Drag Sister to Dominate Hogwarts

Page 83

Even Bogorod fell off his chair and fell to the ground.

"Mr. Bogrod!"

Griphook screamed, and then looked at Cassandra tremblingly, looking like she was about to scream.

But the seemingly old-fashioned Bogrod quickly got up and covered Griphook's mouth.

"I apologize to you, Miss Malfoy, please give us another chance."

Cassandra looked at Bogorod's arrogant and condescending appearance, and it turned out that the goblins still know what to do.

They had dealt with Muggles and knew what Muggles liked, and goblins would always prefer gold.

Cassandra smiled slightly, and took out the rough diamond again.

She was not afraid of the evil spirits of the goblins, because Dobby was right behind her, and Cassandra was ready to release Momoran.

And most importantly, she can destroy this rough diamond at any time.

It is enough to add some impurities to it.

086 The first and upcoming Christmas

Bogorod put on his glasses, and carefully observed the diamond in front of him, with more and more exclamations in his eyes.

As Cassandra thought, goblins not only know what a diamond is, but also know that this stone is essentially similar to carbon, but it is especially liked by Muggles.

And the bigger and more translucent diamonds, the more people are obsessed with them.

This point is similar to the obsession of goblins with gold.

Often a small diamond can be easily sold for several thousand Galleons or even more.

It's a pity that the goblins don't have many such stones in their hands, otherwise they would have replaced all the diamonds with gold.

And now, the size of the diamond in front of him is beyond Bogrod's imagination, and it can definitely be sold for an unbelievably high price in the Muggle world.

While admiring the diamond's color, Bogrod considered the possibility of deceiving it from Cassandra.

Ultimately, Bogorod dropped the idea.

Cassandra had previously demonstrated the ability to predict the future, coupled with her Malfoy surname, and the annoying house elf behind her.

It is almost impossible to defraud Cassandra of the big diamond silently and without leaving any trouble.

"Miss Malfoy, are you going to sell it, or exchange it for Galleons?"

Bogorod decided to follow the rules, but Cassandra responded directly with one sentence: "Can you afford it?"

"Miss Malfoy, please don't raise the price, it is not worth much in the wizarding world."

Bogrod still wanted to bargain, but his words only made Cassandra smile slightly: "But it's worth a lot in the Muggle world."

"Don't ever say in front of me that Muggle money is meaningless."

"At least Muggle money can buy gold."

Looking at Cassandra's smile, Bogrod suddenly felt a headache.

The goblin's methods are not too mysterious in front of her, and the deal in front of her is extremely difficult in Bogorod's view.

But he was reluctant to part with this deal.

To be precise, the entire Gringotts was also reluctant to part with this deal.

"Speak directly, Miss Malfoy."

Bogrod decided not to make any more detours: "You are the first wizard I have ever seen who understands both Muggles and finance."

"Perhaps we at Gringotts need to improve our relationship with you."

Cassandra stopped making rounds: "I know that you have channels to do business with Muggles in the Muggle world, and I plan to use your channels to auction off this diamond."

Hearing the word auction, Bogrod's heart tightened, and he understood that there were fewer channels for Gringotts to cheat.

"Hold an extremely grand auction in London, let the whole world know, and then you will get [-]% of the auction proceeds."

"One percent!"

Bogorod screamed directly: "Why is it only [-]%!"

"It's already a lot, okay? By the way, this tenth also includes all the expenses of your Gringotts."

"Vampire, you are simply a vampire!"

Bogrod was so angry that he stood on the chair and danced: "Gringotts launched a mobilization for the entire Muggle world, but in the end we got nothing?"

"Miss Malfoy, you are greedier than a dementor!"

Cassandra shrugged: "[-]% is because of my father's trust in you."

Trembling with rage, Bogorod rang a bell on the table.

After a while, seven or eight goblins in charge came to Cassandra's side, chatting with each other to understand the situation.

