wake up and work for a few times in our guard?" Years, just think of it as repaying the expenses, fifty gold soul coins is not a lot."

"This..." Old Jack hesitated. Although it sounded good, he didn't want this second mistress to grow up in such a harsh environment.

"Grandpa, it's okay!" Zhang San's eyes were bright, "Sir, please awaken your martial spirit for me!"


Zhang San awakened his martial spirit, and his martial spirit was the blood-licking axe! Innate soul power, level five! His name is three, and his soul power is level five. This simply corresponds to the combination of three and five that was once famous in the mainland!

"I successfully awakened my martial soul! I became a soul master!" Zhang San shouted excitedly.

"Great!" Old Jack also said happily. Although he is not as gifted with soul power as the first mistress, having soul power is equivalent to being able to practice, and being able to practice is equivalent to being superior to others!Moreover, the name of this martial spirit sounds quite deceptive, very similar to Poseidon’s Clear Sky Hammer!


Three years later, a tragedy occurred in Nojia City.

A boy named Zhang San, with a martial spirit as an axe, was dining in a restaurant, but because his body odor affected other guests around him, and the guests showed dissatisfaction, he killed him because the food was not to their liking. Everyone in the hotel was killed, and blood covered the floor.

<divclass="contentadv">But when the law enforcement team from Nojia City arrived, they did not bring the boy to justice. On the contrary, they used various reasons to excuse the tragedy and cultivated the whole boy. big.

The news spread like wildfire, and the name of the outlaw Zhang San spread throughout the surrounding cities and back to Shenhun Village. But all the nobles and soul masters felt that this was nothing, because they should be superior to others.

When Zhang San grew up, due to the inaction of the empire, drought and famine occurred near the cities of Nuojia, Yi, Bing and Ding. It was said that there was no harvest.

But Zhang San did not return to the village in time because it was not time to leave yet.

Another year later, Zhang San quickly returned to Shenhun Village and found that his parents barely survived the drought because of collecting firewood and fishing. However, his parents were ostracized by the villagers because of their actions. They suffered cold looks, and even post-disaster relief efforts rejected their family's application for various reasons.

The disaster did not destroy their home, but the human beings who were fellow citizens did. His mother was in tears all day long, and his father, who was originally unkempt but at least diligent and enterprising, began to drink heavily and become violent.

Zhang San heard his drunken father muttering to himself: "It would be great if I also died in this drought..."

Listening to his father's words, Zhang San's heart twitched.

You have pushed my parents to this point, and you all have the means to die! Zhang San's eyes were filled with fierce murderous intent.

The second-generation mistress killed one life at a time, massacring the village where the first-generation mistress lived when she was a child.

Finally, Old Jack knelt beside the stone monument of "Shenhun Village" at the entrance of the village and shouted to the sky: "Xiaosan, help me!"

"The mistress is here." Zhang Sanjie smiled sarcastically, swung the ax, and covered the stone tablet with the three characters "Shenhun Village" with Old Jack's blood.

Old Jack didn't understand. Tang San had clearly become the God of the Sea, so why was he unwilling to drop nectar to save the village where he had lived? Even though he had been praying at the entrance of Shenhun Village every day...

Old Jack didn't understand. Maybe there were too many people praying to gods and worshiping Buddha every day. Among all living beings, how many faces can gods remember?

But, why can't gods look at their hometown...

His dropped head, eyes widened, staring at the words "Shenhun Village".


This kind of thing is not accidental, it happens everywhere on the continent, and people begin to miss the days when Wuhun Palace existed.

At least, at that time, people could awaken martial souls for free, soul masters could get subsidies, and most importantly, some fallen ones could be suppressed!It is people who have hope and hope in their lives!

Eventually, what happened in Shenhun Village reached Tang San's ears.

At the last moment of his ascension to the God Realm, he delivered his final speech at Shrek Academy: "The Spirit Hall is gone, and we Shrek must shoulder the responsibility of annihilating the fallen. They are not worthy of breathing! Since they fell into Once the 'Evil Soul Master' begins, there is no turning back. As the defenders of the continent's order, we must destroy the Evil Soul Master!"

