Douluo: Traveling through Huo Yuhao, I am the peerless demon lord

Chapter 22 Dramatic changes in the White Tiger Duke’s Mansion

Chapter 22 Dramatic changes in the White Tiger Duke’s Mansion

The next day, it rained and the sky cleared.

After a night of storm, the world seemed to have experienced a baptism.

Blue sky and white clouds replaced the previous dark and gloomy sky.The golden sunshine shines on the earth, exuding warm temperature.

In the White Tiger Duke's Mansion, there are mostly small decorative shrubs. After the heavy rain, they are full of traces of being beaten by the wind and rain. The branches are swaying and the remaining leaves are falling, unconsciously revealing a desolate beauty.

This is the sunshine after the storm, with both bright sunshine and indescribable desolation.It seems to be silently telling a kind of reverence for life and nature.

It was on such a morning that the Duchess woke up.

Opening the door, such a warm scenery fell into her eyes, but there was no sense of beauty at all.When she came back from her dream at midnight last night, she was suddenly awakened by a nightmare that she could not remember clearly.

Even though he fell asleep again later, when he woke up, he was still upset.

"Aunt Xiu, go and call Bin'er. I'll watch him practice today."

The Duchess could not find the reason and simply gave up thinking about it.Anyway, I'm not in a good mood today, so I won't have any favors with those nobles.After watching his son practice for a day, Quan thought it was time to take a rest.

However, the Duchess just gave the order.The next moment, an old housekeeper named Dai Sun staggered in.

"Madam, something happened, something happened! Many servants died at our place last night. They usually follow the second young master. They have no credit, but they have to work hard. Madam, you must catch the murderer and ask for justice for them. Get justice!"

The old servant's voice had a heavy cry, but the words that came out of his mouth shocked the duchess.

She didn't take the dead servant seriously.But last night, someone actually sneaked into the Duke's Mansion to kill people. This matter was serious.

"Forget it, Aunt Xiu, let's go take a look with Lao Sun first."

As she walked on the road, the duchess turned to look at Zhu Xiu beside her and asked, "Aunt Xiu, this person risked his life to sneak into my Duke's palace, but why did he kill those servants?"

To the Duchess, those servants were no different than ants.The person who dared to sneak into the Duke's Mansion was definitely a top expert. Why would he specifically kill those servants?

This seemed too strange to her.Thinking like this, the duchess cast her doubts to Zhu Xiu behind her.

Zhu Xiu had been assigned by the Zhu family to be by the Duchess's side when she was a child, so he naturally knew his master very well.

The Duchess has been obsessed with fame and wealth since she was a child, has a strong desire to control, and has a huge self-esteem.You don’t have to know the questions she asks, but you must not ignore her.

Fortunately, Zhu Xiu also had some judgments of his own.

"Madam, I don't care whether the people who sneaked into the house are masters or not. He probably killed those slaves to cover up others' eyes. Maybe he had someone else as his target."

"Someone else?"

The Duchess chewed on these four words and seemed to grasp something in her heart, but it was not clear.

It was a coincidence that the group of people happened to arrive in front of Dai Huabin's yard.The Duchess thought, casting a casual glance, and immediately froze on the spot.

It was clearly daytime at this time, but looking at Bin'er's courtyard door, the duchess suddenly felt a cold feeling.He stared blankly at the courtyard door that was squeaking in the wind.

Courtyard gate?Only then did the Duchess notice that the door to Dai Huabin's courtyard was open.Normally, this would be nothing, but at this moment, her heart suddenly became tense.

"Ma'am, why don't you go?"

Lao Sun noticed something strange about the Duchess and asked aloud.

"Old Sun, you go first. Aunt Xiu, come with me to see Bin'er."

The duchess suppressed the tremor in her voice, dismissed the butler Dai Sun, and spoke to Zhu Xiu.

<divclass="contentadv">Leading Zhu Xiu, the duchess walked quickly to the courtyard.

There was deathly silence in the courtyard, and an ominous premonition suddenly surged in the Duchess's heart. She quickly walked over and opened the door to the room.

The moment the door opened, a sickening breath of blood rushed towards his face.

Suddenly, an icy chill surged over the Duchess's body, and her hands and feet suddenly became cold, and her face turned pale, making her shiver involuntarily.

Her eyes quickly scanned every corner of the room, a corpse with its throat cut and a headless corpse.The Duchess's heart twitched at every glance.

However, fortunately, this is not Dai Huabin's body shape, which makes the duchess still have a glimmer of hope.

However, upon entering the house, the scene that greeted her immediately dashed the Duchess's last hopes.

I saw Dai Huabin's body being restrained on the chair, his head lowered, and a large amount of blood soaked his gorgeous clothes.

The usually aloof Duchess suddenly collapsed and collapsed on the floor, letting out a pitiful cry.She only felt like her heart was piercing, the blood in her body had solidified, and her hands and feet were cold.

It was Zhu Xiu who helped the duchess up fiercely.

"Madam, don't worry, the second young master is still breathing."

Zhu Xiu's cultivation level was much higher than that of the Duchess, and he observed more carefully. Naturally, he noticed that Dai Huabin was only unconscious and not dead.

"What? Not dead?"

The duchess held Zhu Xiu's arm tightly, her eyes filled with joy.Then he said: "Go quickly, go to the ancestral hall to call the elders and invite the best healing soul master!"


Ever since the corpses of those slaves were discovered this morning, an ominous atmosphere began to fill the Duke's mansion, as if some unknown misfortune was quietly coming.Many servants were talking about it, thinking that the Duke's Palace had offended an unknown strong man, and was being targeted, and wanted to kill them all, leaving no chickens or dogs behind.

For a time, people were panicked.

At this time, the Duchess was in her residence.

Dai Huabin has been transferred.As an old man who looked to be 70 years old came out, it was announced that Dai Huabin's condition had stabilized.

This old gentleman is already the best healing soul master that the Duchess can hire in a short time. He has a martial soul healing crystal and a soul emperor with level 64 soul power.

"Mr. Ma, how is my son? As long as you can cure Bin'er, you can offer me the reward!"

Seeing the healing Soul Emperor coming out, the Duchess hurriedly greeted him.

The old man surnamed Ma waved his hands when he heard this and said: "Madam, you don't have to be like this. The reward you gave is generous enough, so I should do my best. Young Master Dai is already safe. The hole in his palm and the broken foot are all gone." I have already restored his bones, and the previous coma was just due to excessive blood loss. It’s just..."

Speaking of this, Mr. Ma hesitated.

The Duchess saw it and said hurriedly: "Any more questions? Mr. Ma, please just tell me."

"Oh, okay." Ma Lao sighed and said, "It's just that I can't do anything about Mr. Dai's eye. I don't know who did it cruelly, just picked out the eyeball, and also removed the eye. Most of the meridians were cut off with a dagger. Even if you get your eyeballs back, madam, there's nothing I can do about it."

Yuhao takes a small revenge, but the pursuit from the Duke's Palace is about to come.

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