Then Cassandra felt like she was Snow White, surrounded by seven dwarfs.

They scream, they argue, they cry.

As if to let Cassandra understand that it is a heinous thing to only give them [-]%.

Cassandra watched with cold eyes for an hour, making all the goblins dry, and finally said: "Okay, gentlemen, stop acting."

"The handling fee for the Muggle auction will not exceed 10%."

"You all understand the value of this diamond. If I operate properly, someone will give up the 10% of the fee."

"You don't understand the role of advertising in the Muggle world, do you?"

"The grand auction of this diamond is enough to make an auction house famous all over the world."

Cassandra's words silenced a group of goblin executives.

Facing Cassandra, they really can't come up with any good means.

"Miss Malfoy, you don't need to boast too much."

Bogrod said calmly: "If you can really solve it easily by yourself, why bother to find us?"

"You probably don't have enough connections to handle this? You need Gringotts' help."

"You're wrong, Bogorod, I just don't want too many people to know about it."

Cassandra remained calm: "Don't forget my last name."

Bogorod was startled, but then understood.

The Malfoy family!

It was one of the most prestigious pure-blood families.

Now that the treasure is going to be auctioned in the Muggle world, won't it be ridiculed by other pure-blood families once it gets out?

This is indeed an unassailable reason.

"Co-operate, Miss Malfoy, just state your bottom line."

"You take [-]% and are responsible for all planning and operations. You can't reveal the origin of this diamond. At the same time, I have the right to terminate the auction at any time?"

Bogrod's eyes widened: "What does it mean to terminate the auction at any time!"

"What if you find someone to cooperate with you and deliberately lower its auction price at the auction?"

Bogrod jumped up again angrily: "Miss Malfoy, we must remind you that Gringotts is the most reputable place in the British wizarding world!"

"But we're talking about the Muggle world."

Cassandra quarreled with a group of goblin executives for another half an hour, and finally roughly set the rules for this cooperation.

Cassandra is responsible for the diamonds, and the goblins are responsible for organizing a grand auction in the Muggle world, which will be known to Muggles all over the world.

At the same time, the goblins ensured that the Muggles participating in the auction were not under the control of magic.

At that time, if Cassandra is not satisfied with the auction price, she can increase the price to make the diamond pass the auction, but she needs to pay the goblins a service fee compensation of 3% of the failed auction price.

The detailed terms are naturally more than that.

The goblins drafted the terms, and Cassandra made the comments.

The whole process took two days to complete, and Cassandra temporarily stored the diamond at Gringotts.

Gringotts issued Cassandra a custodian agreement jointly signed by all supervisors.

In this way, all Cassandra needs to do is wait.

Although Cassandra and the goblins have not signed a magical agreement, the goblins still have the possibility of reneging on their debts.

But on the one hand, for Cassandra, this diamond is essentially just a day's magic power plus a piece of charcoal, and its actual value is not high.

On the other hand, this is also a test of Cassandra's ability and credibility for Gringotts.

After all, she still has bigger business to do.

In the days that followed, everything returned to normal.

Horace also returned from leave and began tutoring Cassandra for the remainder of her classes.

For example, Cassandra has never been too cold about flying lessons.

From Cassandra's point of view, sitting on this kind of broom is impossible to be comfortable anyway.

As it turned out, Cassandra was right, and so were the other wizards.

So wizards spent a lot of time and energy to solve this problem, so the broomsticks of the last 100 years have been cast with the invisibility cushion spell by default.

At least when wizards are allowed to ride broomsticks, they won't be injured because of the shape of the broomstick itself.

Cassandra is not very talented on broomsticks.

After calling several times, the broom lazily arrived in Cassandra's hands.

Ride on the broomstick and start flying dangling in the sky.

Seeing that the grass under her feet was getting higher and higher, and Horace the walrus' belly gradually merged with her head, Cassandra smiled happily.

Hmm... a little bit really fragrant.

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