Tang San thought for a while and decided to finally give these fallen people a new title.

Why not Tangmen, you ask? Of course, the Tang Shenwang did not want to put his own power at risk.

You ask why we only mention the extermination of evil soul masters? Haha, how could Shrek let some children from civilian backgrounds awaken their heaven-defying martial spirits and start another war similar to the one before?

After finishing his speech, he found Flanders, who was over a hundred years old and had become a titled Douluo, and whispered in his ear: "Flanders, the evil soul master should be killed, but... he must not be killed completely."

Flanders was in awe, this was about raising the enemy to respect himself... Oh, that's wrong, this is sustainable development, is this the consideration of the gods?

"Yes, yes, Lord Poseidon..." He said solemnly. After all, his current cultivation level was able to reach the level of Titled Douluo only because of Tang San's grace.

"Xiao San!" Yu Xiaogang came to Tang San.

"Teacher." Tang San bowed slightly.

"You, are you leaving?" Yu Xiaogang said excitedly, can he also ascend to the divine world?

"Yes, teacher." Tang San looked up into the sky.

"Then, as my master, can I go to the God Realm with you and continue to guide you in your cultivation after you become a god?" Yu Xiaogang looked up into the sky with him.

"This...teacher, according to the rules, a first-level god can only take away two relatives." Tang San was in a dilemma.

"But Xiaosan, aren't you a dual god? That Shura god should be able to increase the quota, right?"

Yu Xiaogang immediately lost his composure. What did this mean? He clearly remembered the saying "Once a teacher, always a father". It was precisely because of this that he swore that Tang San would definitely be able to lead him. He ascended! Didn't Erlong also become Xiaowu's godmother?

Moreover, Tang San clearly has the status of two gods. Due to emotions and reasons, both he and the two dragons should be able to ascend!

As for Flanders? He will be able to become brothers with other gods soon. This brother who once coveted his wife should let him stay on the mainland to look after his family.

"Teacher, regarding this, because I have always been blessing the continent in the name of Poseidon, the Shura God will only appear after Xiao Wu and I merge. Therefore, I can only act as a first-level god. According to the standard of taking away two relatives, Xiao Wu, as the Shura Scabbard, does not have the quota." Tang San looked embarrassed and began to quibble, "But, teacher, don't worry, you are the relative I value most besides my parents. !Aunt Erlong is also Xiaowu’s godmother!”

Yu Xiaogang looked happy. Sure enough, his apprentice still cared about him!What happened to breaking the rules?Rules are meant to be broken!

"But as a law enforcer in the God Realm, I cannot take the lead in breaking the rules. Teacher, you have to understand me."

Yu Xiaogang's expression froze. Sure enough, his apprentice changed after he became a god! He opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but he could only sigh.

"But when I ascend to the God Realm, I will start studying how to control the power of two gods by one person!" Tang San was full of confidence, "When I complete this feat, I will take over the teacher and Aunt Erlong!"

Yu Xiaogang looked happy. Sure enough, his apprentice still cares about him! As expected of my master's disciple, in order to repay his kindness, he controlled the two gods with one body. This is an incredible feat!

Then, Tang San took Xiao Wu, took Tang Hao and A Yin, and his friends with smiles on their faces, and Ma Hongjun, who was in tears, flew into the sky.

"Xiaosan, I'm waiting for you——!" Yu Xiaogang shouted from the ground.


The sea water will flood the earth, and everything in the world will return to the embrace of the sea.

But the platinum seeds are sleeping, and after the mountains and seas move, new souls will dance in the interlacing of light and shadow.

This will be a new story.

There are actually many things that can be described in this chapter, but due to space constraints, I can only write here for now.

Starting from the next chapter, it is a new era and a new story.

There is not much to explain about the content of this chapter.

Please collect and follow up!

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